Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan PDAM Kota Salatiga Periode 2006-2010

PDAM goal is to provide water services to the community, and as a source of local
revenue (PAD). Therefore processing taps need to get special attention, especially in terms of
management cost recovery (cost recovery). to realize the principles of good service, the main
obstacles faced by PDAM Salatiga is the growing variety of costs resulting from rising prices
of supporting materials. For example, in early November 2005, the increase in fuel prices
and electricity prices which then lead to higher electricity costs to be borne taps Salatiga.
Test equipment in this study is a descriptive analysis of financial ratios taps. In this research,
financial ratios are calculated is used to measure the financial performance of taps. The
results in this study indicate that most of the revenue comes from sales of water and nonwater such as fines. It is known that increased financial condition.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Liquidity Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Activity Ratios,
Profitability Ratios