The influence of Anne`s personality traits in resolving her conflicts as seen in Philippa Gregory`s The Boleyn Inheritence - USD Repository


  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

  By Adisty Dewi Wulandari





  Wulandari, Adisty Dewi. 2010. The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in

Resolving Her Conflicts As Seen In Philippa Gregory’s The Boleyn Inheritance.

Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

  This thesis discusses Phillippa Gregory’s The Boleyn Inheritance. It presents one of the major characters named Anne, an ordinary young woman who is chosen to be the fourth queen of England. This study focuses on three problem formulations. They are: (1) How are Anne’s personality traits described in The


Boleyn Inheritance ? (2) What are the conflicts faced by Anne in The Boleyn

Inheritance ? (3) How do Anne’s personality traits influence her way in resolving

  her conflicts? This thesis applies library research to analyze the problems. This study uses two kinds of sources, namely primary and secondary sources. The primary source is the novel, The Boleyn Inheritance. The second sources are taken from some books related to the theories. In analyzing Anne’s personality traits, this thesis applies psychological approach that is followed by the theory of personality and the theory of character and characterization. Furthermore, to discover the conflicts that are faced by Anne, this thesis uses the theory of conflict.

  The first result of this study is about Anne’s personality traits that are seen in the novel. Anne is a major and a complex character. She is categorized as a protagonist character. According to the analysis, this study shows that Anne is responsible, calm, smart, kind hearted, caring, brave, self reliant, and optimistic. The second result of this study is about Anne’s conflicts in the novel. This study shows that Anne faces two kinds of conflicts. They are intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Next, this study finds out that Anne faces two kinds of intrapersonal conflicts. They are double-approach-avoidance and approach- avoidance conflicts. Furthermore, Anne faces some interpersonal conflicts. She faces pseudo, simple and ego conflicts. The causes of interpersonal conflicts are relationship, communication and interest. Mostly, Anne faces her interpersonal conflicts using competitive and accommodation styles. She faces win-lose resolutions. Furthermore, this study finds out that Anne’s personality traits influence her much in resolving the conflicts.

  Finally, the writer would like to propose two suggestions to complete this study. The first suggestion is proposed for the next researchers who want to conduct research using The Boleyn Inheritance. The last suggestion is the implementation of The Boleyn Inheritance as a material in teaching English, especially for teaching Intensive Reading II.



  Wulandari, Adisty Dewi. 2010. The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in

Resolving Her Conflicts As Seen In Philippa Gregory’s The Boleyn Inheritance.

Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Skripsi ini membahas The Boleyn Inheritance karya Phillippa Gregory. Novel ini menceritakan salah seorang karakter utama yang bernama Anne, seorang wanita muda biasa yang terpilih untuk menjadi ratu keempat kerajaan Inggris. Skripsi ini fokus pada tiga formulasi permasalahan. Rumusan-rumusan masalah itu adalah (1) Bagaimana sifat-sifat kepribadian Anne digambarkan dalam The Boleyn Inheritance? (2) Konflik-konflik apa saja yang dihadapi oleh Anne dalam The Boleyn Inheritance? (3) Bagaimana sifat-sifat kepribadian Anne mempengaruhi cara Anne dalam mengatasi konflik-konfliknya?

  Skripsi ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Studi ni menggunakan dua macam sumber, yaitu sumber utama dan sumber kedua. Sumber utama adalah novel The Boleyn Inheritance. Sumber kedua diambil dari beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan teori-teori skripsi ini. Dalam menganalisa karakter Anne, skripsi ini mengaplikasikan pendekatan psikologi yang diikuti oleh teori kepribadian, teori karakter dan karakterisasi. Lebih jauh, untuk mengungkap konflik yang dihadapi oleh Anne, studi ini menggunakan teori tentang konflik. Konflik teori juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pengaruh dari sifat-sifat kepribadian Anne dalam menuntaskan permasalahannya.

