Greg Mortenson’s Intrinsic Motivation

1. Greg Mortenson’s Intrinsic Motivation

According to Hufmann, Vernoy and Vernoy 408, intrinsic motivation refers to a desire of someone to show an action for their own sake. Building schools in Northern Pakistan is one of Greg Mortenson’s desires. Greg has an intrinsic motivation because at first, he has a deep concern about education in Korphe village. After their familiar breakfast of chapattis and cha, Haji Ali led Mortenson up a steep path to a vast open ledge eight hundred feet above the Braldu. The view was exquisite, with ice giants of the upper Baltoro razored into the blue far above Korphe’s gray rock walls. But Mortenson wasn’s admiring the scenery. He was appalled to see eighty-two children, seventy-eight boys, and the four girls who had the pluck to join them, kneeling on the frosty ground, in the open. Haji Ali, avoiding Mortenson’s eyes, said that the village had no school, and the Pakistani government didn’t provide a teacher 31. Seeing such a situation, Greg’s was wretched. “There was fierceness desire to learn, despite how mightily everything was stacked against them, that reminded me of Christa. I knew I had to do something” 32. Therefore, Greg Mortenson says to Haji Ali, I knew I had to do something. I am going to build you a school, he said, not yet realizing that with those words, the path of his life had just detoured down another trail, a route far more serpentine and arduous than the wrong turns he’d taken since treating from K2. I will build a school, Mortenson said, I promise 32-33. Based on his deep concern about education in Korphe, Greg wants to build a school to provide better facilities for the children to study. He promises Haji Ali to build a school in Korphe village. Besides, Greg wants to build a school in Korphe in order to return the kindness of people there in saving his life. However, Greg decides to try to do something to them to return their kindness by helping them to build a school and to buy some text books to be sent to their school 30-32. Hufmann, Vernoy and Vernoy 408 states that in intrinsic motivation, there is not a reward such as money, certificate or status for someone’s work, but the reward is his satisfaction in doing something well. Greg Mortenson’s helpfulness is not because of any reward that he obtains, but it is because he gets satisfaction in helping others. It can be seen when Greg helps Ibrahim to take care of Ibrahim’s wife named Rhokia. She has given birth to a baby girl two days earlier because the placenta has not come out after the birth. Then she is dying from septic shock. Knowing Rhokia’s condition, Greg says “I knew what I had to do,” Mortenson says. “But I was very worried about how Ibrahim would take it.” Mortenson pulled him aside. He explained, quietly, that he needed to reach inside Ibrahim’s wife and remove the substance that was making her sick. Ibrahim clapped his hands warmly on Mortenson’s shoulders and told him to do what he must 179. The next day, Mortenson sees Rhokia walks around the village and she is cooling her baby in the blanket. Greg says, “I was very happy that I’d been able to help Ibrahim’s family. For Balti to let a foreign man, an infidel, have that kind of intimate contact with your wife took an incredible leap of faith. I felt humbled by how much they’d come to trust me”179. Greg enjoys helping people in Northern Pakistan. He never thinks about the rewards he will get after helping them. However, Greg only thinks by helping people he gets self satisfaction and to help others is the right thing to do. It can be concluded that Greg Mortenson has an intrinsic motivation in building schools in northern Pakistan. First, he concerns about education in Korphe and he wants to build a school there. Besides, he builds the school in order to return the kindness of Korphe to save his life. Then, his concern about education in Korphe leads him to build another school in Northern Pakistan area. Having an intrinsic motivation, Greg Mortenson is helpful to everyone without asking any rewards in return because he is doing such things from his heart.

2. Greg Mortenson’s Approach Motivation