Active english for nursing (aforn): an m-learning model to enhance nursing students` speaking skill.



Rochmawati, Desi. 2015. Active English for Nursing (AFORN): An M-Learning Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill is one of four language skills in English. For doing good communication in educational or professional situation, the ability in speaking is important because ability in speaking English well is the priority for many second

language learners. People evaluate one’s success in language learning through the

ability to speak up. In Nursing Program in Poltekkes Yogyakarta, the students are supposed to be able to communicate in English that then it will help the students in academic affair and professionalism. In fact, the nursing students are very busy with their tight schedule for other subjects. They only have small opportunities in learning English, in the classroom. Active English for Nursing (AFORN) was

developed to accommodate the students’ need. AFORN is a learning media for

learning English speaking which can be installed in any mobile phones with Android Os. This research was aimed at discovering the functionality of the

learning media which are able to enhance students’ speaking skill. There were two

research problems which were discussed in this study; 1) What does the iconic model of AFORN (m-learning model to enhance speaking skill for nursing students) look like? 2) How does AFORN enhance the speaking skill of the nursing students?

This research focused on designing AFORN. In this study, the researcher employed mix-method of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evalution) model and R & D (Research and Development) process in developing the learning media, AFORN. There were 5 lesson units in the AFORN, each unit contained activities and exercises based on the topic. The research was conducted in Nursing Program of Poltekkes Yogyakarta. The target population was 44 nursing students of Regular Class in semester four in academic year 2014/2015. The data were taken in three steps; need analysis step, preliminary field testing step, main field testing step. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire and doing interview. In collecting the data for preliminary field testing and main field testing, the researcher installed the

AFORN in the respondents’ smart phones or tablets. The respondents were the nursing students, English Lecturers, and IT experts, They then gave their opinion, comments, and suggestion to the learning media, AFORN. The feedbacks from the respondents were used as the basic for conducting revision on the product.

After getting the feedback from the respondents, the researcher did some revision on the AFORN. The revision was about the contents of English material and the layout of the product. The result of this study was the final version of the learning media which was appropriate for nursing students to enhance their speaking skill. The activities are Vocabulary, Useful Expression, Tasks, and Pronunciation Drill. In Tasks, there are some exercises, i.e. Jumbled Words, Listening Practice, and Group Assessment (Role Play). Those kinds of exercises are integrated to accommodate the students to have speaking practices.



Rochmawati, Desi. 2015. Active English for Nursing (AFORN): An M-Learning

Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kemampuan berbicara adalah salah satu dari empat skill dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk bisa beekomunikasi berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks pendidikan dan profesionalisme, kemampuan berbicara merupakan hal yang penting karena berbicara yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan prioritas bagi semua yang sedang belajar bahasa. Orang menganggap bahwa seseorang berhasil dalam belajar bahasa dilihat dari kemampuan berbicaranya. Di jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Yogyakarta, mahasiswa dituntut untuk mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang nantinya membantu mahasiswa untuk hal terkait pembelajaran dan profesionalisme kelak. Akan tetapi, mahasiswa keperawatan di Poltekkes Yogyakarta sangat sibuk dengan jadwal kuliah mereka yang padat. Mereka hanya memiliki waktu yang singkat untuk belejar bahasa Inggris, yakni di ruang kelas. Active English for Nursing (AFORN), dikembangkan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa tersebut. AFORN adalah media pembelajaran untuk berlatih berbicara yang dapat diinstal di semua hand phone yang menggunakan system Android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan fungsionalitas dari AFORN yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bagi mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua permasalahan yakni 1) Seperti apakah model ikonik dari AFORN (model m-learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bagi mahasiswa keperawatan)? 2) Bagaimana AFORN mampu meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa keperawatan?

Penelitian ini fokus pada pembuatan produk AFORN. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan metode gabungan yakni ADDIE model dan R & D proses dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran ini. Ada 5 unit pembelajaran dalam AFORN, masing-masing unit dilengkapi dengan kegiatan dan latihan berdasarkan topic setiap unitnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Yogyakarta. Populasi target dalam penelitian ini adalah 44 mahasiswa keperawatan kelas Reguler semester 4 tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Data diperoleh melalui 3 langkah; analisa kebutuhan, uji lapangan tahap 1 dan uji lapangan tahap 2. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan interview. Dalam memperoleh data pada uji lapangan tahap 1 dan tahap 2, peneliti menginstalkan AFORN pada smart phone atau tablet milik para responden. Para responden adalah mahasiswa keperawatan, dosen bahasa Inggris, dan ahli IT. Kemudian mereka memberikan pendapat, komentar, dan saran pada media pembelajaran, AFORN. Umpan balik dari para responden digunakan sebagai dasar untuk perbaikan produk tersebut.

Setelah mendapatkan umpan balik dari para responden, peneliti melakukan beberapa perbaikan. Perbaikan tersebut adalah mengenai isi materi bahasa Inggris pada AFORN dan layout produk AFORN tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah versi akhir media pembelajaran AFORN yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan


kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan yang ada antara lain berlatih Kosakata, mengenal Ungkapan yang tepat, Latihan, dan Pelafalan. Dalam Latihan ada beberapa bentuk latihan seperti Menyusun Kalimat, Praktik Mendengarkan, dan Tugas Kelompok (Role Play). Bentuk-bentuk latihan tersebut terintegrasi untuk mengakomodir para siswa untuk mendapatkan latihan berbicara.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)

in English Language Studies


Desi Rochmawati Student Number: 136332015








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum)

in English Language Studies


Desi Rochmawati Student Number: 136332015







I dedicate my thesis to

My beloved husband Ngesti Mulat P., my dearest son Brilliant Alif Hakeem,






It will be a wonderful opportunity for me to express my deepest gratitude to many people around me who have given support, love, care, suggestion, and prayer for me at anytime. I really thank all of them but I apologize if I cannot mention them one by one.

First of all, my greatest gratitude is addressed to Allah SWT for the blessings, guidance, and for always listening to my prayers and making my wish come true. Alhamdulillah, finally I can complete my thesis.

My deep gratitude is aimed to my thesis advisor, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for his advice, suggestion, guidance, patience, and careful correction during the completion of my thesis. Thank you very much for encouraging and motivating me so that I can complete my thesis on time. I would also like to thank F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Jaslin Ikhsan, Ph.D., and Dr. J. Bismoko for reviewing my thesis and giving me very useful feedback for the betterment of my thesis. My deepest gratitude also goes to Dr.Ir. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto (Director of SEAMOLEC), SEAMOLEC team, and SEAMOLEC friends for the scholarship and the support for the development of digital learning media in education. Thank you so much for giving opportunity to have a very grateful internship program in SEAMOLEC learning center when I have learnt so much in computer technology.

My deepest gratitude also goes to everyone around me. For my late father in heaven and my mother thank you for everything. I would also thank my parents in law for their help and support during the completion of my graduate study. I would never forget all my friends in SEAMOLEC program 2013



whom I give my special thanks to Ika, David, Vendi, Shanti, Belinda, and Mbak Marga. You are all more than friends, but you are all my family. Thank you very much for sharing a wonderful moment during our study and the internship program in SEAMOLEC learning center. My deepest gratitude also goes to Oki Wicaksono who was really helpful for me in developing the AFORN. Thank you very much for teaching and guiding whenever I confused about the Blocks in MIT App Inventor. I would also thank my classmates that I can not mention them one by one; Mbak Tanti, Mbak Ana, Bundo (Wulan), Pipit, Mb Hening, Mimi, Levyn, Mb Yunita, etc, thank you very for the discussion during my study. Special thanks to Mbak Lely and friends for their countless service and help during my study.