  Hasil pertama dari studi ini mengenai sifat-sifat kepribadian Anne yang terlihat dalam novel. Anne adalah karakter utama dan karakter yang kompleks. Ia dikategorikan sebagai karakter protagonis. Berdasarkan pada analisa, studi ini menemukan bahwa Anne adalah seorang wanita yang bertanggung jawab, tenang, pintar, baik hati, peduli, berani, bergantung pada diri sendiri, dan optimis. Hasil kedua studi ini adalah konflik Anne dalam novel ini. Studi ini menunjukan bahwa Anne menghadapi dua jenis konflik. Konflik-konflik itu adalah intrapersonal dan interpersonal. Selanjutnya, studi ini menemukan bahwa Anne mengalami dua jenis konflik intrapersonal. Konflik-konflik itu adalah pendekatan-penghindaran- ganda dan pendekatan-penghindaran. Lebih jauh, Anne menghadapi beberapa konflik interpersonal. Ia mengalami konflik pseudo, simpel and ego. Sebab dari konflik interpersonal ini adalah hubungan, komunikasi dan ketertarikan. Umumnya, Anne menghadapi konflik-konflik interpersonalnya dengan gaya kompetitif dan akomodasi. Ia menghadapi resolusi-resolusi menang-kalah. Lebih jauh, studi ini menemukan bahwa sifat-sifat kepribadian Anne sangat berpengaruh dalam menyelesaikan masalah.

  Akhirnya, penulis ingin memberikan dua saran untuk melengkapi studi ini.



  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everybody who supported my study in accomplishing this thesis. First of all, I would like to give my greatest honour to my Lord, Allah, for giving me His blessing and health so that I could finish this thesis.

  My dedication goes to my family; my parents, Mr Bambang Lukito in heaven and Mrs Farlini, who have given their supports and prayers. May my father rest in peace in heaven; I dedicate this thesis to him as a proof that I can be a person who makes him proud. Also, may my mother live in peace and find happiness in her life. I dedicate this thesis to her as a proof that I am no longer a child she must worry about, this is my turn to take care of her and make her proud for the rest of her life. This thesis is also dedicated to my beloved and only brother, Wisnu, may he find his way to live and always be successful in his career.

  I would like to thank my major sponsor, Mrs Triprihatmini for her guidance and her patience in giving me right direction to accomplish this study. I also would like to thank my friends; Listyan, Jojo, Chekar, Gendis, Andre,


Lara, Mas Leo, Febby, Vega and Wuri for their information so that I can finish

  this study in a right direction. I would like to thank my friends, Pepy, Esti, Mas

Heby, Mas Miko, Indro and Andre who give me their time to check my study. one; everyone who has become ever in a team with me. I am happy to have a good time in PBI and have good experiences with them. Those experiences make me more mature and patient. May God give them a happy successful life.

  I would like to express my thanks to my best friends; Ery who always gives me her support and reminds me not to be too stressful in doing my study, and Cut Ayu, who always supports me to finish my study. Last but not least, I would like to thank my lover, Andjar, who always accompanies me even in difficult time. I thank him for the great love and support. He makes me feel complete as a woman.

  Adisty Dewi Wulandari


Why I always see others’ achievements with envy?

While indeed, I can do better than they do if I want

Why I always hide and run when I face hard situations?

While others can face it with courage


Why I always full of doubts and easily give up in making decisions?

While others always try their best to find the best resolution

Why I always cry and panic if everything goes wrong?

While others can handle it with calmness and patience



I let everything happened, I never did anything to fix it

I let my pride, my selfishness, my doubts, my fears led the way

Then the prize I won was



Now, I refuse to stop and cry

I refuse to surrender

I refuse to fear and run


From anything that will come to me

Whether it is good or bad

Whether it is happiness or sorrow

I will face it


With the best effort I can do

With the best spirit I can have

With the best courage I can build

  • -Adisty Dewi Wulandari-

  I dedicate this thesis to: My beloved father in heaven



  Page PAGE OF TITLE…………………………………………………………………..i APPROVAL PAGES………………………………………………………….….ii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY…………………………………...iv



KEPENTINGAN AKADEMI……………………………………………………………. .v



ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………………..…vii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………..viii PAGE OF DEDICATION ………………………………………………………...x TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………..…..xi LIST OF APPENDICES……………….….…………………………………….xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………..1 A. Background of the Study…………………………………………….…….1 B. Problem Formulation……………………………………………………….5 C. Objectives of the Study…………………………..………………………...5 D. Benefits of the Study………………………………………...……………..6 E. Definition of Terms………………………………………………………...6

  CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………………9 A. Review of Related Theories………………………………………………..9

  1. Critical Approach…………………………………………………..........9

  2. Theory of Character and Characterization…………………………..…10

  3. Theory of Personality…………………………………………………..14

  4. Theory of Conflict……………………………………………………...17

  a. Types of Conflict…………………………………………………….17

  b. Causes of Conflict…………………………………………………...19

  c. Style of People in Approaching Conflict………………...………….20

  d. Resolution of Conflict……………………………………………….21

  B. Review of Related Studies………………………………………………...23

  C. Theoretical Framework………………………………………...…………24

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY………………………………………...…….27 A. Object of the Study……………………………………………………….27 B. Approach of the Study………………………………...……………........28 C. Method of the Study……………………………………………………...29 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS…...............................................................................32 A. Anne’s Personality Traits in The Boleyn Inheritance……………………32

  1. Responsible……………………………………………………….........34

  4. Kind Hearted and Caring………………………………………………39

  5. Brave…………………………………………………………………...41

  6. Self-Reliant…………………………………………………………….43

  7. Optimistic…………………………… …………………….………….44

  B. Conflicts Faced By Anne in The Boleyn Inheritance……………………45

  1. Intrapersonal Conflict………………………………………………….46

  a. Anne’s Decision to Stay in England………………………………...46

  b. Anne’s Decision to Stay Away From King Henry VIII………….....48

  2. Interpersonal Conflict…………………………………………………..50

  a. Anne Versus William and Her Mother………...……………………51 b. Anne Versus Duke of Norfolk, Jane Boleyn and Katherine Howard.


  c. Anne Versus King Henry VIII…………...………………………… 55

  d. Anne Versus False Witnesses ………………………………………57

  C. The Influence of Anne’s Personality Traits in Resolving Conflict…...….58

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ….................................64 A. Conclusions………………………………………………………………64 B. Suggestions………………………………………………………………70

  1. Suggestions for Further Researcher……………………………………70

  2. Suggestions for English Teacher……………………………………….71


  Appendix 1: Summary of The Boleyn Inheritance………………………………76 Appendix 2: Biography of Philippa Gregory…………………………………….81 Appendix 3: Lesson Plan for Teaching Intensive Reading II……………………83 Appendix 4: Material for Intensive Reading II…………………………………. 85 Appendix 5: Answer Key...………………..…………………………………… 88 Appendix 6: Pictures……………………………………………………………..89 Appendix 7: The Boleyn Inheritance Short Story…………………………..…....92

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five parts. The first part is the background of the

  study which contains the reason in choosing the novel, the general information about the novel, and the reason in choosing aspects to be discussed. The second part is the problem formulation. In this part, there are some problem statements that will be discussed and analyzed further. The next part is the objectives of the study that answers the question formulated in the problem formulation. The fourth

  part is the benefits of the study that explains about the advantages of this study for the readers. The last part is the definition of terms related to the study. A. Background of the Study Literature makes the world colourful through arts, since it is one of the human works that full of inspirations, values and imaginations. Pooley says “Literature always deals with human beings” (2), it means that literature touches humanity through poems, dramas, novels, and play performances. In addition, Wellek and Warren also state that literature is a complex object, “literary work is not simple object but rather a highly complex organization of stratified characters with multiply meaning and relationship” (27). Based on the statement above, it can be assumed that literature is rich of complex characters, relationships, and

  This study uses a novel because novel is one of the kinds of literary works that rich of characters, conflicts and resolution of problems. By reading a novel, the reader can improve their imaginations and enrich their knowledge about many conditions in life. A novel can give information about many cultures, characteristics, problem resolutions, and life values.

