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  Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisis materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan. Derr ikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

  Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggungjawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan siding munaqosyah skripsi.

  Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

  Salatiga, 1 Oktober 2007 Peneliti

  Siti Umi Hidayah H NIM. 11302010

  Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A. The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, 1 October 2007

  Case : Siti Umi Hidayah's Graduating Paper Dear The Head of State Islamic Studies

  Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

  After reading and correcting Siti Umi Hidayah's graduating paper entitled “LINGUISTIC STUDY OF ENGLISH INDONESIAN CODE MIXINGS USED IN HAI MAGAZINE”, I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the education faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

  DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Stadion 03 Telp (0298) 323706,323433 Salatigaa 50721 Jl. website:



  Has been brought to the Board of Examiners in October, l sl 2007 / Ramadhan 19th 1428 and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement of Sarjana Degree in the English Department of Educational Faculty. c Ramadhan, 19 th 1428

  Salatiga,-------------------------- October, 1st 2007

  Board of Examiners Secretary

  Dr. Muh. Saerozi. M.Ag NIP. 150 240 106

  First Examiner Second Examim Drs. Saadi, M.Ag

  IP. 150 057 781 NIP. 150 256 821






This thesis is dedicated to:

  1. My God Almighty

  2. My dearest father (Mr. Asnawi) and mother (Mrs. Thowilah) who always give spirit and support

  3. My dearest brothers and sisters (Irul, Iwan, Ida) who always give me some attention

  4. All lecturers of English Department of Education Faculty

  5. My dearest friends (Q-nun, Idul, Meet-ach) thanks for the sweetest memories

  6. My sweet heart thanks for the patience love, support and care

  7. All of my friends in TBI '02 (Imami, Parti, Ana, Agus, Toing, Shabby, Gogon, Anis, Eko, Sofyan, Reza)




  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.


  , firstly the writer extends praises and thanks to Allah SWT with Thy blessing, finally this paper can be completed. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidances, advices, helps and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

  Therefore, the writer would like to thanks to:

  1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag., the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga,

  2. Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M.A., the consultant, who has allowed the writer to conduct this research and patiently guided the writer in the process of accomplishing this thesis,

  3. Mr. Hammam, S.Pd., M.A., thank you very much for your knowledge, motivation and attention,

  4. Mr. Muhtarom, S.H, the Chief of Library and all of the staffs of the library who help the writer in finding any needed references,

  5. Her parents, her .brothers, and her sisters for their love, endless prayers, understanding and encouragement which mean very much in finishing this paper,

  6. Her sweetheart, he is the only one best she ever had,

  7. Her beloved friends Jeng Nun, Jeng Feby, Idul, Toink, Agus, Shaby, Anis,

  I Wahyudin, Sofyan, Reza, Ana, Party, Meet-ach. Thanks for their help and i


  togetherness, ,

  8. “ER” Comp (Mas Bagus) thanks for their help,

  9. The writer's friends who could not be mentioned one by one here, because there is not enough room to thank every one, but there is always enough room in my heart.

  Finally, the writer is aware that this paper is so simple and there must be some mistakes. Therefore, the writer would like to ask for the readers' criticism and suggestions in order to improve this paper. May Allah blesses us every time. Amin.

  Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

  Salatiga, October 2007 The Writer

  Siti Umi Hidayah H





   ABSTRACT........................................................ ....xi




















  ABSTRACT Siti Umi Hidayah: Linguistic Study of English-Indonesian Code Mixings Used in HAI

  Magazine. The problems studied in the paper are: (1) what are the morphological and syntactical forms of code mixings used in HAI Magazine, and (2) what are the meanings of the forms of code mixings used in HAI Magazine.

  Based on the problem statements mentioned above, the writer has some objectives, they are to describe the morphological and syntactical forms o f code mixings used in HAI Magazine , and describe the meanings of the forms o f code mixings used in HAI Magazine.