I would also thank and give my best appreciation to all big family of Politeknik Kesehatan (Kementerian Kesehatan) Yogyakarta for their support and prayers for me. I would thank Tri Prabowo, SKP, M. Sc as the Head of Nursing Department and Rosa Delima Ekwantini, SKP, M.Kes. as the Head of Study Program (D III) for their help, support, and giving me opportunity to have a research in Nursing Program. In addition, my gratitude goes to Mas Suryo and Andika for helping me handle Language Lab. Unit during my study.

Last but not least, I would give my deepest love and gratitude for my little family, to my biggest fan Ngesti Mulat Purwosunu, I thank him for his prayers, never ending love, support and protection for me as always. Brilliant Alif Hakeem, my beloved son, thank you for inspiring me and giving me spirit for all of my life. My life is only for you and may Allah bless us, always.
















ABSTRAK... xvi


A. Background of the Study... 1

B.Problem Identification... 5

C.Problem Limitation... 7

D.Research Questions... 8

E. Research Objectives... 9

F. Product Specification ……….. 9

G.Research Benefits... 10


A.Theoretical Review ………... 13

1. English for Specific Purpose... 13

2.Nursing Program…... 16

3. English Speaking Skill………...……….. 18

a. The Nature of Speaking…………... 18

b. Micro Skills of Speaking……... 19

c. The Importance of Speaking English…………... 20

d. Core of Speaking Skills……….. 22

e. Input in Second Language Acquisition ………. 23

4. Teaching Speaking... 24

a. Effective Language Teaching………. 25

b. Active Learning Instructional Strategies………. 26

5. The Nature of Course in AFORN………... 27

6. Instructional Design Model………. 29

7. Mobile Learning……….. 31

a. Learning Concept... 32



c. Advantages and Disadvantages of M-Devices……… 33

d. Principles of M-Learning………... 35

e. The Characteristics of Well-Designed Software ………... 37

8. Mobile Assisted Language Learning………... 38

a. The Concept of MALL……….………. 39

b. The Characteristics of MALL……….………... 43

9. Android……… 44

a. The Nature of Android……….………. 44

b. Android Features……….……….. 45

c. MIT App Inventor……….……… 46

d. Mobile Application Development for Android…….……… 48

10. The AFORN……….………. 50

B. Review of Related Studies... 52

C. Theoretical Framework…... 55


A.Research Method... 62

B.The Research Setting and Participants ……… 67

C.Research Data ………. 68

1. Strategy in Collecting and Organizing Data……… 69

2. Data Collection Technique ………. 71

D.Research Instruments ……….. 72

1. Questionnaire ……….. 72

2. Interview ………. 74

E. Data Analysis…... 75


A.Process of Designing the Learning Model... 79

1. Need Analysis………... 79

a. Syllabus Investigation in Nursing Department……… 80

b. The Interview Result……… 81

c. The Questionnaire Result on Students’ Need……….. 85

d. The Finding in Need Analysis………. 90

2. Design………... 92

a. Stating General Objectives, Basic Competence, Topic……… 92

b. Specifying The Learning Indicators………. 95

3. Development………... 97

a. Preliminary Form of Product Development………. 98

b. Preliminary Field testing………. 102

1) Descriptive Statistics of respondents’ Opinions on the Prototype Learning Media………. 103

2) The respondents’ Comments and Suggestion on the Learning Media………. 109

c. Main Product Revision ……… 111

4. Implementation…………... 113



B.The Presentation of the Iconic Model ………... 119

1. Unit Presentation……... 120

2. Activities presentation... 126

C. The Role of AFORN in Enhancing Speaking Skill………..……… 133

1. The Advantages of Using the Learning Model ………...… 134

2. The Weaknesses of the Learning Model ……… 138


A.Conclusions... 140

B.Suggestions... 142

BIBLIOGRAPHY ... ... 144




Table Page

2.1. The Goal of English Subject in Nursing Department Adapted from

Syllabus for English Subject ... 15

2.2. Micro Skills of Oral Communication (Brown, 2000)... 19

2.3. Four Categories of Core Speaking Skill (Goh & Burns, 2012)... 22

2.4. Competences in Second Language Speaker (Goh & Burns, 2012)... 24

2.5. Material Concept of AFORN ... 27

2.6. UID Recommendation for Inclusive M-Learning (Elias, 2011)... 35

2.7. Features of Android (Meng Lee, 2012)... 45

3.1. The Stages, Data, Participants, and Instruments... 71

3.2. The Result of The Need Analysis Questionnaire... 76

3.3. The Description of The Evaluation of The Designed Material... 76

3.4. The Conversion Table of The Raw Scores into Converted Score... 77

3.5. The Interpretation of The Degree of Agreement (Best, 1970)... 77

4.1. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Questionnaire... 85

4.2. The Students’ Need and Opportunity in Learning English... 86

4.3. The Use of Technology in Learning Media... 87

4.4. Language Skills and Components... 89

4.5. The Basic Competence of English Lesson... 93

4.6. The List of Topics Presented in AFORN... 94

4.7. Topics Basic Competence, and Learning Indicators... 95

4.8. UID Principles As The Basis of Choosing Learning Activities... 98

4.9. Description of Preliminary Field Testing of Product Respondents... 102

4. 10.Meaning of Point Agreement... 103

4. 11.Conversion Table of The Raw Scores into the Converted Scores... 104

4. 12.The Descriptive Statistics of English Lecturers’ Opinion... 104

4.13. The Interpretation of The Degree of Agreement (Best, 1970)... 106

4.14. The Descriptive Statistics of IT Experts’ Opinion……….…… 107

4.15. The Interpreted Questionnaire Result……… 115




Figure Page

2.1. ADDIE Model (Rogers, 2002)………... 31

2.2. The Design of A Screen in AFORN Seen in MIT App Inventor …… 47

2.3. The Blocks of A Screen in AFORN Seen in MIT App Inventor …… 48

2.4. Ubiquitus Mobile Learning Architecture (Cabanban, 2013)... 49

2.5. The AFORN………... 52

2.6. Model of Development Framework………... 57

2.6. AFORN Application Map... 59

3.1. The Research Design with the Combination between R & D and ADDIE... 66

4.1. The Notification of Problem in MIT App Inventor ……… 112

4.2. The Home Page... 120

4.3. The Lesson Unit ……….. 120

4.4. The Unit 1... 121

4.5. The Unit 2... 122

4.6. The Unit 3... 123

4.7. The Unit 4………... 124

4.8. The Unit 5………. 125

4.9. The Review on Nursing Equipments……… 126

4.10. The Activities in AFORN... 127

4.11. Vocabulary Activity... 128

4.12. The Useful Expression Activity... 129

4.13. The Jumbled Words Exercise………. 130

4.14. The Listening Practice……… 130

4.15. The Group Assessment……….. 130

4.16. The Pronunciation Drill Exercise………... 131

4.17. The Column of Entering Data……… 132

4.18. The Record Data……… 132

4.19. The Forum Zone………. 133




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Questionnaire... 148

Appendix 2. Need Analysis Questionnaire... 150

Appendix 3. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Interview with English Lecturer……….…………. 154