  For this study, the writer uses The Boleyn Inheritance that is written by Philippa Gregory. This novel is one of the Philippa Gregory’s fascinating literary works that tells about kingdom court, England Kingdom. This novel is written based on history of England. Because of that reason, this novel is not only giving information about cultures, social conditions, and personalities of people but also giving knowledge about England’s history. It was first published in 2006. This novel is the sequel of The Other Boleyn Girls which tells about the chronicles of the first, the second and the third marriages of King Henry VIII. Gregory creates all of the characters based on true history of England. Furthermore, The Boleyn


Inheritance tells about the chronicles about the fourth and the fifth marriages of

  King Henry VIII. According to the story, there are many obstacles of being King Henry’s queens, especially when the queen is rejected by King Henry VIII.

  Through this novel, we can learn about the history of King Henry’s queens and learn about how they survive from the tyranny of their husband.

  Besides giving many values of life and history of England, this novel is also unique. It has three main characters. The first main character is Anne. She is in-waiting, and the third main character is Katherine Howard, a pretty girl who becomes a maid-in–waiting of the queen of England. Finally, Katherine becomes the fifth queen of England. In this novel, Gregory voices her story through these characters. Each of them voices their minds, their thought, their speeches and their plans to survive from King Henry’s tyranny. Because of that reason, the writer chooses this novel to discuss.

  Besides containing messages about life, literature is also rich of conflicts because literature is the expression of life through the medium of language (Hudson 10). As we know, human’s life is never free from conflicts. Human is both individual and social creatures. A human as an individual creature means that every human has his own uniqueness such as different personalities, manners, behaviours, and attitudes. On the other hand, a human is also a social creature which means that he or she needs other people to survive. In a relationship, there must be differences, either the differences in personalities, beliefs, interpretations, motivations, or goals. These differences can be the source of conflicts. Because of that reason, there is no doubt that human will face conflicts among them.

  According to Isenhart and Spangle (7), our daily life problems are often caused by internal-unconscious state such as anxiety, fear, ego, aggressiveness or guilt.

  Based on this statement, it can be concluded that human conflicts are not only triggered by his relationship with others but also triggered by his feelings.

  Generally, conflict is a condition that brings people into doubts, sadness, trigger a conflict to happen whether it comes from internal or external causes. However, conflicts have big influence in human development. It plays big roles in someone’s life. Conflict also affects someone’s behaviour towards others.

  Therefore, learning every conflict that occurs in life is essential for the process of self development, whether it is in reality or in a form of fiction like novels, dramas, poems, and plays. Because of that reason, the writer chooses conflict to be explored more in this study.

  Basically, every human has his own uniqueness in personalities, goals, decisions, and also priorities. Personality leads someone to choose his way to face conflicts. It has a great influence in someone’s way of life, whether it is good or bad. Therefore, human personalities are always interesting to learn. Because of that reason, the writer chooses personality to be discussed in this study.

  Furthermore, the writer chooses Anne of Cleves because she faces many conflicts and pressures rather than other two main characters, Jane Boleyn and Katherine Howard. Anne runs from her country, Cleves, and comes to England in order to marry King Henry VIII. One day, all of the main characters meet in one destiny and share the same inheritance, the Boleyn inheritance. Anne of Cleves, who is chosen to marry the King, begins her new life in a new country with a big hope. She wishes to be a good queen for England. Unfortunately, her hope to be a good queen never comes to reality. Her life is in danger when the king tries to annul their marriage and the other characters play a seduction game to seek a

  Because of many conflicts, manipulations, false witnesses, accusations, and lies are described through the story, this novel gives a description on how personalities of people lead them to take different ways in resolving conflicts in life. The Boleyn Inheritance also describes how people’s actions and decisions in facing problems lead them to their own destiny.

  In the novel, it is interesting to study Anne’s personality traits and conflicts. The writer is interested in analyzing Anne’s conflicts because Anne faces many conflicts in her life that nearly put her to the death. Therefore, by analyzing Anne’s personality traits and conflicts in this novel, it can give a new point of view for the readers in facing and solving their problems.