  In this research the writer finds some code mixing forms that can be classified as noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, reduplication, compounding and hybrid called as morphological level, and noun phrase, prepostional phrase and clause. Beside the levels o f code mixing, the writer also finds that code mixings have two kinds of meaning: opaque meaning and transparent meaning.

  From the analysis, it can be concluded that words have the biggest account of code mixing presented on HAI Magazine articles and the writer also finds the use of inappropriate English adjective and pronouns. Then, the influence of Indonesians in using English forms of words also influences how the magazine articles are written.

  The achievements o f this research are expected to be additional source of code mixing study and it is meant to conduct and develop such a research in the code mixing fields.



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study The way that people talk indicates their social identity. Our speech provides

  clues to others about who we are, where we come from, and perhaps what kind of social experiences we have had in a community. Usually there is a range of varieties from which people select according to the context in which they are communicating. There are certain social factors that influence it such as whom you are talking, where the talks are taking place, and whether the function and topic of discussion are important in accounting for language choice in many different kinds of community.

  In this modem era, people intend to mastery more than one language. That is why, sometimes people use more than one language to communicate to others.

  This kind of phenomenon is named code mixing. It can be found in a multilingual community. Moreover people may mix their languages in interacting with others, for instance: “So, itu artinya meskipun lo nggak masuk kategori best, lo tetap

  masuk kategori

  good or oke” (So, it means although you are not in the best category, you are still in good or OK category).

  Code mixing cannot only be seen in spoken language, but also in written language, such as: magazine, newspaper, journal, etc. Ohoiwutun says code mixing partly comes up since speakers are not able to find the suitable


  motive.1 Then, in some cases Ohoiwutun adds that bilingual mix codes used to show his/her educational status (prestige filling motive).2 It may happen because not all people mastery or know a certain language.

  In written language, code mixing is also used by magazine staffs to write a journal. Usually, the journal is addressed to certain communities with special social status and age. A lot of magazines are addressed for children, youngsters, the adults and middle aged people. Besides, there are also sport, music, religious and entertainment magazines.


  is one of entertainment magazines. This magazine is released for teen males. It can be seen from the articles that contain some affairs about males and what probably they want to know.

  Most of HAI Magazine's languages are written in informal forms, because most of the contents are about entertainment. It means that the magazine staffs mix languages in their articles. This is done to met the magazine consumers or readers. In addition, code mixing makes the reader learn English. Therefore, they are able to read the magazine to enrich their vocabularies especially in English.

  Because code mixing is often used in several magazines in Indonesia, such as in HAI, it is interesting to know the forms of the code mixing that are used in the magazine. For that reason, the writer is going to analyze code mixing used in


HAI Magazine in a research entitled “LINGUISTIC STUDY OF INDONESIAN-


1 Ohoiwutun, Paul, 1997, Sosiolinguistik, Jakarta, Keisant Blanc, p.

  3 B. Review of the Related Researches

  The analysis of code mixing has ever been conducted by Anis Suwaibah (2000), the student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, in her research “A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF INDONESIAN-ENGLISH CODE MIXING USED


  ‘DETEKSI’ COLUMN OF JAWA POS”. The similarity between this research and the previous research is the field of code mixing and one of the data analysis. The differences are the data source and the analysis. In her research, she used one column of a newspaper and she analyzed the reasons of using the code mixing. In fact, this research uses magazines as the data source.

  Another previous research was written by Nur Istiqomah (2006); the student of State Islamic Studies Institutes in her research entitled “A


  ’. She used metropolis broadcasters as the data source and she analyzed the reason of using code mixing.

  While in this research, the writer is going to analyze the English-Indonesian code mixing used in magazine.

  The writer also takes a review of a related research from another research entitled “CAMPUR KODE DALAM PROSES BELAJAR MENGAJAR BAHASA




  researched by Sri Ambarwati (2004); the student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Both of us have a similar focus concerning the field of code mixing. The differences are the data source and analysis. In her research she used the teaching learning process as the data source, and also analyzed the reason of using code mixing.