Appendix 4. Transcript of Need Analysis Interview with English Lecturer... 155

Appendix 5. The Construct Mapping of Need Analysis Interview for Student... 157

Appendix 6. Transcript of Need Analysis Interview with Student…... 158

Appendix 7. The Application Map………... 160

Appendix 8. The Working Concept of Preliminary Field Testing... 161

Appendix 9. Questionnaire for English Lecturer... 163

Appendix 10. Questionnaire for IT Expert... 167

Appendix 11. The Result of Expert Validation Questionnaire (English Lecturer)... 171

Appendix 12. The Result of Expert Validation Questionnaire (IT Expert)……… 173

Appendix 13. Transcript of Preliminary Field Testing Interview (English Lecturer) ……….…... 175

Appendix 14. Transcript of Preliminary Field Testing Interview (Nursing Lecturer) ……….... 176

Appendix 15. Transcript of Preliminary Field Testing Interview (IT Practitioner) ………..…... 177

Appendix 16. The Working Concept of Main Field Testing Questionnaire……… 179

Appendix 17. Questionnaire of Main Field Testing………. 181

Appendix 18. The Result of Main Field Testing on User ….……….. 185

Appendix 19. The Result of Main Field Testing Questionnaire…………... 188

Appendix 20. The Result of Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire ...… 197

Appendix 21. Transcript of Main Field Testing Interview ………... 199




Rochmawati, Desi. 2015. Active English for Nursing (AFORN): An M-Learning Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Speaking skill is one of four language skills in English. For doing good communication in educational or professional situation, the ability in speaking is important because ability in speaking English well is the priority for many second language learners. People evaluate one’s success in language learning through the ability to speak up. In Nursing Program in Poltekkes Yogyakarta, the students are supposed to be able to communicate in English that then it will help the students in academic affair and professionalism. In fact, the nursing students are very busy with their tight schedule for other subjects. They only have small opportunities in learning English, in the classroom. Active English for Nursing (AFORN) was

developed to accommodate the students’ need. AFORN is a learning media for learning English speaking which can be installed in any mobile phones with Android Os. This research was aimed at discovering the functionality of the

learning media which are able to enhance students’ speaking skill. There were two research problems which were discussed in this study; 1) What does the iconic model of AFORN (m-learning model to enhance speaking skill for nursing students) look like? 2) How does AFORN enhance the speaking skill of the nursing students?

This research focused on designing AFORN. In this study, the researcher employed mix-method of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evalution) model and R & D (Research and Development) process in developing the learning media, AFORN. There were 5 lesson units in the AFORN, each unit contained activities and exercises based on the topic. The research was conducted in Nursing Program of Poltekkes Yogyakarta. The target population was 44 nursing students of Regular Class in semester four in academic year 2014/2015. The data were taken in three steps; need analysis step, preliminary field testing step, main field testing step. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire and doing interview. In collecting the data for preliminary field testing and main field testing, the researcher installed the

AFORN in the respondents’ smart phones or tablets. The respondents were the

nursing students, English Lecturers, and IT experts, They then gave their opinion, comments, and suggestion to the learning media, AFORN. The feedbacks from the respondents were used as the basic for conducting revision on the product.

After getting the feedback from the respondents, the researcher did some revision on the AFORN. The revision was about the contents of English material and the layout of the product. The result of this study was the final version of the learning media which was appropriate for nursing students to enhance their speaking skill. The activities are Vocabulary, Useful Expression, Tasks, and Pronunciation Drill. In Tasks, there are some exercises, i.e. Jumbled Words, Listening Practice, and Group Assessment (Role Play). Those kinds of exercises are integrated to accommodate the students to have speaking practices.




Rochmawati, Desi. 2015. Active English for Nursing (AFORN): An M-Learning Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kemampuan berbicara adalah salah satu dari empat skill dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk bisa beekomunikasi berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks pendidikan dan profesionalisme, kemampuan berbicara merupakan hal yang penting karena berbicara yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan prioritas bagi semua yang sedang belajar bahasa. Orang menganggap bahwa seseorang berhasil dalam belajar bahasa dilihat dari kemampuan berbicaranya. Di jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Yogyakarta, mahasiswa dituntut untuk mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang nantinya membantu mahasiswa untuk hal terkait pembelajaran dan profesionalisme kelak. Akan tetapi, mahasiswa keperawatan di Poltekkes Yogyakarta sangat sibuk dengan jadwal kuliah mereka yang padat. Mereka hanya memiliki waktu yang singkat untuk belejar bahasa Inggris, yakni di ruang kelas. Active English for Nursing (AFORN), dikembangkan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa tersebut. AFORN adalah media pembelajaran untuk berlatih berbicara yang dapat diinstal di semua hand phone yang menggunakan system Android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan fungsionalitas dari AFORN yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bagi mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua permasalahan yakni 1) Seperti apakah model ikonik dari AFORN (model m-learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bagi mahasiswa keperawatan)? 2) Bagaimana AFORN mampu meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa keperawatan?

Penelitian ini fokus pada pembuatan produk AFORN. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan metode gabungan yakni ADDIE model dan R & D proses dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran ini. Ada 5 unit pembelajaran dalam AFORN, masing-masing unit dilengkapi dengan kegiatan dan latihan berdasarkan topic setiap unitnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di jurusan keperawatan Poltekkes Yogyakarta. Populasi target dalam penelitian ini adalah 44 mahasiswa keperawatan kelas Reguler semester 4 tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Data diperoleh melalui 3 langkah; analisa kebutuhan, uji lapangan tahap 1 dan uji lapangan tahap 2. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan interview. Dalam memperoleh data pada uji lapangan tahap 1 dan tahap 2, peneliti menginstalkan AFORN pada smart phone atau tablet milik para responden. Para responden adalah mahasiswa keperawatan, dosen bahasa Inggris, dan ahli IT. Kemudian mereka memberikan pendapat, komentar, dan saran pada media pembelajaran, AFORN. Umpan balik dari para responden digunakan sebagai dasar untuk perbaikan produk tersebut.

Setelah mendapatkan umpan balik dari para responden, peneliti melakukan beberapa perbaikan. Perbaikan tersebut adalah mengenai isi materi bahasa Inggris pada AFORN dan layout produk AFORN tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah versi akhir media pembelajaran AFORN yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan yang ada antara lain berlatih



Kosakata, mengenal Ungkapan yang tepat, Latihan, dan Pelafalan. Dalam Latihan ada beberapa bentuk latihan seperti Menyusun Kalimat, Praktik Mendengarkan, dan Tugas Kelompok (Role Play). Bentuk-bentuk latihan tersebut terintegrasi untuk mengakomodir para siswa untuk mendapatkan latihan berbicara.





Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed rapidly around the world. ICT has been implemented in almost every sector for human beings. ICT helps the transmission of knowledge because it accommodates the combination of ideas and technology. ICT takes part in the development of education. One of ICT roles is in language learning, therefore we know CALL and MALL. CALL is Computer Assisted Language Learning which deals with the use of computer technology in language learning, whereas MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) deals with the use of mobile technology in language learning. Kukulska-Hulme & Traxler (2005) state that mobile learning concerned with learner mobility, in the sense that learner should be able to connect with learning activities without any constraints to do those activities related with physical location. It makes possibility and also motivates the learner to have learning activities outside classroom or in various locations. Previously, the opportunities in learning outside classroom might arise books, electronic sources, places and people. But recently, mobile learning is more reachable since the use of portable and lightweight devices such as smart phones and tablets (p.1). This is the reason why the researcher focuses on the use of MALL in this study.

