Brave Greg Mortenson’s Character in the Novel

Afghanistan news. Under Taliban pressure, more than ten thousand Afghans, mostly women and children, become the victim. Women and children are starving and need shelters. Knowing the news about the Afghans, Greg Mortenson says, “Since I started working in Pakistan, I haven’t slept much,” Mortenson says. “But that winter I hardly slept at all. I was up all night, pacing my basement, trying to find some way to help them” Mortenson fired off letters to newspaper editors and members of Congress, trying to stir up otrage. “but no one cared,” Mortenson says. 239. Greg Mortenson tries hard to find some ways to help the Afghans until he cannot sleep all night. Based on his speech, we know that he really wants to help the Afghans by thinking about the way to help them.

4. Brave

In working Greg Mortenson mission to help people in Northern Pakistan, he is brave to face everything that might appear. He finds a lot of things against his mission. In August 1996, Taliban makes an offensive in Jalalabad, a large city on Afghanistan. They consist of thousands of bearded men who wear turbans and lined in their eyes. In this terrible condition, Greg Mortenson realizes that it is impossible to find a new location to build schools. As a result, he has to stay in Peshawar for a moment waiting until the condition gets better. The horrible condition caused by Taliban ruling also makes Greg Mortenson being kidnapped for eight days. During his kidnapping, he tries to escape but he cannot make it because he is under close watch by the guard. He was in spare, high ceiling room, ten feet wide and twenty long. A kerosene lantern burned on the sill of a single small window, shuttered from the outside. He turned toward the men who had brought him, telling him self not to panic, trying to marshal the presence of mind to produce some same small pleasantry, anything to start trying to win their sympathy, and saw a heavy door clicking closed behind them. From the statement above, it is known that Greg Mortenson is brave in facing the situation. He tells himself not to be afraid and panic when he is brought to the place where he will be kept. Greg Mortenson’s bravery can be analyzed through Murphy’s theory of characterization, which is derived from his thought Murphy 171. When Greg Mortenson has been freed from the kidnapping, he faces a new problem concerning his mission. There is a sher of Chakpo who makes a new fatwa against Greg Mortenson mission. Syed Abbas tells Greg Mortenson about sher Chakpo plans that he wants to banish him from Pakistan because he worries that Greg Mortenson will do his mission against Islam and tear Islam down. Greg says, “If you think I’m doing anything against Islam, tell me to leave Pakistan forever and I will,” Mortenson said 193. Through his speech, Greg Mortenson shows his bravery, he wants to leave Pakistan if he does his mission against Islam. Greg Mortenson is ready to accept the consequences if it is proved that his mission to build schools in Northern Pakistan is against Islam. Knowing Greg Mortenson’ perseverance, Syed Abbas tells him to stay away from Chakpo and gives him a letter which shows his support to Greg Mortenson mission. Returning home to America, Greg Mortenson is often asked by American. They are anxious about Greg Mortenson who goes around places in a dangerous region and a lot of terrorists. Greg Mortenson says, “If I die in Pakistan, it’ll be because of a traffic accident, not a bomb or bullet,” he’d always tell them. “The real danger over there is on the road” 81. Greg Mortenson decides to help people in Northern Pakistan in any condition. Therefore, he will be brave in realizing his mission even though many problems are against him.

5. Hard Working