  The last previous research was written by Sri Setyaningsih (2005); the student of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga, in her paper entitled “A


  ”. In her research, she focused on the conversational function of code mixing used by pedicab drivers and factors that influence the use of code mixing. This research is different from hers in terms of object studied, while the similarity is on the field of code mixing.

C. Statement of the Problem

  In this research, the researcher discusses the following problems:

  1. What are the morphological and syntactic forms of code mixing used in HAI



  2. What are the meanings of the forms of code mixing used in HAI Magazine?

D. Objectives of the Study

  Based on the problem statements mentioned above, the writer has the following objectives:

  1. To describe the morphological and syntactic forms of code mixing used in HAI Magazine.

  2. To describe the meanings of the forms of code mixing used in HAI Magazine.

  5 E. Limitation of the Study

  In this research, the writer limits the study on the English-Indonesian code mixing used in HAI Magazine of May 2006 edition.

F. Benefit of the Study

  The writer differentiates this research into two benefits:

  1. Academic Benefits

  a. The research can be used as an additional source for the talk of bilingualism study especially in code mixing discussion b. The readers are able to recognize how written code mixing is formed both morphologically and syntactically.

  c. The readers are able to know the form of code mixing d. The readers are able to understand the meaning of code mixing forms.

  2. Practical Benefits

  a. For students, this code mixing research is meant to conduct and develop such a research in another point of view, for example: phonological analysis

  b. For teachers, the research finding offers an additional source of code mixing study which is also related to another field, such as: morphology, syntax, and semantics.

  6 G. Clarifications of the Key Terms

  To avoid any mistakes in interpreting the title of this research, it is regarded necessary to explain the terms relating to it. The terms are as the following:

  1. Linguistic It is a scientific study of language study of literature centered on language, e.g.: of its structure, acquisition relationship to other form of communication.3 It means that scopes of linguistic are language structure, the grammatical competence underlying it, language use and its underlying communicative competence.

  2. Code Mixing It occurs when the conversant uses both languages together as they change from one language to the other in a single utterance.4

  3. HAI Magazine

  HAI Magazine is teen males' magazine, which is published every Monday.

  There are many articles in HAI Magazine, such as: psychology, technology, artist interview, movie review, etc.5 There are 80 pages in HAI Magazine. This magazine is established by PT Penerbitan Remaja HAI, and printed by PT Gramedia. The publisher's address is on Gedung Gramedia Majalah Lt. 6, Jalan Panjang No. 8A, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 115030.

  3AS Hornby, 1974, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, Great Britain, Oxford University Press, p. 495

  4 Ronald Wardaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, second edition, Oxford, Blackwell Publisher, p. 103

  7 H. Paper Organization

  This research paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which contains of background of the study, review of related researches, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, limitation of the study, benefit of the study and paper organization.

  The second chapter is literature review. It concerns the theories of bilingual, bilingualism, and its effects. This also deals with the concept of morphological and syntactical code mixing forms and the meaning of code mixing form, which is linked to semantic analysis.

  The third chapter deals with research method. It describes the research approach, subject of the study, object of the study, method of data collection, and data analysis.

  The fourth chapter concerns with research result. This chapter covers data presentation and discussion of the findings. To find morphological and syntactic code mixing forms, the writer uses grammatical analysis. Moreover, she determines the meaning of code mixing forms by using semantic analysis.

  The fifth chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. Conclusion deals with the answer of problem statements and the other findings. Also, this chapter is related to some suggestions for other researchers and readers.

  The last part is bibliography and appendix.




In this Information Technology (IT) era, people can easily get information.

  They are also demanded to know another language to access information, because much of the information is written by using the language. It also gives impact to their social life. One of the languages studied is English. When they know or master it, they prefer to mix it with their native language to communicate among others although their capacity in the foreign language mastery is still limited. Then, this ability is called bilingualism. In this chapter, the writer reviews some theories concerning bilingualism, code mixing, its form and meanings.