English materials which are combined with ICT would not only be very interesting for the students but also it would be easier to be accessed. Learning



English would not be restricted in a classroom only, but the process of teaching and learning can still be administered anywhere and anytime. The process of accepting knowledge would be simpler and easier. The students are able to have learning process anytime and anywhere since the knowledge of English or English materials are delivered by implementing ICT on it. The process of transferring knowledge would be very interesting and surely will be different from the conventional ways that the teaching-learning process should be conducted in a classroom where the teacher and students could see each other. When one of the aspects of learning doesn‟t exist, the transfer of knowledge might not be happened in the conventional way.

In Health Polytechnic of Yogyakarta (Politeknik Kesehatan/Poltekkes Yogyakarta), the students are supposed to have English proficiency especially in productive skill either written or spoken (syllabus doc). As the researcher knows that most of the students of Poltekkes are still passive in English but nevertheless to fulfill their professional needs, they should be able to communicate using international language. These because for the academic needs, the students will need references such as operational procedures, books, journals, or other sources which mostly are written in English. Further, when the students have become professionals, they might have foreigner patients, for examples tourists or maybe in the future they work in international hospital so that it will be possibly for them as healthcare practitioner to use English for communicating with the patients.

Communicative competence is very important for learners of language. Communicative competence includes some aspects of language knowledge such as knowing how to use language for a range of different purposes and functions



and knowing how to produce and understand different types of texts (Richards, 2006: 3). In health areas particularly for nurse or nursing students, communicative competence which mainly focuses on productive language or speaking ability is the main goal of learning English. They should be able to produce spoken language. They will use English for making a report, doing interview or conversation with patients, telling procedure, and some other activities related with their professionalism as health practitioners.

The English competence which is mostly demanded in nursing program is language competence related with productive skill, that is speaking skill. It is because speaking skill is very important for communication. Speaking skill is used in many different purposes and different situations. As seen in Richards & Renandya (2002:201), they state “A large percentage of the world‟s language learners study English in order to develop proficiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved. To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. When we use casual conversation, for example, our purposes may be to make social contact with people, to establish rapport, or to engage in the harmless chitchat that occupies much of the time we spend with friends. When we engage in discussion with someone, on the other hand, the purpose may be to seek or express opinions, to persuade someone about something, or to clarify information. In some situations, we use speaking to give instructions or to get things done. We may use speaking to describe things, to complain about people‟s behavior, to make polite requests, or to entertain people with jokes and anecdotes.”



Recently, our government via Ministry of Health and National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers or BNP2TKI (Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia) holds G to G program (Government to Government program) to send healthcare practitioners especially nurse and midwife to Japan and Timor Leste or other countries ( This is one reason why English communicative skill, especially ability in speaking English is important for students of Poltekkes. They need to learn English for active communication to be able to join the G to G program. Further, in 2015, there will be Asean Economic Challenge (AEC) which possibly transfers human resources such as nurse, teachers, architects and other profession from abroad to Indonesia ( So, the human resources market will be more competitive then. Indonesian nursing must be able to compete with nurse from other country. They must have extra skill as the point plus for their professionalism. One of the skills is ability to communicate using international language to support their professionalism.

Nursing students in nursing department of Poltekkes Yogyakarta have a lot practical schedule. They are so busy with the practical schedule for other subjects related with their academic discipline, nursing. They, therefore, do not have enough time to learn other subject for example English subject as general subject (Mata Kuliah Umum/MKU). The students have English subject in semester 3 and semester 4. The English lesson is only conducted once a week during those two semesters for about two hours only per meeting. It means that the students have contact with English only in the classroom. The rest of their time is mostly used to have other subjects related with their academic discipline and doing practical



schedules in laboratory or field practical in certain hospital. In the other hand, the nursing students are demanded to have ability in speaking using international language to support their professionalism. This is one factor which persuades the researcher to create a mobile English learning tool for nursing students which can be accessed by the students anytime and anywhere.

As information and communication technology grow rapidly, the most recent operating system for gadget is Android. Most gadgets use Android for their operating system (Android OS). Android is an open source mobile operating system that has been supported by Google Corporation, the world leading search engine company. The pervasive adoption of android in the mobile market is that mobile applications developed using android technology is more efficient and effective compared with other technologies, such as Window or Symbian operating systems. Android operating system is producing fast, user friendly and appealing application (Hanafi, 2012: vol.3 no.3). In the android smartphones or tablets people can download many applications from Google play store such as games, social medias, tools, musics, books, etc. But, most people only use this kind of gadget for entertainment. The researcher, therefore, wants to utilize this gadget with android operating system as a media to transfer English materials in the form of Active English for Nursing (AFORN) – an m-learning model to enhance nursing students‟ speaking skill.


Active English for Nursing (AFORN) is a different model of learning English language which is aimed to students of diploma program in health science



of health polytechnic (Politeknik Kesehatan Yogyakarta/Poltekkes Yogyakarta) especially students of Nursing Program. Since the English curriculum for Nursing Program at Poltekkes Yogyakarta implement English for Specific Purpose (ESP), this learning model is created in the form of android application which contains various materials and exercises related with English proficiency for health practitioner, especially for nursing students. The English material will be specified into communicative skill focusing on speaking skills. The English material found in the m-learning model, AFORN which is installed in mobile phone with Android as the operating system could be a kind of reachable learning model which can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Students of a three year diploma program in Poltekkes Yogyakarta especially in Nursing Department are the busiest students among students from other departments. They are very busy with their practical schedules from other subjects which are related in health sciences. They have English lesson only once a week in two semesters (semester 3 and semester 4). They are supposed to be able to communicate in English both oral and written. They need more practice in English, not only in the classroom where they have English lesson, but they are supposed to be able to get access to English materials anytime and anywhere. Since they are so busy with their practical schedules for other subjects, they nearly have no time to learn and practice English. To help the students get closer to English lesson, there must be a kind of learning media as a supporting tool for learning English which is accessible and attractive.

Gadgets such as smart phones and tablets using Android as the Operating System (Android Os) are easily available. Almost all the students and also



lecturers have gadgets with Android Os. The researcher finds the gadgets very beneficial as a tool for language learning. So, the researcher designs a kind of supporting tool which can be installed in any gadgets (smart phones or tablets) with Android Os. The students need learning tool which has portability and connectivity (Miangah & Nezaret, 2012). The learning media is m-learning model in the form of android application, called Active English for Nursing (AFORN). By using the AFORN, the students will be helped in learning English everywhere and every time in addition to classroom activity because learning English in classroom situation as in schedule is not effective for practice.


The research is only focus on researching and developing an m-learning model in the form of Android application called AFORN (Active English for Nursing) as a supporting tool or media to improve the speaking skills of nursing students. So, in this research, there is no other method (experimental study) to identify the effectiveness of the application because in order to know the effectiveness of the application, the researcher conducted data gathering by sharing questionnaire and doing deep interview with the students.

