Greg Mortenson’s Achievement Motivation

from Pakistan because he worries that Greg’s mission is against Islam. Based on that situation, Greg convinces sher Chakpo and Syed Abbas that Greg will leave Pakistan if his mission against Islam 193. His bravery shows that Greg really wants to build school in Northern Pakistan. In conclusion, Greg has an approach motivation in building school in Northern Pakistan. Since building school there become one of his goals in his life, Greg acts something which leads him to accomplish his goal. Firstly, Greg raises fund to support him in building the schools. After collecting the money, he starts gathering workers who are experienced and eager to build the school. In building the schools, Greg and his crew buy materials and distribute it to the place where the school will be built. He is also optimistic that he can finish the schools building with the materials he brings. Besides, he is brave in facing people who is against him in building schools in Northern Pakistan.

3. Greg Mortenson’s Achievement Motivation

According to David C. McClelland, achievement motivation is doing something better for achievement motive. What should be involved is to make the achievement becomes more precise for people who can do better for its own sake and for the intrinsic satisfaction 227. It means that someone should make improvement in achieving his or her goal. Greg Mortenson always makes an improvement in accomplishing his goal. Greg Mortenson realizes that he should make improvement in working for CAI in building schools in Northern Pakistan. He works hard to make an improvement in building the schools by learning from his failure and mistakes. It had taken more than three years, years of false steps, failure, and delays, to drive the Korphe School from promise to completion. Having taken his mistakes to heart, with the money finally to make his vision a reality and a staff and army volunteer who were passionately dedicated to improving the lives of Balti children, Greg Mortenson’s CAI built three more primary schools in only three months 191. In Beck’s Motivation 317, Murray defines “need for achievement as a desire or tendency ‘to overcome obstacles, to exercise power, to strive to do something difficult as well and as quickly as possible’. Therefore, it can be emphasized that achievement motive is a motive to master challenging task, to accomplish something and to do better improvement, to get greater output, to strive to do something rapidly and independently. In accomplishing his goal, Greg makes an improvement to manage CAI better. Since he does not have enough time to have a formal education, then he improves his managing ability by autonomous learning. Moreover, Greg also learns to manage his time better for his family. Mortenson also promised his wife he’d learn to manage his time better. The CAI boars set aside a small budget each year for Mortenson to take college on subjects like management, development, and Asian politics. “I never had time to take classes,” Mortenson says. “So I spent the money on books. A lot of time, when people thought I was just sitting in my basement doing nothing, I was reading those books. I would start my day at 3:30 AM., trying to learn more about development theory finance, and how to be a better manager 233-234. Greg works hard to be able to manage his time better not only for studying but also for his family. It can be concluded that Greg has a high achievement motivation. He works very hard, spending all his time to accomplish his goal and he also makes a better improvement in managing the CAI and in building school in Northern Pakistan.

4. Greg Mortenson’s Affiliation Motivation