A. Bilingualism

1. Definition People occasionally use the language they master to speak with others.

  When they know more than one language, they may use both of which in conversation. A person who uses or is able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency is called bilingual.8 It means that they must not equally proficient in both languages? According to Abdul Chaer and Leonie, bilingual is a person who is able to use two languages.9 While according to Haugen in Dr. Kunjana’s book, bilingual is a person who is just

  8 9 Chaer, Abdul, and Leonie. 2004. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta, p.


  know the second language.10 It means that to be bilingual, people must not use both languages actively.

  Bilingualism is an ability to use two languages fluently in second language required skills as listening, speaking, reading and writing comprehension, although in practice some of those skills are considerably less developed than others. Few bilinguals are mastering both languages equally. Haugen in Romanic’s book observes that bilingualism begins when the speaker of one language can produce complete meaningful utterances.11

  Another definition is stated by Robert Lado in Dr. R. Kunjana’s book that bilingualism is an ability to use a language with equal or nearly equal fluency that technically refers to the knowledge of two languages.12

  Oksaar states that bilingualism is not just for individual but also for societal, because the use of language is unlimited between individual, but also for communication tool among the societies. Even, language is not only as a tool for communication but also for society’s identity.13 Nababan divides bilingualism as individual bilingualism. Individual bilingualism occurs when all the society know two languages and use both of which everyday in their job and social interaction. And social bilingualism occurs when there are two

  10 Dr. Kunjana R. 2001. Sosiolinguistik. Kode dan Alih Kode. Yogyakarta. Pustaka Pelajar Offset, p. 15

  11 Romaine, Suzanne. 2000. Bilingualism. Blackwell. Oxford University Press, p. 11

  12 Ibid. p. 86


  languages in the society, but, everyone just knows one language so there are two kinds of communication in the society.14 Harimurti Krida Laksana in Ohoiwutun’s book divides bilingualism into coordinate, compound and sub-ordinate bilingualisms. Coordinate bilingualism occurs when language is used in two or more separated language systems. A coordinate bilingual does not show other language elements when he uses one language. When he switches the language, a mixing system does not occur, for instance: a tourist guide who masters English and Indonesian languages. When he guides the tourist he speaks English, but after he finishes his job, he switches his language into Indonesian as his mother tongue.

  The second is compound bilingualism. In this condition the speaker uses two or more than one compound language system. A compound bilingual is often confused of the elements of both languages which he masters. For example, a disc jockey in a television program, sometimes uses certain terms in other languages. Then, the third is sub-ordinate bilingualism. This phenomenon happens when someone or a society uses two or more language systems separatedly. Usually, there are translation processes. A sub­ ordinate bilingualism prefers mixing the first language concepts and the second language or the foreign language systems being learned. This condition is often met to the students that learn a certain foreign language.15 14 Nababan. 1991. Sosiolinguistik: Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

  p. 29

  11 From the descriptions above, it is understood that bilingualism covers

  the use of two or more different languages by the conversants in their interaction with others.

2. Effect of Bilingualism

  Bilingualism is a situation when two different languages are used by conversants. The use of both languages creates some effects of bilingualism.

  According to Edwards, the effects of bilingualism are interference, code switching, code mixing and transference.16 The distinction of bilingualism effects has been offered. Weinrich quoted by Edwards says that interference refers to deviation from the norms of either language. Haugen cited by Romaine, however, distinguishes between interferences or the overlapping of two languages, or application of two systems to the same item and code switching, the alternate use of two languages,17 for example: (English - Indonesian code switching used by a radio broadcaster): “Well, how about playing a song from Backstreet Boys?

  Tapi kita terima satu penelepon lagi.”

