Ekspresi Imunohistokimia Sel Natural Killer Pada Endometrium Ektopik Penderita Endometriosis

Ekspresi Imunohistokimia sel Natural Killer pada Endometrium Ektopik
Penderita Endometriosis
Djaganata SP, Siregar HS, Kaban YB
Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi
Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sumatera Utara
RSUP H. Adam Malik, Juli 2015
Latar Belakang: Wanita dengan endometriosis mengalami gangguan pada selsel imunitas seluler (Sel NK, Makrofage, Limfosit dan apoptosis). Diduga
penurunan sitotoksisitas sel NK pada cairan peritoneal disebabkan oleh defek
kuantitatif dan kualitatif atau salah satu dari defek tersebut.
Tujuan: mengetahui perbedaan ekspresi imunohistokimia sel NK pada
endometrium ektopik penderita endometriosis dibandingkan endometrium normal.
Metode: penelitian analitik dengan rancangan kasus kontrol, dilakukan di Dept.
Obgin dan PA FK USU – RSUP H Adam Malik Medan mulai bulan April - Juli
2015. Kelompok kasus adalah parafin blok jaringan endometrium ektopik
penderita endometriosis dan kontrol adalah parafin blok jaringan endometrium
normal. Penilaian ekspresi sel NK menggunakan skor Allred. Analisa statistik
dengan uji Fischer Exact dan t-test Independent dengan tingkat kepercayaan
sebesar 95%, p 0,05). Rerata total
skor Allred ekspresi sel NK pada endometriosis dibandingkan dengan non
endometriosis secara statistik tidak dijumpai perbedaan bermakna (p>0,05).

Kesimpulan: Rerata total skor Allred ekspresi sel NK pada endometriosis
dibandingkan dengan non endometriosis secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan
Kata kunci: ekspresi sel Natural Killer, endometriosis, skor Allred.

Universitas Sumatera utara

Immunohistochemical expression of Natural Killer cells in Ectopic
Endometrium in Endometriosis Patients
Djaganata SP, Siregar HS, Kaban YB
The Departement Obstetrics and Gynecology
Faculty of Medicine, University of Sumatera Utara
H. Adam Malik General Hospital
July 2015
Introduction : Women with endometriosis usually experience cellular immunity
disturbances (NK cells, Macrophages, lymphocytes, and apoptosis). Decreased
natural killer cell cytotoxicty in peritoneal fluid was caused by quantitative and
qualitative defects or one of both.

Objective : To determine immunohistochemical expression discrepancies
between Natural Killer cells in the ectopic endometrium of endometriosis patients
and the normal endometrium.
Methods : This analytical case control study was conducted at the Departement
of Obstetrics and Gynecology and pathology of Haji Adam Malik General hospital
from April – July 2015. The case group comprised of ectopic endometrial block
parrafins of endometriosis and control subjects. Natural killer cell expression was
assesed using Allred score. Data were statistically anlaysed using the Fisher
Exact and t-test with a Confidence Interval of 95%. A p value < 0.05 was
considered significant.
Results : 23 endometriosis and control subjects, respectively, were enrolled.
Eleven endometriosis subjects were aged under 30 years old (47,8%), whereas
52.2% of non endometriosis subjects were aged 30-40 years old. All
endometriosis subjects were null parity, whereas 9 non emdometriosis subjects
(100%) were parity 2-4 (39.1%). Endometriosis cases were dominatly staged 4
(11 cases/47.8%). This study showed that NK cell expression based the Allred
score was not significantly associated with cases of endometriosis (p>0.05).
Mean Allred expression total score did not significantly differ between
endometriosis and non endometriosis subjects (p>0.05)
Conclusion : Mean Allred expression total score did not significantly differ

between endometriosis and non endometriosis subjects.
Key words: Natural Killer cell expression, endometriosis, Allred score.

Universitas Sumatera utara