  B. Problem Formulation

  To make this thesis well organized, the writer sets the question as follow:

  1. How are Anne’s personality traits described in The Boleyn Inheritance?

  2. What are the conflicts faced by Anne in The Boleyn Inheritance?

  3. How do Anne’s personality traits influence her way in resolving her conflicts?

  C. Objectives of the Study The aim of this study is firstly to find out the personality traits of Anne.

  Subsequently, the second aim is to find out the conflicts that are faced by Anne. The last objective is to find out the influence of Anne’s personality traits in

  D. Benefits of the Study

  This study is conducted to give a description on how important to learn human personalities and conflicts in life. Every conflict must have resolution to be learnt. Hopefully, with this study, the readers know more about personality of people, learn more about conflicts, and learn how someone’s personality influences someone’s way in resolving many conflicts in his or her life.

  E. Definition of Terms

  In this part, the writer includes the definition of some terms related to the title of this study. It is done in order to avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding so that the readers can have a better description about the content that will be discussed further in this study. There are three definitions in this part, they are the definition of personality, definition of conflict, and the last is definition of resolution.

1. Personality

  According Lane and Dockeray (490), an individual’s personality refers to his characteristics of reaction that make him different from other people. Another understanding comes from Halonen and Santrock. They say “Personality refers to our enduring thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that characterize the way we interact with the world” (378). They also agree that traits are the fundamental

  Additionally, a trait means stable and consistent characteristics that can be used to describe someone’s personality (Allport and Odbert 443). In another understanding, traits are defined as patterns of behaviours that are relatively consistent in various situations (Lahey 406).

  In this novel, there are three main characters in The Boleyn Inheritance; they are Jane Boleyn, Katherine Howard, and Anne of Cleves. For this study, the writer only uses one of the main characters of The Boleyn Inheritance; Anne of Cleves. She is a German Protestant woman who runs from her country and marries the King of England, King Henry VIII. She becomes the fourth queen of England. This study discusses about Anne’s personality traits using Murphy’s and Barnet’s methods of characterization. In this study, the writer not only focuses on Anne’s personality traits but also focuses on how her personality traits influence her way to solve every obstacle and danger.

2. Conflict

  Holman and Harmon (107) mention that conflict is a struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot. Conflict maybe an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, nature, fate, society, or perhaps the internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality.

  Others, like Robert and Jacobs (88), define conflicts as the opposition between two characters. It may also exist between larger groups of people, existence of difficult choices within an individual’s mind may also be presented not as direct opposition, but as a set of comparative ideas of values. This study focuses on discovering Anne’s conflicts, both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. This study also focuses on how Anne’s personality traits influence her way in resolving her conflicts.

3. Resolution

  According to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary , the word “resolution” means the act of solving or settling problems (1132). In this study, resolution refers to Anne’s action and behaviour in resolving her conflict in the novel. This study will analyze how Anne’s characteristics influence her in solving her problems.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter consists of three major parts. The first part is the review of

  related theories. It consists of critical approach, theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, and the last is theory of conflict. The second part is the review of related studies. It describes previous research which is related to the study. The last part is theoretical framework which describes the contribution of the theories in solving the problems.

A. Review of Related Theories

1. Critical Approach

  Analyzing a novel is not the same as someone reading and imagining its stories. The writer must avoid subjectivity when he or she analyzes a novel.

  Therefore, critical approach is needed. According to Rohrberger and Woods (6- 15), there are five approaches that can be used when a writer analyzes a novel.

  They are the formalist approach, the biographical approach, the sociocultural- historical approach, the mythopoeic approach, and the last is the psychological approach.

  The first approach is formalist approach. The Formalist approach is an approach that focuses on the integrity of literary works. This approach concerns understand his or her writing. Unlike the biographical approach which focuses on the importance of the author’s ideas and personal life, the sociocultural historical approach focuses on social, cultural, civilization, and history as reference to analyze the novel. The next approach is the mythopoeic approach. It attempts to discover the particular pattern of human thought that share the same universal belief to have an expression in certain community mind.

  The last approach is psychological approach. It involves the theories of psychology as the references to analyze the characters in the story. Psychological approach allows the researcher to discover the pattern of human personality and behaviour. Barnet states “a character is a figure with specific mental and moral qualities; it is obvious that characters are observable through psychology in terms that they consist of unique mental qualities” (71). Based on the statement above, it can be assumed that analyzing the characters deals with psychology. Therefore, this study applies the psychological approach to discover and analyze Anne’s personality traits.