  Another linguist such as Wardaugh stresses the distinction between code mixing and code switching. He says that code mixing occurs when the conversant uses both languages to the extent by which he/she changes both languages together in the course of a single utterance. While code switching occurs to the extent when a speaker changes from one language to the other

16 Romaine. op.cit. p. 52


  in the course of a single utterance. Code switching occurs to the extent when the conversant changes from one language to the other at the next utterance.18 Clyne cited by Romaine says that transference is defined as the adoption of any elements or features from other languages.19

  In other words, according to some linguists above, bilingualism brings about some effects such as: interference or the use of two systems for the same item, and code switching which occurs when the speaker changes the language that he speaks at the next utterance. The next effect is code mixing which may happen when two languages are used together in a single utterance; and the transference is an adoption of any elements from the other languages.

B. Code Mixing

1. Definition

  One of the effects of bilingualism is code mixing. Suwito explains that a concept of code mixing is the use of two languages or more by inserting the element of one language to the other which is used consistently.20

  According to Wardaugh code mixing occurs when conversant uses two languages together to the extent by which he/she changes from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance.21

  18 Wardaugh, Ronald. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Second Edition. Cambridge, Blackwell Publishers, p. 52

  19 Romaine. op.cit. p. 52

  20 Suwito. 1985. Sosiolinguistik, Pengantar Awal. Surakarta. Hanary Offset, p. 75

  13 While Wolford says that code mixing is a situation where a person

  speaks in a particular language, but in the sentence, the person uses two or more languages at the same sentence.22 Code mixing may be viewed as an adaptive strategy in which the speaker tries to speak interlocutory although she/he has a little proficiency in it. Besides, Abdul and Leoni say that there is a main code that is used and has its function and is independent; while other codes which are involved in the utterance are pieces without their function that is independent as a code.23

  Based on the definitions above, the writer defines code mixing as a linguistic phenomenon in using two or more languages together to the extent by which those are used in a single utterance. It means that the speaker uses a certain language while hi is still speaking another language.

2. Reason of Using Code Mixing Speakers have certain motives or reasons when they mix the codes.

  According to Ohoiwutun, there are two motives why the speakers mix the codes. Those are need feeling-motive and prestige-filling motive. Need feeling motive happens because of technology need feeling. Speakers use it as if they could not find words that have similar meanings in the language they speak. Then, the reason is in order that they are able to speak simpler, clear and more meaningful. Prestige-filling motive is a motive to show the educational status. Generally, it happens in informal language situation.24 22 Wolfoord, E. 1983. Bilingual Code Switching and Syntactic Theory Linguistic Inquiry.

23 Abdul, and Leoni. op.cit. p. 151

  14 Wardaugh adds that the motivation of a speaker is an important

  consideration to make use codes. Moreover, such a motivation is not needed consciously at all, for apparently, many speakers do not aware that they have used one particular variety of a language rather than another or sometimes, they have mixed languages.25

C. Levels of Code Mixing

  Fasold states, in code mixing sentences, pieces of one language are used while a speaker is basically using another language.26 Pieces of the other language are often words, though they can also be phrases or larger units of words.

  There are two linguistic levels in dealing with code mixing namely morphological and syntactical levels. According to Bloomfield morphology is a linguistic form which bears no partial phonetic; semantic resemblance to any other forms of a morpheme.27 While syntax, according to Brown and Miller, is concerned with ways in which words are combined to make a sentence. Syntax, semantic and morphology are recognized to deal with the structure of word.28

  Since the data are taken from written references, it is suitable to analyze them by using morphological and syntactic analyses. For this reason, the discussion will be focused on morphological and syntactical levels. Furthermore,

  25 Wardaugh. op.cit. p. 106 26 . op.cit.


27 Bloomfield, Leomard. 1993. Language. New York Holt. Rinehalt and Winston, p. 161

28 E.K. Brown and JG Miller, Syntax: A Linguistic Instruction to Sentence Structure. London.

  15 to ease the explanation of code mixing levels, those are discussed separatedly.

1. Morphological Level

  At first, the forming of code mixing is based on morphological level that deals with the internal word structure. This includes word, reduplication, compounding, and hybrid,

  a. Word Word is a written or a spoken unit of language.

