CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 21 Pronunciation variations of Indonesian President`s speech in APEC CEO Summit 2014.

4 have understanding and acceptance or positive judgment towards the non-native speakers. In order to accept a certain spoken language by non-native speakers, an understanding of knowledge about pronunciation variations of certain language is necessary. Hazen 2001 states “if people had a better understanding of how language works, they would probably be less inclined to make negative judgments about speakers of different dialects ” p. 1. So, this is the reason that in this era, pronunciation variations are more accepted, even in formal international fora. The phenomenon of pronunciation variations happens during the presentation of Mr. Joko Widodo as President of Republic of Indonesia in Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC CEO Summit 2014 in Beijing. The news reports reported about his performance in giving presentation in front of hundreds of CEOs by using English with his strong Javanese accent. The CEOs and many people who watched the news praised him for his straightforward and simple presentation. It shows that the listeners or the audience were still able to recognize and understand his English speech, although it was influenced by his strong Javanese accent. His confidence in using his Javanese accent during the presentation in English is quite unique and attracted people‟s attention. From this phenomenon, the researcher came out with a research question: “What are the pronunciation variations in Indonesian President‟s APEC CEO Summit 2014 speech as being compared to Standard English pronunciation? ” The researcher believes that this paper can give benefits to language learners and teachers, especially the students and the lecturers of English Education Study Program. Pronunciation variation is part of linguistics study. It 5 shows the variations of English pronunciation which are different from common pronunciation variations which occur in Inner Circle countries. Kachru 2006 states that Inner Circle countries are the countries where the people are English native speakers like the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, or Canada. Indonesia is categorized as a member of Expanding Circle or the countries where English does not have official status and being taught through the education system. Therefore, these pronunciation variations can give additional knowledge for students who want to study further about linguistics, especially in the field of phonetics and phonology. Besides, pronunciation variations are also part of lesson material which is beneficial to train the students‟ listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills. Those skills are parts of important subjects in English Education Study Program. Charity and Mallinson 2011 state that language is the important part of culture and identity. So, understanding the variations and diversity of language is critical to be taught in multicultural education. Therefore, this paper can be beneficial as a reference for linguistic study or further research for both English Education Study Program students and lecturers.

B. Research Method

This final paper is qualitative research, which is the type of research method which does not require statistics or quantitative data. Patton 1985 states that qualitative research is “an effort to understand situations in their uniqueness as part of a particular context and the interactions there ” p. 1. Looking at this definition, qualitative research focuses more in analyzing a certain phenomenon 6 and it is explained in words, instead of numbers. The focus of analysis in qualitative research is a certain phenomenon of a certain time or context. Merriam 2002 states “Qualitative researchers are interested in understanding what those interpretations are at particular point in time and in a particular c ontext” p. 4. According to Merriam 2002, there are several key characteristics of qualitative research. The first is that “the researchers strive to understand the meaning people have constructed about their world and their experiences ” p. 4- 5. Merriam 2002 explains further that “it is not attempting to predict what may happen in the future necessarily, but to understand the nature of that setting ” p. 5. The second characteristic is “the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection a nd data analysis” p. 5. Merriam 2002 adds “the researcher can expand his or her understanding through nonverbal as well as verbal communication, process information data immediately, clarify and summarize material, check with respondents for accuracy of interpretation and explore unusual or unanticipated responses ” p. 5. Merriam 2002 states that the content of qualitative inquiry is „richly descriptive‟. Merriam 2002 states further “Words and pictures rather than numbers are used to convey what the researcher has learned about a phenomenon ” p. 5. From the several types of qualitative research is document analysis, because the data which is used is in a form of video recording with the transcript. Document analysis is one of data collection and analysis types of qualitative research. This type of data analysis requires library research without observing the phenomenon directly. According to Singh 2006, document analysis is also called