English for Nursing Students

33 that the students get chances to speak and interact in order to practice their speaking skill. Related to mandatory participation, this strategy can help student learning speaking because in group, they are given time special time to speak for some minutes about certain topic then taking turn to other member. While this demands the students‟ confidence in speaking spontaneously, it can be used as strategy in learning speaking. In addition, Leaver, et al. in Diyanti 2012:23 list several strategies for developing speaking skill as speaking a lot, using new structures and terminology in several contexts, reading voraciously, and practicing native-like pronunciation. The learners can also learn a lot from their interaction with classmates and teachers, making conversations and getting peer feedback. The teachers‟ assistance with relevant guidance by always assisting and facilitating the learners with adequate and relevant learning resources and activities are also beneficial for promoting their speaking skill. Meanwhile, related to own learning, Wenden in Benson 2001 classifies the strategies used by adult foreign language learners including: 1 knowing what language and language learning involves, 2 planning the content and methods of learning, and 3 self-evaluation of progress, and the learning experience.

5. English for Nursing Students

English for nursing students is a part of English for Specific Purpose. According to Dudley and Evans 1997, ESP has absolute characteristics and variable characteristics. The absolute characteristics of ESP are: 1 ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners, 2 ESP makes use of underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves, and 3 ESP is centered on 34 the language appropriate to these activities in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse, and genre. Meanwhile, the variable characteristics of ESP are: 1 ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines, 2 ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of General English,3 ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either for tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary school level, 4 ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students, 5 Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems. From those characteristics, it is clearly known the definition of ESP. English for nursing is a kind of ESP which focuses on nursing study program. It is then known as English for Nursing Purpose ENP. ENP is needed to answer the demands of medical institutions which must produce professional nurse who are not only able in their field but also in communicating using English. English abilities exchange of information and communication with the physicians and the patients which are related to proper diagnoses and care. Nurse education faces several dilemmas and challenges in related to discipline-specific language learning and pedagogy Kimball in Yu, 2003. At the work place, nurses are always with reading and following doctors orders, entering records, writing nursing notes, and many others. By having an adequate skill in English communication, nurses can better address their patients needs with the effective communication, especially when they are working in international hospital with international patients or in abroad. That is why ENP is important to learn by all nursing students. 35 English for Nursing Program is given based on institution consideration. The use of syllabus and learning source is also different from one to other institutions. In


In conducting the study, I read and relate my research to some other related to researches. There are many studies concern about the learning autonomy and project-based learning. The researches that I will review are about promoting learning autonomy and project based learning using video production. There are two researchers sharing the similar stream as my study, which I try to review since those researchers give consideration in conduction my study. I would like to present the summary of the researches to illustrate the concepts of those researches briefly. The first research is conducted by Deng Dafei entitled An Exploration of the Relationship Between Learner Autonomy and English Proficiency 2007. There is relationship between the students English proficiency and their learner autonomy. This study shows that the more autonomous a learner becomes, the more likely he achieves high language proficiency. It is used as reference for this research because it discusses the relationship between learner autonomy and language proficiency. The second research is entitled Exploring The Potential of Language Learning Through Video Making by Masats, Dooly, and Costa 2009 conducted in Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. This study is to find out how video making can be used on language learning. The findings are the benefits of video production including as an integrative learning tool and the kinds of products