  According to Frank, sentence may be further divided according to the functions each word has in the subject-predicate relationship. Each of these functions is classified as a different part of speech. The words that form the central core of the sentence - around which all the other words “cluster” - are the parts of speech known as nouns or pronouns and verbs; the words that modify the central core words are the parts of speech called adjectives and adverbs; the words that show a particular kind of connecting relationship between these four parts of speech are called prepositions and conjunctions.29

  1). Noun According to Bernard, nouns are words which refer to our thought to the things about us, the items and entities of our experience, by providing names for them. It is divided into two groups, common nouns and proper nouns.

29 Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. Prentice Hall Inc.

  16 According to Bernard, common nouns refer to any one of a class of things or to the class itself, for example: code mixing.

  “Mungkin karena habit aja”

  (May be just because of habit) Proper nouns refer to only one of a class of things (or to one restricted group within the class); names in the usual sense, for example: Guns N Roses setuju ngegelar konser bareng The Rolling Stones.

  (Guns N Roses agrees to hold a concert with The Rolling Stones).30 Frank divides noun into two forms, they are inflectional and derivational nouns. Noun in many European languages may be inflected, that is, changes in form for certain grammatical properties. Usually, the noun changes are made through special endings. Inflectional form of noun may indicate: (1) number - the noun has a special ending for a plural, and (2) possession - the noun has a special ending that signals not only actual possession, but a number of the relationships for which phrases may also be used, for example: apples in a phrase two apples. Apples is an inflectional noun because it is derived from apple (n) and inflectional affix (-s) which marks plural number (two apples).

30 Bernard, JRLB. 1975. A Short Guide to Traditional Grammar. Australia. Sidney University

  17 The second is derivational nouns. They are only nouns, verbs,

  adjectives and adverbs that have derivational forms. They express some degrees of lexical meanings, or they may be little more than part of speech indicators. Derivational forms consist chiefly of special endings that may: a) . Change one part of speech to another. This kind of ending is attached to a word that has already existed (engage + ment = engagement) or perhaps with some changes in the original word (destroy + ion = destruction). Sometimes, the original word has several derivational endings, the last one of which determines the part of speech (nation + al + ize + ation = nationalization, a noun).

  b) . Distinguish one part of speech from another without being added to an already existing word (distance - noun, distant - adjective).

  2) . Pronoun Pronoun is a word that takes a place of a noun. The antecedent of pronoun is the word or words to which the pronoun refers. For example: “Kalau you belum siap hari ini berarti ditunda kanT’ (If you are not ready today, you delay it, don't you?).

  3) . Verb Verb has grammatical property of person and number; property which requires agreement with the subject. For example: “Dialah

  18 orang yang selalu

  support akur (He is the one who always supports me).

  4) . Adjective Adjective is a modifier that has a grammatical property of comparison. It modifies a noun or pronoun. For example: “ho pikir lo


  cool dari gueT (Do you think you are cooler than me?) 5) . Adverb

  Adverb ranges in meaning from words having a strong lexical content (those that describe the action of the verb, or those that indicate such meanings as time and place) to those that are used merely for emphasis. For example: “Namun, sepertinya mereka harus

  memikirkan melodi-melodi baru yang lebih catchy dan variatif.” (But, they have to think new melodies that more catchy and vary).

  6) . Preposition Preposition has the function of connecting a noun or a pronoun to another word, usually a noun, verb or adjective. The preposition signals that a noun or a noun structure follows it: the preposition - noun combination constitutes a prepositional phrase.31

  7) . Conjunction According to Bernard, conjunctions are words which join other words or of words. There are two kinds of conjunctions, they are:


  subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.32 For example: “Apa

  aja yang dilakuin

  or dialami terus-terusan diinget oleh banyak


  (What is done or experienced frequently will be memorized by many people).

  b. Reduplication According to James F. Shepherd, reduplication is the formation of a word by repeating it or by repeating a sound in it, for example: Tom-tom, chit-chat, and mish-mash.