This application contains supplementary materials especially designed for nursing students. The goals, objectives, and topics of this application were made in accordance with the syllabus and reference books used in nursing program in Poltekkes. The application has five units materials; Unit 1) Starting An Intervention, Unit 2) Asking the Dimension of Symptom, Unit 3) Giving Injection, 4) Applying Infusion, and Unit 5) Taking the Lab Sample. Each



unit is completed with materials, activities or exercises related with each topic presented in the application. So, when the students do not feel satisfied with the English lesson given in the classroom, they can still get the access to English lesson through their android smart phones or tablets. By doing so, learning English while practicing is possibly done in every time and wherever they are without any limitation. The process if learning will also be more interesting.

The reason why Android application is chosen as the platform in developing the learning model is intimately associated with the terms specified by SEAMOLEC as the sponsor. SEAMOLEC requires all the students sponsored by SEAMOLEC to conduct a research on Android application as a learning model. The population used in the sampling of this research is also limited to the semester IV students of a three year diploma program in nursing, Nursing Department of Poltekkes Yogyakarta.


There some problem formulations which are going to be discussed. The problems are focused on the form and implementation of m-learning model in the form of Android application to enhance nursing students‟ speaking skill:

1. What does the iconic model of AFORN (m-learning model to enhance speaking skill for nursing students) look like?



The objectives of the study are to answer the questions presented in the research questions. First, the this research aims to present the final version of Active English for Nursing (AFORN), an m-learning model in the form of Android application which can be installed in mobile phones with Android as the operating system (Android Os). The m-learning model was developed especially for nursing students to enhance their English competence, especially speaking skill. In this study, the researcher employed the instructional design using ADDIE model (Rodgers, 2002) which will be combined with R&D cycle (Borg & Gall, 1983).

The second goal of this study is to identify how the AFORN help the nursing students enhance their speaking skill in accordance with the goal of English lesson in Nursing department which is aiming at improving their speaking skill.


AFORN (Active English for Nursing) is an m-learning model in the form of Android application which was developed above Android platform. The application can be installed to any gadgets with Android Os such as smart phones and tablets. It is developed specifically for nursing students to help them get access on English materials, especially material for speaking skill without any restriction on physical location due to its portability and connectivity since the application installed in mobile phones (smart phones or tablets) Miangah & Nezaret, 2012) .



The application, AFORN will be used as supporting tool for language learning. It means that as a supporting tool, AFORN is not the main learning media for speaking practice. AFORN is an alternative learning tool which can be used outside the classroom by the nursing students even though it still can be used as learning tool in the classroom situation. The students have already get English lesson in the classroom once a week then for further learning process, they can use the application which has already been installed in their smart phones or tablets to have more practices through some features provided in the application. AFORN is very possibly to be used at anytime and anywhere.

The advantages of using AFORN as a learning tool; First, students can still have English exposure and access English lesson which focus on speaking skill at anytime and anywhere even in the middle of their hectic schedules, for example; while waiting for the turn to practice in a laboratory, they can learn English from the application installed in their gadgets. They can practice their vocabulary, pronounciation, some language expressions, and listening practice. Second advantage, by having the AFORN, it will encourage the students to have discussion with other students or get practice together or even correct each other about the vocabulary, pronounciation or language expressions.


The research benefits of this study cover the theoretical benefits and practical benefits. Theoretically, this research is expected to reveal a new method of teaching English language for nursing students instead of the conventional method that is applied so far in teaching-learning process in nursing department.



This research is also expected to contribute to the development of digital learning media which is the combination of the development of learning media with Information, Communication and Technology (ICT). As the development of ICT and the demand of education for all, the learning media as one of the factors in contributing to the success in teaching learning process must be well developed and accessible in order that all learners wherever they are can access knowledge simply and practically. Those two benefits generally contribute to the success of National Education. Further, AFORN as a learning tool for language learning focused on enhancing speaking skill consists of some features, i.e. Text to Speech which will be very helpful to know the correct pronounciation, Speech Recognizer which is able to recognize the student‟s pronounciation (correct or not). Text to Speech and Speech Recognizer are found in Vocabulary practice and Pronounciation Drill. Native speaker conversation in Listening Practice in which the students can listen up to small talks or conversation between patient and nurse, Language Expression which presents utterances or expressions for certain talks to train student‟s fluency and accuracy, Vocabulary containing images which will enlarge the student‟s vocabulary mastery and also Pronounciation Drill to drill student‟s pronounciation.

Practically, this research is expected to enrich learning tools to study English for nursing students. Further, this research would also provide useful and modern learning media for nursing students instead of the conventional ones like books, dictionaries, or modules. It can be very useful to the development of teaching and learning English at health vocational schools. This research will also provide a learning model which is practical and accessible for nursing students



who want to have more access to English lesson. The m-learning model in the form of application in mobile phones with Android Os will help the transmission of English Education Science. It means that learner of English language could access the knowledge simpler and easier, whereas the teacher could transfer the knowledge in a different way which is more interesting and effective. The study will enrich methods and techniques in teaching English language teaching and learning by providing a modern and simple way to learn English. It also provides materials and exercises which are very useful to learn English outside the classroom.




In this chapter, the theoretical review would be provided as the basis and the fundamental of the research itself. The theories provided here could also be the guides for the researcher. Furthermore, there is also theoretical framework as the answer towards the research questions.


The theoretical review includes theories of English for Specific Purposes, teaching speaking, nursing program, instructional design models, active learning, mobile learning, App inventor, mobile application development for android, and some other related theories.

1. English for Specific Purpose (ESP)

English for specific purposes (ESP) refers to the teaching and learning of English as a second or foreign language where the goal of the learners is to use English in a particular domain. English for specific purposes now has expanded to some other areas such as technology, medical, engineer, etc. A key feature of an ESP is that the content and aims of the course are oriented to the specific needs of the learners. ESP courses focus on the language, skills, and genres appropriate to the specific activities the learners need to carry out in English. Typically the



targets of ESP are adult learners who has homogenous group in term of learning goals (Paltridge & Starfield, 2013).

In this research, ESP is aimed and oriented to the adult learners who are the students of Diploma program in Nursing Department.). In Poltekkes Yogyakarta, students get English lesson for two semesters during their study and they are expected to be able to communicate or speak in English. It means that the students must use their English actively. The students here will learn English to fulfill their academic and professional needs as health practitioners.

Carter and Nunan (2001: 132) add that ESP may be designed for specific disciplines or professions. The ESP teacher needs to bear in mind the specific subject knowledge, which leads to classroom interaction and teaching methodology that can be quite different from general English. It means that teaching method and also the materials in ESP class should be in relation with the students‟ needs. So, in this research, the writer wants to design English material which is related with students‟ need as nursing student. According to the syllabus of Nursing Department in Poltekkes Yogyakarta, the goals of learning English are the students should be able to speak in English, write report about nursing in English, listen to report and issue related with nursing, and do presentation in English. The main focus of this research is improving the nursing students‟ ability to communicate using English language, it refers to one of the goal in the syllabus that students should be able to communicate in English fluently as seen in the following table.



Table 2. 1 The Goal of English Subject in Nursing Department Adapted from Syllabus for English Subject

The Objectives of English Lesson in Nursing Department: In the end of the session, students should be able to: a. Conduct English conversation

b. Write nursing services report in English c. Listen to report and nursing issues d. Do brief presentation in English

There are some absolute characteristics of English for Specific Purpose (ESP) as seen in Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998). The characteristics are a) ESP is designed to meet the specific needs of the learner, b) ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves, c) ESP is centered on the language (grammar, lexis, register), skills, discourse and genres appropriate to these activities, whereas the variables characteristics are of English of Specific Purpose (ESP) are as follows; ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines, ESP may use, in specific teaching, different methodology from that of general English, ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, ESP is designed for intermediate or advanced students (Dudley-Evans and St John, 1998). Some characteristics of ESP which are stated above are reason for the researcher to design materials for nursing students that the materials and activities in the android application should meet the specific needs of the nursing students that also should be in accordance with the syllabus in nursing program.