2. Theory of Character and Characterization

  This study focuses on Anne’s personality traits. Therefore, the theory of character and characterization is important to be applied in order to analyze the problems of this study. Holman and Harmon state “character means a complicated term that includes the idea of the moral constitution of the human personality, the description above, it can be assumed that a character in a novel is a complex creature like human being. A character has personality traits and physical appearance. In a novel, there must be a character who leads the reader to know the story.

  There are some types of characters in a novel. Holman and Harmon (400) mention that a character can be determined by analyzing the character’s role.

  There are two roles of characters; it can be antagonist and protagonist. A protagonist is the character that has an important role in the play and has an ability to enlist the reader’s sympathy and interest. In contrast, antagonist character is the character who directly opposes the protagonist (Holman and Harmon 27). From the description above, it can be assumed that protagonist character faces major conflicts in a story.

  While Holman and Harmon define characters based on their roles in a novel, Henkel (87) defines character in another way. He states that characters can be divided based on the function and the prominence. They are major and secondary character. Major character is a character that deserves to get attention from the readers and other characters. On the other hand, secondary character is the one who performs more limited function in the story. Secondary character also appears less often than major character.

  Furthermore, Forster (46) introduces new terms in determining the characters. He defines a character as a flat character and a round character. A flat gentle, and rich man. In contrast, a round character is presented with personality, like most people. This character is capable of surprising in the story.

  After we know about the types of character based on the role, the function, and the prominence, we need to know more about the character’s personality.

  Therefore, characterization methods are needed to describe a character’s personality of a novel. Characterization methods allow the writer to reveal the character’s physical appearance and personality traits.

  Based on Rohrberger and Woods (180), characterization is a process by which an author creates the character with particular type of person. It means that every character in a story is different, both mentally and physically appearances. Murphy (161) states that characterization is the way an author conveys the characters and personalities so that the readers understand and know the characters.

  To avoid subjectivity in analyzing a character of a novel, this study needs methods of characterization. This study uses two theories that are proposed by Sylvan Barnet and Murphy.

  Barnet (712) determines four ways to understand the characteristics of a character. They are; what the character says, what the characters does or acts, what other characters say about the character and the last what others do. Similar to Barnet who proposes four ways in determining a character, Murphy (161-173) explains about nine principals in the process of a. Personal description The author can describe a character in personal description; the author may draw details about the character’s appearance and clothes. For example: eyes, clothes, skin, face, height, appearance.

  b. Character as seen by the others.

  The author can describe a character through other characters’ eyes point of views and opinions so that the readers can get a reflection image about the character’s personality and appearance.

  c. Character’s speech The author can give the readers an insight into character through character’s speech and words. The reader may know the personality of the character by the character’s opinion or statement.

  d. Past life The author can give a clue of personality through past life. It is done in order to let the readers learn something from character’s previous life and know the shape of a person’s character.

  e. Conversation of others The readers can take clues of person’s character through the conversation of other characters and the things they say about him. It can help the readers understand better about the character and get a clue about the character’s personality. f. Reaction The author gives a clue to the reader based on the reaction of the character to various situation and events in the story.

  g. Direct comment The author can describe or comment a character in a novel directly. The author can give his or her personal comment to the characters he or she creates directly.

  h. Thought The author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about. With this clue, the author wants to give a description of a character for the readers through the character’s mind. By knowing the character’s thoughts and minds, the readers can learn his or her characteristics. i. Mannerism

  The author can describe a character’s mannerism, idiosyncrasies and habits. It can lead the readers learn the person’s characteristics.

  This study focuses on analyzing Anne’s personality traits. Therefore, this study applies the theory of personality in order to find out about the personality traits of Anne.

3. Theory of Personality

  Before discussing further about the theory of personality that deals with means that psychology focuses on the mind, the mental, and the thought of organisms. In this study, organism belongs to human. As we know, human is a unique organism. He is gifted with mind, feeling, free will, ambition, emotion, and also personality.