  c. Compounding According to James F. Shepherd, compounds are words formed by joining two or more words. There are thousands of compounds, such as drugstore, playboy, shortstop, brainwash and earring. Compounds of more than two words include mother in law, hand me down, etc. Desk dictionaries usually do not state the etymologies of compounds.33

  d. Hybrid According to Hornby, hybrid is a combination of word pieces, for example: the combination of Indonesian and English words, as: Mereka


  di-support abis ama bokap. (The four of them are fully supported by their father).34

  aIbid. p. 53

  33Shepherd, James F. 1987. College Vocabulary Skills, Third Edition. USA. Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 129


2. Syntactical Level

  According to Katamba, syntactical level refers to the terms deal with sentence structure. This level covers phrase and clause.35 a. Phrase

  According to Bernard, a phrase is a group of words which has no finite verb and which is not a complete message in itself. It requires other words with it to complete the message of which is part. In other words, a phrase is a group of two or more grammatically link words without a subject and predicate. There are some kinds of phrases but the writer elaborates the phrase into two: noun phrase and prepositional phrase.

  1) . Noun phrase Terminologically, a noun phrase is a group of words that has a noun head. The noun head is modified by: adjective, adverb, noun, gerund, participle, adjective phrase, and adjective clause. Those modifiers can be combined to make more complex noun phrases. The modifier can be before the noun head or after it. For instance: “Kita

  selalu berusaha menjadi

  a perfect nice guy.” (We always try to be a perfect nice guy).

  2) . Prepositional phrase A prepositional phrase is a group of words that has a preposition head. It consists of preposition and its object. The object


  of a preposition is a noun or pronoun.36 For example: “Beragam


  after market dijual dengan harga lebih miring lagi .” (Various after market products are sold with cheaper price), b. Clause

  According to John E. Warriner, a clause is a group of words that contains a verb and its subject and is used as part of a sentence. He also divides clause into an independent clause or main clause, and a subordinate or dependent clause. Main clause expresses a complete thought and can stand by itself.37 For example: “It means, dia bakal

  ketemuan lagi sama saudaranya .” (It means, she will meet her sibling again).

  While, subordinate or dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone. For example: ’’''Mungkin

  sekarang bukan gue orang yang ngerti

  what he feels.” (Perhaps, I am not the one who can understand of what he feels).

D. Semantics

1. Definitions of Semantics

  In daily interaction, people must understand the meaning and purpose of other’s talk. It is very important to avoid misunderstanding in the interaction with others. The importance of this can be seen in the following statements:

36 Bernard, JBLB. op.cit. p. 60 - 61

  22 A: I didn’t buy that shirt. It costs Rp 125.000,- B: What? I can’t buy what you’ve just told me.

  Does the word buy in A have the same meaning as in B? No, they have different meaning. The first buy means get something by paying, while the second buy is an American slang, means believe. Moreover, meaningful utterance is important to run an interaction with others.

  To understand the aim of speech when people speak, the meaning of the utterance needs to be understood. Meaning is closely related to the field of semantics. According to Kreidler, semantic is the systematic study of meaning. Then, Finegan defines that meaning is the object of semantics. He also defines linguists’ semantics as the study of how languages organize and express meanings. It is an attempt to explicate the knowledge of any speakers of language which allows that speaker to communicate facts, feelings, intentions and products of the imagination to other speakers and to understand what they communicate to him or her.38

  From the previous definitions, it is clear that an utterance will be easily understood when it is meaningful. Moreover, there is a particular study about meaning it self called semantics. Finally, the writer concludes that semantics is the study of meaning that attaches in utterances.

2. Meaning of Code Mixing

  When people talk to others, they should be able to make the others understand of what they talk about, so, they can raise the goal of the speech.

