Effect of Video Project to Promote Students’ Speaking Skill

62 2015, the teacher downloaded all videos submitted and commented by the students previously. Further, the researcher did posttest. For control group, the posttest was held on Thursday, 28 th May 2015 and on Friday, 29 th May 2015. For experimental group, the posttest was held on Thursday, 28 th May 2015 and on Saturday, 30 th May 2015. The posttest took 90 minutes for each term half of class member for each group. In posttest, the researcher found different numbers of students in control class who attended the test. The numbers of students attending pretest were 45 students, however there were only 44 students attending posttest. Therefore, there researcher conducted the change to be adapted in the process of t-test. After having posttest, the researcher then distributed individual questionnaire in the experimental class to fill by the students. Then the researcher analyzed the data obtained from posttest to compare to the data obtained from pretest for each group. Following are the findings of this research divided into two parts based on the research questions.

1. Effect of Video Project to Promote Students’ Speaking Skill

The first research question showed the findings on statistical tests done by the researcher. To know whether the scores of pretest and posttest of each group have been improved or not, the researcher displays the mean and standard deviation for both group. Table 4.1 below shows the mean differences of two groups based on the result of pretest and posttest see Appendix I 63 Table 4.1 Means and Standard Deviations of Experimental Group N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Score Maximum Score PreEx PostEx 39 39 10.3590 15.0769 3.96357 3.19032 2.00 8.00 17.00 20.00 Table 4.2 Means and Standard Deviations of Control Group N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Score Maximum Score PreCo PostCo 45 44 10.8667 12.9773 3.83524 3.02308 2.00 8.00 18.00 18.00 A change was appeared between means in both groups. The maximum score of the test was 20.00 divided into five categories in which each category has score 4. Both groups obtained the same minimum score in pretest 2.00 and in posttest 8.00. The maximum score of posttest in experimental group increased from 17.00 to 20.00 while the maximum score of posttest in control group did not get any change 18.00. The improvement of pretest and posttest mean scores in both groups can be seen in the following chart. Figure 4.1 Mean plots on Tests between EG and CG 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 M e a n s Tests Chart Title Class E Class F 64 In addition, the improvement can be seen more obviously from each category of speaking test including Pronunciation, Grammar Accuracy, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Interactive Communication based on the rubrics of speaking test by Pandiya. The following are the tables which show the frequencies of speaking rubrics of both groups. Table 4.3 Frequencies of Scale Criteria of Speaking of Experimental Group Criteria Numbers of Students Pron GA Voc Flue IC Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good 8 14 15 2 9 24 6 1 12 15 11 10 17 12 3 5 17 13 1 1 5 18 15 1 11 16 11 15 19 5 11 14 13 1 1 10 10 18 Total numbers of students 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 Table 4.4 Frequencies of Scale Criteria of Speaking of Control Group Criteria Numbers of Students Pron GA Voc Flue IC Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good 7 17 20 1 11 25 8 3 9 16 15 2 4 19 17 4 6 16 22 1 4 16 23 1 1 10 23 10 1 4 16 24 2 10 20 10 3 1 21 18 4 Total numbers of students 45 44 45 44 45 44 45 44 45 44 The total numbers of students of the experimental group are 39 students while the total numbers of students of the control group are different in pretest 45 students and posttest 44 students. Number 0 shows that there is no student 65 getting those categories. From the tables above, it can be seen that there was improvement in both group related to the criteria of „very poor‟. In posttest, there was no student who got this kind of criteria. For all criteria, except pronunciation, the experimental group had more students who got perfect score very good than the control group. There were 6 students getting perfect score very good in Pronunciation category, 12 students in Grammar Accuracy, 15 students in Vocabulary, 5 students in Fluency, and 18 students in Interactive Communication. Meanwhile, in the control group, there were only 8 students who got „very good‟ in Pronunciation, 4 students in Grammar Accuracy, 1 student in Vocabulary, and 4 students in Interactive Communication. There was no student of the control group who got „very good‟ in Fluency in posttest. It can be concluded that students in experimental group had more improvement in speaking than those in control group. For the complete data of students‟ score, see Appendix D. Then, in gathering the data for the experimental study, the independent sample t-test was conducted by the use of gain score. The t-test allows the examination of the difference between the mean scores relative to the spread or variability of the scores which could not be showed by the descriptive statistics only. It was applied to examine if the means of two groups of data are significantly different from one another. The t-test itself in fact indicates the sample differences from the population by the use of means and the distribution of sample scores around them. Before analyzing the statistical result, the researcher conducted normality test to know whether the data were normal or not to be tested. She used Kolmogorov- Smirnov test to show that the sample comes from particular distribution. If the 66 result is not significant P0.05, the data have normal distribution. The result of the normality test can be seen completely in Appendix I and is presented briefly in the following table. Table 4.5 One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test