  C.G Jung says “psychological mode works with material drawn from man’s conscious life with crucial experiences, powerful emotions, suffering passion, and the stuff of human fate in general” (89). Based on the statement above, personality of a character can be seen through his or her actions, experiences he or she has, and how he or she faces problems and resolves it.

  To analyze personality, Sigmund Freud (379-380) proposes psychoanalytic theory. It focuses on emotion and unconscious mental processes.

  In psychoanalytic theory, Freud states that personality is determined by three major systems; id, ego, and superego. Each system has its own function, but three of them interact to govern behaviour.

  According to Freud, Id is a basic structure of personality of human being. Id always seeks pleasure and avoids pain. Id is unconscious which means that there is no contact with reality. The person only thinks about pleasure. Id leads someone to satisfy his basic needs such as self protection, sexual desire, and hunger. The next is ego. This structure of personality follows the reality principle.

  Ego is partly conscious. It works based on the condition on how a person can stay away from problems. The last personality structure is superego. It leads someone

  While Freud proposes three structures of personality, Costa and McCrae (qtd. in Huffman et al 445-446) propose five-factor-theory. It is five major dimensions of personality and well-known as OCEAN. It is a combination theory based on the research finding of modern traits and possible personality traits. O means Openness to experience; individual who has this personality tends to be imaginative, creative, curious, open to new idea, and interested in cultural pursuits. In contrast, a person who is not open to experience tends to be conventional, down to earth, inartistic, and narrower in their interest.

  The next is C. C means Consciousness; a person with this personality tends to be responsible, well organized, careful, reliable, and hard working. In contrast, individual who is low in consciousness tends to be irresponsible, careless, impulsive, undependable to other, lazy, and disorganized. Next, E means Extroversion. Individuals with this personality are sociable, outgoing, talkative, fun loving, and affectionate. The opposite personality of extroversion is introversion. An individual with introvert personality is quite, passive, withdrawn, reserved, and loner.

  Furthermore, A means Agreeableness; a person who has this personality tends to be warm, good natured, gentle, cooperative, helpful, and trusting. On the other hand, an individual who is low in agreeableness tends to be argumentative, ruthless, suspicious, uncooperative, vindictive and irritable. The last acronym is N. N means Neuroticism. A person with this personality is emotionally unstable contrast, a person who low in neuroticism is emotionally stable. He or she tends to be calm, easy going, relaxed, and even-tempered.

4. Theory of Conflict

  Human life is never free from conflict. Holman and Harmon say “conflict as the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot” (107). It means that conflict happens between two oppositions like man against man, man against nature, man against fate, man against society, or perhaps man against his personality. Another definition comes from Jones and Gerard. They say “a conflict is a state that requires the person when he is motivated to make two or more mutual incompatible actions” (qtd. in Worchel and Cooper 460). It means that a person will face a conflict when he cannot do two or more actions in the same time. As a result, he must choose one way and accept the consequences. In this part, there are four sub parts that will be explained in conflicts theory, they are types of conflict, causes of conflict, style of people in approaching conflict, and the last is resolution of conflict.

a. Types of Conflict

  There are some types of conflicts. Stanton (16) proposes two types of conflicts. They are internal and external conflicts. An internal conflict means a conflict that comes from the character himself, whether he has a problem in his comes from the outside. It can be a conflict with other human being, society, nature, even social belief and tradition.

  In addition, Worchel and Cooper (460-464) also determine two types of conflict. They propose intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. An intrapersonal conflict means a conflict that an individual experiences when he or she makes a decision between two or more alternatives. In making decision, a person finds difficulties to decide the right choice. Therefore, there are four kinds of conflict that can be found in intrapersonal conflict. They are approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and double-approach-avoidance conflicts.

  An approach-approach conflict appears when a person can choose only one action between two positive goals because he only can reach one goal. The next is avoidance-avoidance conflict. It appears when an individual must choose one between two unattractive goals. Furthermore, an approach-avoidance conflict occurs when a person faces only one goal that has both positive and negative sides. As a result, he or she is full of doubt in choosing his or her goal. The last is double approach-avoidance conflict. This conflict has two goals that all of the choices have positive and negative sides.