  23 There are some concepts of meaning. However, Ullman divides meaning into two transparent and opaque meanings.

  The first meaning is transparent. It can be determined from part of words. It can be said that transparent meaning is the first interpretation of the words. And the second is opaque meaning. Opaque is meaning that cannot be determined from the part of the words. This means that the meaning cannot be inferred directly from the words.39

  As the above discussion, there are two kinds of meaning that can be interpreted from the forms of code mixing. They are transparent and opaque meanings.

  Ullman, Stephen. 1973. Semantic Dalam Minnis H. Linguistic at Large. Heffordshire.




A. Research Approach

  The method of this research is qualitative. Qualitative method attempts to capture and understand individual definitions, descriptions, and meaning of events.1 Beside, Strauss and Corbin define qualitative research as a research that the results of which are not from statistical procedures or other measurement.2

  The writer tries to answer the research problem by analyzing data according to particular individual definitions. After doing this research, she attempts to find out the descriptive result from the written data.

  B. Type of Research

  This paper is literary research. Literary research is a scientific method for the data collection that was received from books.3

  C. Subject of the Research

  The subject of the research in this paper is the writer who observes the English-Indonesian code mixing in HAI Magazine.

  1 Bums, Robert B, 2000, Introduction to Research Methods, London, Sage Publication Ltd, p. 38

  2Strauss, Anseim and Corbin, Juliet, 2003, Dasar-Dasar Penelitian Kualitatif, Yogyakarta, Pustaka Pelajar Offset, p.

  25 D. Object of the Research

  Data of this research are taken from sentences containing English- Indonesian code mixing used in HAI Magazine.

E. Source of Data

  Many columns and articles can be read from HAI Magazine. However, the writer only limits certain columns released in HAI Magazine, such as: HAI STAR, PSIKO, BAGMAN SAYZ, SISI LAIN, NGOBROL BARENG, and HOT NEWS from edition year of 8 May 2006/TH XXX No 18 up to 23-28 May 2006/TH XXX No. 21.

F. Method of Collecting Data In this study, the writer applies documentation as the way to collect the data.

  1. Data finding The writer seeks the data from the teen males’ magazine HAI. Then she finds the data, which are analyzed.

  2. Data listing After finding the data, the writer lists them based on the edition and column of HAI. This is done to ease in classifying data.

  3. Data classifying The writer uses the list of data in classifying them into forms of code mixing.

  26 G. Technique of Analyzing Data

  The steps taken by the writer in analyzing the data are as follows:

  1. Classifying the code mixing used in HAI Magazine and analyze the data morphologically and syntactically

  2. Find out the meanings of the form of code mixing used in HAI Magazine. In other words, the writer applies semantic analysis data.

  H. Data Presentation

  The data that will be analyzed are as follows: 1. ... and at the end bikin konflik di mana-mana (19/8/5/06/64).

  2. ... Band yang lantas diberi nama Red Hot Chilli Peppers ini jadi lebih


  (21/22/5/06/22) 3. ... baru deh, album yang dikasih judul Liberation Transmission (21/22/5/06/77).

  4. ... besoknya malah adem ayem seolah gak ada feeling (20/15/5/06/63) 5. ... by the way, sekarang sih mereka udah sembuh (18/1/5/06/9) 6. ... cerocos penerima double platinum buat album some hearts ini geli

  (19/8/5/06/9) 7. ... dalam musik dan film yang diadain sama British Council (18/1/5/06/8) 8. ... dan masih gampang percaya pada hal-hal yang berbau mitos or mistis

  (18/1/5/06/58) 9. ... gara-gara menghilangkan rekaman video berisi adegan syur mereka

  27 dengan sejumlah

  groupies (18/1/5/06/77) 10. ... kata cowok yang baru saja nyelesaiin sekuel film “Pirates of the

  Carribean’’ ini santai (19/8/5/06/77) 11. ... kita bakal kehilangan kesempatan buat ngelakukan approaching

  (21/22/5/06/71) 12. ... lewat warna favoritnya, jack (18/15/06/58)

  13. ... mereka akan bakal yakin menjadikan kita sebagai soulmate-nya (21/22/5/06/71)