Sound deletion of s Sound deletion of l



This chapter is divided into two parts, which called as conclusions and recommendations. Conclusions cover the summary of major findings to the previous research question: “What are the pronunciation variations in Indonesian President‟s APEC CEO Summit 2014 speech as being compared to Standard English pronunciation? ” In addition, recommendations cover the benefits for language learners, language teachers or lecturers, and also for the future researchers.

A. Conclusions

This part summarizes the major findings of the research about phenomenon of pronunciation variations. The analysis of this research focused on pronunciation variations that occurred in Indonesian President‟s English speech at APEC CEO Summit 2014 in Beijing. The research intended to analyze the pronunciation variations of English speech which is influenced by Javanese accent, because the Indonesian President as the speaker, is a Javanese. As the answer to the previous research question: “What are the pronunciation variations in Indonesian President‟s APEC CEO Summit 2014 speech as being compared to Standard English pronunciation? ”, the findings of this research show several pronunciation variations. They are divided into consonant sounds and vowel sounds. There are five consonant sound deletions, 22 such as the sounds r, d or t, s, l, and n. Besides that, there are also five assimilations or consonant sounds change, such as the sounds ɹ becomes r, θ becomes t, ʃ becomes s, v becomes f, and z becomes dʒ. Those pronunciation variations are influenced by the strong accent of Javanese by Mr. Joko Widodo as the speaker. Another findings of pronunciation variations of consonants are the occurence of breathy voice in some voiced consonants like b, d, g, and d ʒ. This breathy voice is considered as the unique characteristic of Javanese accent. The pronunciation variations of vowel sounds are more complicated than consonant sounds, and they are unable to be classified separately, because of the inconsistency of sound changes during the speech by Mr. Joko Widodo. One vowel sound could change into several sounds. It happened because some of English words were pronounced by the similar pronunciations of Indonesian words.

B. Recommendations

This research might be beneficial for language learners, language teachers, and further researchers.

1. For Language Learners

First, the researcher would like to suggest for language learners care and pay more attention to the pronunciation variations of foreign languages which might be a lot and unique, especially which come from the non-native speakers of