This study focuses on the use of English in Nursing program, particularly in academic skills. Bosher (2006) as cited in Paltridge and Starfield (2013) states that one part in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) field is English for Nursing. It focuses on how nurses in different with doctors and other health-care professionals use English both in clinical setting as well as in nursing education.



So, even though between doctor and nursing are working in the same field, health area, this study only focus on English for Nursing. The material that is created always be related with nursing area so that it support the nurse in academic and professionalism. Widdowson (1983) as cited in Carter and Nunan (2001) adds that ESP material will always draw on the topics and activities related with specific purpose, such as nursing, law, and engineer, in many cases exploiting the methodology of the subject area of the profession.

Still in Bosher (2006), she also states that academic skills are necessary for success in nursing program. Nursing students need to apply reading strategies and skills to complex reading materials, apply listening strategies and skills to lectures, take notes to supplement lectures outlines, study for the test, participate actively in discussion, ask questions, and write research papers on various topics in nursing (p. 264). It means that in the implementation of English lesson, it is possible to integrate all the aspects of language such as speaking, listening, reading and writing but still put the main focus on certain aspect or competence such as speaking only or writing only. This is for the sake of success in nursing program in academic or in professionalism.

2. Nursing Program

Nursing is academic profession that brings many rewards and career advancement opportunities to those committed to lifelong learning. Today‟s nurses are expected to master an increasingly complex body of knowledge and attain clinical skills to effectively provide lifesaving and life-sustaining services. Nurses have variety of practice areas such as adult and family health, geriatrics,



pediatrics, public health, administration, informatics, forensics, system improvement, and genetic/genomics (

Nurses are healthcare professionals with a very wide range of duties, responsibilities, and specialties. Nurses are responsible for the treatment, care and safety patients. They are also responsible for maintenance of health and education for patient. Nurses provide direct care and monitor symptoms, response, and progress in patient care.

Bosher (2006) as cited in Paltridge and Starfield (2013: 264) discussed the academic skills and clinical skills in nursing program.

Academic skills and clinical skills are necessary for success in nursing program. Academic skills in nursing are similar to academic skills in the social and natural sciences. Nursing students need to apply reading strategies and skills to complex reading material, usually in textbook format; apply listening strategies and skills to lectures; take notes to supplement lecture outlines; study effectively for tests; participate actively in discussions; ask questions; and write research papers on various topics in nursing. Students must be able to read and write critically, for example, question the way in which a problem has been defined, the data that have been gathered to investigate the problem and solutions that have been proposed (Cameron 1998).

The quotation above emphasizes that to be success in nursing program, a nursing student should have both clinical skills related with medical area and academic skills related with their study as nursing student. In academic skills, the nursing students should have skills in reading in textbook format as the references for their study, listening – listen to the lecturer during in the classroom, writing or write some kinds of research paper and also speaking – presentation. Those kinds of skill are practiced during their study, especially in English subject.

In nursing program, especially in Poltekkes Yogyakarta, students in nursing program should have both the academic skills for example in English



subject and clinical skills of course as they are students on nursing department. Nursing program in Poltekkes Yogyakarta implements English subject in their curriculum. The English subject aims at encouraging the students to be able to communicate in English, write a report of nursing in English, understand the report text and nursing issues, do a brief presentation using English language. So, in the AFORN, there must be activities which support those skills but still focus on communicative skill.

3. English Speaking Skill

This research is mainly focus on productive language, that is speaking skill. It refers the to the syllabus from nursing program that the students are demanded to be able to communicate using international language, make a report of nursing treatment, understand the report and the nursing treatment, and also do a presentation. Richards (2008) adds that for many second-language learners or foreign-language learners, the mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority. Their success in learning language is usually be evaluated by seeing the learners‟ improvement in their spoken language (p. 19).

a. The Nature of Speaking

Some experts have proposed the definition of speaking. Speaking and listening are connect each other as Brown (2000) states that from communicative, pragmatic view of the language classroom, listening and speaking skills are closely intertwined. The interaction between the two language skills applies especially to conversation.



Brice (1992) as cited in Goh & Burns (2012) state that for English second language learners, to be able to speak English they have to develop various pragmatic competencies. They need to learn how to initiate and maintain conversations, to sustain group discussions, describe feelings and give reasons in acceptable manner, and ask for more information or assistance (p. 21).

Another expert, Levelt (1989) as cited in Carter & Nunan (2001) mentions about the nature and conditions of speech. Levelt (1989) proposes speech production involves four major process; conceptualism which concerns with planning the message content, formulation which is to find the words and phrases to express the meanings, sequencing them and putting in correct grammatical markers such as inflections, auxiliaries, and articles, articulation which this is related with pronounciation, and self-monitoring which is concerned with the ability of language user to identify and self-correct mistakes (p. 16).

b. Micro Skills of Speaking

There are some skills in speaking, those are macro skills and micro skills (Rodomanchenko, n.d.). In this theoretical review, only the micro skills that will be discussed further. As being stated by Brown (2000) that each of four areas of language proficiency involves a variety of micro skills. The micro skills in speaking are seen in the following table.

Table 2.2. Micro Skills of Oral Communication Adapted from Brown (2000) 1. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.

2. Orally produce differences among the English phonemes and allophonic variants. 3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions,

rhythmic structure, and intonational contours. 4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases


20 purposes.

6. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery

7. Monitor your own oral production and use various strategic devices-pauses, fillers, self-corrections, backtracking-to enhance the clarity of the message.

8. Use grammatical words classes (nouns, verbs, etc), systems (e.g. tense, agreement, pluralization) word order, patterns, rules and elliptical forms.

9. Product speech in natural constituents-in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath groups, and sentences.

10. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms. 11. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

12. Accomplish appropriately communicative functions according to the situations, participants, and goals.

13. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

14. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

15. Use facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues along with verbal language to convey meanings

16. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you

c. The Importance of Speaking in English

Speaking skill is used for oral communication. Richards and Renandya (2002) state that speaking is used for many different purposes and each purpose involves different skill. For casual conversation, speaking skill is used to make a social contact with others, to establish rapport or to have chit chat each other among friends. But in a more formal situation, speaking skill is used to discuss with others, seek and express opinions, persuade someone about something, give instruction or to get things done, describe things, complain about people‟s behavior, and make polite requests (p. 201).

Still in Richards and Renandya (2002), it is stated that speaking in a language is difficult for foreign language learners since learning speaking in effective oral communication needs the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions. The diversity of the interactions involves not only verbal



communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation (p. 204). This can be the reason for the researcher to include also in the AFORN exercises which lead the students to practice their pronounciation.

