Management strategy in place Management strategy Management strategy Management strategy

Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 65 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011 Component Habitats PI 2.4.1 Outcome Status The fishery does not cause serious or irreversible harm to habitat structure, considered on a regional or bioregional basis, and function. and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm. and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm. reduce habitat structure and function to a point where there would be serious or irreversible harm. JustificationRationale The response is dependent on relative habitat structures. Sandy bottoms may be more resilient. However, some fishing grounds, such as Phang Nga, were mixed rock and sand, with considerable benthic diversity and gillnet damage to fauna. Most fishing occurred off seagrass beds, but with some exceptions. More information is required to be able to assess benthic impacts. Traps are unlikely to cause notable impact and highly unlikely to reduce habitat structure. RBF required?  Likely Scoring Level passpass with conditionfail Traps: Will most likely pass for traps Gillnet: Potentially a pass, but greater knowledge required on some benthic interactions by gillnet e.g Phang Nha Picture 5 Component Habitats PI 2.4.2 Management strategy There is a strategy in place that is designed to ensure the fishery does not pose a risk of serious or irreversible harm to habitat types. Scoring issues SG60 SG80 SG100

a. Management strategy in place

There are measures in place, if necessary, that are expected to achieve the Habitat Outcome 80 level of performance. There is a partial strategy in place, if necessary, that is expected to achieve the Habitat Outcome 80 level of performance or above. There is a strategy in place for managing the impact of the fishery on habitat types.

b. Management strategy

evaluation The measures are considered likely to work, based on plausible argument e.g. general experience, theory or comparison with similar fisherieshabitats. There is some objective basis for confidence that the partial strategy will work, based on information directly about the fishery andor habitats involved. Testing supports high confidence that the strategy will work, based on information directly about the fishery andor habitats involved.

c. Management strategy

implementation There is some evidence that the partial strategy is being implemented successfully. There is clear evidence that the strategy is being implemented successfully. Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 66 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011

d. Management strategy

evidence of success There is some evidence that the strategy is achieving its objective. JustificationRationale There is a strategy in place to protect seagrass habitats through zoning; and coral reefs through mooring systems DMCR, Sept. 2011. It is not clear how wide spread damage to other assemblages may be. The strategy is likely to be effective for trap fisheries. Likely Scoring Level passpass with conditionfail Potentially a pass, but greater knowledge required on some benthic interactions by gillnet. Will pass for traps. Component Habitats PI 2.4.3 Information monitoring Information is adequate to determine the risk posed to habitat types by the fishery and the effectiveness of the strategy to manage impacts on habitat types. Scoring issues SG60 SG80 SG100

a. Information quality