Appropriate- ness of Level of limit reference point Level of target Low trophic level species

Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 50 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011

a. Appropriate- ness of

reference points Generic limit and target reference points are based on justifiable and reasonable practice appropriate for the species category. Reference points are appropriate for the stock and can be estimated.

b. Level of limit reference point

The limit reference point is set above the level at which there is an appreciable risk of impairing reproductive capacity. The limit reference point is set above the level at which there is an appreciable risk of impairing reproductive capacity following consideration of relevant precautionary issues.

c. Level of target

reference point The target reference point is such that the stock is maintained at a level consistent with B MSY or some measure or surrogate with similar intent or outcome. The target reference point is such that the stock is maintained at a level consistent with B MSY or some measure or surrogate with similar intent or outcome, or a higher level, and takes into account relevant precautionary issues such as the ecological role of the stock with a high degree of certainty.

d. Low trophic level species

target reference point For key low trophic level species, the target reference point takes into account the ecological role of the stock. JustificationRationale Some stock assessments have been undertaken Jindalikit 2008, Apirak 2011 and Sinanun 2011. These indicate that the stock is not maintained at a level consistent with B MSY . No limit or target references points are used, but stock assessment work suggests that these can be extrapolated. The species is not low trophic as it does not primarily fish on plankton nor is it on the TAB D_036 list of species. RBF Required?  X Likely Scoring Level passpass with conditionfail PASS with conditions Component Outcome PI 1.1.3 Stock Rebuilding Where the stock is depleted, there is evidence of stock rebuilding within a specified timeframe. Scoring issues SG60 SG80 SG100 a. Rebuilding strategy design Where stocks are depleted rebuilding strategies, which have a reasonable expectation of success are in place. Where stocks are depleted rebuilding strategies are in place. Where stocks are depleted, strategies are demonstrated to be rebuilding stocks continuously and there is strong evidence that rebuilding will be complete within the specified timeframe. Document: MSC Pre-Assessment Reporting Template page 51 Date of issue: 15 th August 2011 © Marine Stewardship Council, 2011

b. Rebuilding timeframes