Nursing department of Poltekkes Yogyakarta include speaking skill in the syllabus which focus on using speaking skill to fulfill the student‟s academic skill and support the student‟s professionalism as a nurse then. Speaking ability is the main purpose of English subject in nursing department of Poltekkes Yogyakarta. So, it is very important for the writer as one of the English teachers in Poltekkes Yogyakarta to conduct a teaching method which encourage and support the students in nursing program to have good speaking competence. Richards (2008: 21) states that the mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second language learners or foreign language learners because consequently, the learners evaluate their success in learning a language by looking at their spoken language proficiency. As we know that, in Indonesia, English is still considered as foreign language (EFL). This condition influences the students‟ competence in English, especially in speaking. It is difficult to EFL learners, especially adults, to speak the target language fluently and appropriately.

Shumin as cited in Richards and Renandya (2002) emphasizes that communication activity in a classroom encourages how to listen to others, how to talk with others, and how to negotiate meaning in a certain context.

Communication in the classroom is embedded in meaning-focused activity. This requires teachers to tailor their instruction carefully to the needs of learners and teach them how to listen to others, how to talk with others, and how to negotiate meaning in a shared context. Out of interaction, learners will learn how to communicate verbally and nonverbally as their language store and language skills develop (p. 208).



Shumin as cited in Richards and Renandya (2002) also suggests one form of speaking activities. He suggests small talk. It functions to create a sense of social communion among peers or other people. So, at the beginning, adult EFL learners should develop skill in short, interactional exchanges in which they are only required one or two utterances at a time like when a nurse greet the patients (p. 208).

d. Core of Speaking Skills

Knowing about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and discourse is not enough for language learners. They need to implement their knowledge into an action or practice, then it will become a skill in language. There are four categories of core speaking skills that learners need to develop (Goh & Burns, 2012: 58-59). The four categories are seen in the following table.

Table 2.3 Four Categories of Core Speaking Skill Adapted from Goh & Burns (2012)

Core skills Specific skills

a. Pronunciation

Produce the sounds of the target language of the segmental and suprasegmental levels.

 Articulate the vowels and consonants and blended sounds of English clearly.

 Assign word stress in prominent words to indicate meaning.

 Use different intonation patterns to communicate new and old information. b. Speech function

Perform a precise communicative function or speech act.

 Request: permission, help, clarification, assistance, etc.

 Express: encouragement, agreement, thanks, regret, good wishes, disagreement, disapproval, complaints, tentativeness, etc.

 Explain: reasons, purposes, procedures, processes, cause and effect, etc.

 Give: instructions, directions, commands, orders, opinions, etc.

 Offer: advice, condolences, suggestions, alternatives, etc.



 Describes: events, people, objects, settings, moods, etc.

c. Interaction management

Regulate conversations and discussions during interactions

 Initiate, maintain, and end conversation  Offer turns

 Direct conversations  Clarify meaning  Change topics

 Recognize and use verbal and non-verbal cues.

d. Discourse organization

Create extended discourse in various spoken genres, according to socioculturally appropriate conventions of language.

 Establish coherence and cohesion in extended discourse through lexical and grammatical choices.

 Use discourse markers and intonation to signpost changes in the discourse, such a change of topic

 Use linguistic conventions to structure spoken texts for various communicative purposes, e.g. recounts and narratives.

e. Input in Second Language Acquisition

Nursing students in Poltekkes Yogyakarta second language learners of English, even they are foreign language learners. Learners of English when participate in a conversation have opportunity to reveive input in the form of model such as exchange-initial utterances to receive input in the form statements, questions, and instructions that provide exemplars of specific linguistic features). The input can be obtained from foreigner talk. The foreigner talk used by native speakers when communicating with non-native speakers displays many of the characteristics of caretaker talk. But, the main functional intent of caretaker talk is that of directing the child‟s behavior, that of foreigner talk is the exchange of information (Ellis, 2008: 205-2013).


24 4. Teaching Speaking

Teacher of English language needs to know and understand some aspects in teaching especially teaching speaking. Goh & Burns (2012) claim that teacher need to; understand what speaking competence entails, know how the different aspects of speaking competence relate to one another because these understanding will help the teacher to plan and deliver lessons that improve learners‟ speaking ability in a balanced and comprehensive way and also help the teacher approach teaching material in an informed and critical manner (p. 49)

In the following table, there are the combined views of several language teachers which reveal certain indicators for learners in speaking ability. The statements below show the different perspective on speaking a second language. The teacher view of what a competent speaker can do, will influence the way the teacher conceptualize his teaching objectives. The teacher may focus only on certain competence and emphasize on certain activities.

Table 2.4. Competences in Second Language Speaker Adapted from Goh & Burns (2012)

A competence second language speaker is someone who … a) Has good pronunciation.

b) Speak standard English.

c) Can speak fluently and with few or no grammatical mistakes. d) Speaks in a manner indistinguishable from a native speaker. e) Is confident when speaking to a large audience.

f) Knows when to say the right things and says them in the most effective way possible.

g) Can communicate well with native speakers. h) Can be understood easily by others.

i) Can speak effectively and clearly in various situations

j). In bilingual settings, knows how to code-switch from the first to the second language, according to circumstances.


25 a. Effective Language Teaching

This part presents an overview of principles for effective language teaching. The inclusion of this process-type research helps to provide a more complete picture of effective practice in language teaching. The main themes are: a) An early stage, it will be a benefit to learn English in the early years. To be successful early language learning must be accompanied by effective teaching. Motivation and aptitude are important characteristic; enjoyable activities develop motivation. Focus on meta-language, accuracy and form, and to strike a balance between spontaneous communication and opportunities to plan and prepare productive language; b) Task-based interaction, in task based interaction the teacher creates activities or tasks which are more than language practice activities or drills, but where learners communicate ideas and feelings and receive feedback as to whether they have been understood. Those activities help learners develop production and comprehension skills and improve motivation; c) Balancing form-focused and meaning activities, research has not yet provided clear guidance on the optimum balance, but some studies suggest that alternating between activities that focus on developing fluent expression and confidence and those that focus on accuracy of form and meaning can be useful; d) Listening comprehension and story-telling activities. spoken natural language supports the development of comprehension. Through carefully planned listening activities, teachers can support learners develop comprehension strategies, including word and sound recognition and use context and previous knowledge to understand content in the target language; e) Target language use, it impacts positively on learners‟ L2 proficiency. Target language should be used at all times, especially



for second-language learners so that it can improve their motivation and promote learner autonomy; f) Language learning strategies, it can have positive effects on language learning overtime, and even young children can become aware of and taught to use language learning strategies (Harris & Duibhir, 2011: p. 17-19).

b. Active Learning Instructional Strategies

Active learning is instructional strategies include a wide range of activities that shares the common element of „involving students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing (Bonwell & Eison 1991). Active learning instructional strategies can be created and used to engage the students in; a) thinking critically and creatively, b) speaking with a partner, in a small group, or with the entire class, c) expressing ideas through writing, d) exploring personal attitudes and values, e) giving and receiving feedback, and f) reflecting upon the learning process. Active learning strategies can be completed by students either in class or out of class, it can be done by students working either as individuals or in group, and it also can be done either with or without the use of technology tools (Eison, 2010).

Related to this theory, AFORN as an alternative learning media support the active learning strategy. By using AFORN which is installed in mobile phones, the students can have an active learning process through the activities and exercises in it. When the students practice each activities and exercises, then they will get the feedbacks for each. So, the students are presented their mistakes and what the correct answer is.