The result shows that the Komolgorov Smirnov KS Z score of class E the experimental group in pretest is 0.803 with Asymp. Sig 0.540 and of class F the control group is 0.663 with Asymp. Sig is 0.771 while in the Komolgorov Smirnov KS Z score of class E in posttest is 0.791 with Asymp. Sig 0.559 and of class F is 1.345 with Asymp. Sig is 0.054. All is higher than 0.05 which indicates that the test distribution is normal for both pretest and posttest. Thus, the independent sample t-test could be conducted. Before conducting independent t- test, the researcher conducted paired sample t-test to know whether any difference between pretest score and posttest score in each group. Table 4.6 t test Statistics of Experimental Group Pretest and Posttest One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 44 44 39 39 10.80 12.98 10.36 15.08 3.849 3.023 3.964 3.190 .100 .203 .129 .127 .062 .153 .091 .115 -.100 -.203 -.129 -.127 .663 1.345 .803 .791 .771 .054 .540 .559 N Mean Std. Dev iat ion Normal Parameters a,b Absolute Positiv e Negativ e Most Extreme Dif f erences Kolmogorov -Smirnov Z Asy mp. Sig. 2-tailed Contrrol Pre Test Control Post Test Experiment Pre Test Experiment Post Test Test distribution is Normal. a. Calculated f rom data. b. Paired Samples Test -4.718 2.645 .424 -5.575 -3.860 -11.138 38 .000 Experiment Pre Test - Experiment Post Test Pair 1 Mean Std. Dev iation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper 95 Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence Paired Dif f erences t df Sig. 2-tailed 67 From the table, it is shown that H0 is rejected if the –t value t table or t value t table. Because t value is 11.138 t table which is 2,024, H0 can be rejected. It means that meaning that there is any difference between pretest result and posttest result of experimental group see Appendix I. Table 4.7 t Test Statistics of Control Group Pretest and Posttest The table shows that the t = -8.24. H0 is rejected if the –t value -t table or t value t table. Because t value is 8.24 t table 2,017, H0 can be rejected, meaning that there is any difference between pretest result and posttest result of control group. From the result of t-test for each group, it can be seen that both control group and experimental group have significant difference in pretest and posttest while control group did not get any treatment. The numbers of students getting lower score in posttest in experimental group were the same as those in control group. However, the numbers of students getting higher score in posttest in experimental group were bigger than those in control group. Then, after knowing the paired sample correlations for each group, the researcher conducted independent samples t-test to know whether any significant difference between both groups see Appendix I. The following tables show the result of the gain scores and the statistical analysis of independent sample t-test. Paired Samples Test -2.182 1.756 .265 -2.716 -1.648 -8.24 43 .000 Contrrol Pre Test - Control Post Test Pair 1 Mean Std. Dev iation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper 95 Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence Paired Dif f erences t df Sig. 2-tailed 68 Table 4.8 Group Statistics of Independent Sample t-test The variable of those statistical analysis were the gain scores from the experimental group and from the control group. From the analysis, it was found out the significant difference between both groups. The output of means and standard deviation is followed by the value of mean difference. In the experimental group consisting of 39 students, the mean is 15.08 sd = 3.190 while for the control group consisting of 44 students, the mean is 12.98 sd=3.023. The mean difference between both groups is 0.167. Table 4.9 The Result of the Independent Samples Test The Lavenes Test for Equality of Variances is to represent a test of the hypothesis that the population from which the groups were sampled have equal variances. It aims to prove the sample homogeneity of both experimental and control groups to claim that they are from the same population. The t-test results labeled equal variances which is assumed gives the t-value t =3.077 and the degree of freedom df = 81. Ha is accepted if –t value - t table or t value t table. The t table is at 1.989 3.077 1.989 which indicates that the Group Statistics 44 12.98 3.023 .456 39 15.08 3.190 .511 Group Control Post Test Experiment PostTest Gain Scores N Mean Std. Dev iat ion Std. Error Mean Independent Samples Test .003 .960 -3.077 81 .003 -2.100 .682 -3.457 -.742 -3.067 78.57 .003 -2.100 .685 -3.462 -.737 Equal v ariances assumed Equal v ariances not assumed Gain Scores F Sig. Lev enes Test f or Equality of Variances t df Sig. 2-tailed Mean Dif f erence Std. Error Dif f erence Lower Upper 95 Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of Means 69 difference is significant because t-test result is higher than t table. Here, the result while in the table the result is presented in the form of 2-tailed significance, the researcher tested by using 1-tailed test because most calculators and computers give the exact p-value for 2-tailed tests. The researcher used the interpretation of 1-tailed test by using t table. As the t-test result shows that the difference between the two groups is significance, the null hypothesis Ho is rejected. In other words, the first alternative hypothesis Ha is acceptable. This condition, indeed, shows that there is a better achievement in speaking in Experimental Group than in Control Group. The students achievement based on the post-test result is indeed better than their scores in pretest which indicates that the treatment has positive effect and it promotes the students speaking skill including five categories of pronunciation, grammar accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and interactive communication seen from the score difference.

2. Video Project to Promote Students’ Learner Autonomy