27 5. The Nature of Course in AFORN

AFORN (Active English for Nursing) is an Android application which is developed by the researcher as the alternative learning tool for nursing students in Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes). The researcher developed the application by considering the English lesson syllabus in Nursing department, speaking theories, and principles of m-learning. By considering to those three basic concepts, the researcher develops materials in the application (AFORN) so that it will help the students to enhance their knowledge in speaking competence. The following table reveals the concept in developing the application.

Table 2.5 Material Concept of AFORN Learning


Core in

Speaking Skills

AFORN Features Goal

- Comprehending English

conversation - Writing nursing

services report in English

- Listening to report and nursing issues - Doing brief

Pronunciat ion

- Provide pronunciation

exercises using text to speech and speech recognizer

Students can practice their pronunciation correctly so that they can produce sound in target language well Speech


- Provide a feature which focus on useful expression

Students know the appropriate

expression so that they can perform a precise

communicative function or speech act


28 presentation in


Interaction manageme nt

- Provide a feature which students can listen to a conversation. The

practice of

conversation can be conducted in separated instruction by the lecturer

Students can do appropriate dialog especially an interaction between a nurse and a patient

Discourse organizati on

- Provide a feature that train grammatical competence of the students

- Provide vocabulary exercises

Students can create extended discourse in various spoken genres through lexical and grammatical choices.

In the table above, the learning objectives are taken from the syllabus for English lesson in Nursing department as being discussed in the previous part in this chapter, then with core in speaking skills, they perform as the fundamental for creating features in the AFORN.

In creating contents in the AFORN, the researcher also use some books as her references. The books are English for the Professional Nurses 2 and Cambridge English for Nursing (Pre-intermediate). The first book, English for Professional Nursing 2 is a book that contains English materials special for nursing program. This book focuses on speaking practice for nursing program and nursing activities as well. Many exercises are provided in this book such as vocabulary, language focus, listening activity, pronunciation, etc. The second book, Cambridge English for Nursing (Pre-intermediate) aims at improving nurse‟s communication skills both at academic setting and at work in key areas of



nursing. This book contains some units which includes discussion, listening activities, communication practices, medical focuses, and documentations.

6. Instructional Design Model

The ADDIE model is used in this research. Instructional design is systematic approach to Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of learning materials and activities. In this research, they are performing the process of defining what is to be learned (Analysis), specifying how it is to be learned (Design), authoring and producing the materials (Development), installing the project in the real world (Implementation), and determining the adequacy of the instruction (Evaluation) (Rogers, 2002).

In the Analysis step, it is the phase where the process of defining what is to be learned occur. In this phase, the writer identifies the needs of the students in nursing department, the learning problems, learning environment, existing knowledge and the learners‟ characteristics found in nursing students.

In Design, it deals with learning objectives, developing the test instruments, planning instruction and identifying resources. The learning objectives must be specific for improving nursing students‟ ability particularly in communicative skills. Developing the instruments include the media selection that is by using m-learning media in the form of Android application and how the user interface should be. Planning the instruction will cover the prototype specification

Development deals with the process of authoring and producing the materials. In this phase, the researcher develops the product, start from



storyboarding, arranges the material and creating some exercises. During this phase, the researcher prepare the hardware, it can be any gadget with Android operating system such as smart phones or tablets. The software are the Android application and App inventor.

The next phase is Implementation. It deals with installing the project in the real world context. In this phase, the product is implemented to the learners. The application (The AFORN) is installed in the students‟ gadget (smart phone or tablet). After that, the students can try to use the application as a learning media, they can read the materials and do some exercises there. Then, the data or feedback from the users will be obtained to have evaluation process.

Evaluation is the process of determining the adequacy of the instruction. In this phase, the evaluation to the product is done to obtain the best version of product. During this phase, the researcher records time data, interpret the results or feedback from the users, do a survey graduate and then do revision activities. This phase also consists of two kinds of evaluation; 1) formative evaluation and 2) summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is to evaluate whether the steps have met its best version of the learning model. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for criterion-related items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users. The five phases of ADDIE‟s design model proposed can be seen in this picture below;



Q3 N2 Pronunciation, perlu tindakan keperawatan yang perlu ditambahkan Q3 N3 Cara penggunaan aplikasi secara umum, keterangan untuk symbol-simbol

Q3 N4 Font, lay out, icon harus jelas dan mudah dipahami, scoring, gambar dibuat bervariasi untuk deskripsi tiap unitnya, penambahan tombol back ke home.


199 Appendix 21


1) Nursing Students 1 NS 1 : Risky Putri R : Researcher

R : Halo Risky…

NS 1 : Ya Miss

R ; Menurutmu di bagian pronunciation drill itu membantu untuk mengetahui pronunciation yang benar atau tidak?

NS 1 : Iya membantu sekali karena pada pembelajaran di kelas, pronunciation kurang digali. Nah, dengan adanya AFORN kita bisa mengetahui pronunciation yang benar.

R : Pada conversation oleh native speakers di listening practice section bisa dijadikan model atau contoh yang benar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? NS 1 : Ya bisa, Ibu. Karena di AFORN pronunciation sudah bagus jadi bisa jadi

contoh buat kita

R : Untuk useful expression, apakah bisa dijadikan bahan referensi untuk bisa berdialog dengan patient?

NS 1 : Bisa karena expression yang ada di AFORN sudah sesuai dengan masing-masing unit.

R : Pada proses implementasi kemarin saya tidak lakukan pendampingan secara efektif dan berkali-kali, saya hanya meminta kalian untuk belajar sendiri. Menurutmu setelah belajar pakain AFORN, kemampuan kalian bisa meningkat atau tidak disbanding sebelum pakai AFORN?

NS 1 : Menurut saya, di AFORN ada banyak hal yang bisa kita dapat. Jadi, bisa meningkatkan kemampuan kami.

R : Pada bagian Jumbled Words, membantu kalian untuk belajar grammar atau tidak?

NS 1 ; Iya sih, tapi kalau saya memang grammarnya kurang, tapi disitu kan ada feedback jadi saya belajar grammar dari situ

R : Kosakata kalian bertambah atau tidak setelah belajar dengan AFORN ? NS 1 : Perlu ditambah sih

R : Kosakatanya sudah sesuai dengan bidang keperawatan? NS 1 : Sudah miss,tapi belum semuanya. Misalnya nama alat-alatnya R : Materi dalam AFORN sesuai atau tidak dengan materi semester 4?

NS 1 : Untuk materinya memang beda, missal tentang topic-topiknya. Yang kami terima adalah lebih aplikatif kaya prosedur2 tindakan keperawatan, memberikan pelayanan langsung ke pasien.



R : AFORN ini membuat kalian termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris atau tidak?

NS 1 : Iyaa..

R : AFORN ini memungkinkan kalian belajar mandiri atau tidak?

NS 1 : Iya sih Miss. Mudah dibawa kemana-mana, kita tidak perlu adanya guru, didesain khusus untuk perawat jadi mendukung untuk belajar mandiri R : Audio dalam AFORN sudah jelas?

NS 1 : Perlu diperbaiki harusnya pakai suara manusia R : Untuk yang conversation dari native speaker gmna? NS 1 : Terlalu cepat itu miss

R : Menggunakan AFORN itu mahal gak? Karena ada sedikit bagian yang harus pakai koneksi internet.

NS 1 : Bisa ditolerir lah

2) Nursing Student 2 NS 2 : Ayu

R : Researcher

R : Hai Ayu…

NS 2 : Ya Miss

R ; Menurutmu materi AFORN kurang sesuai dengan materi di silabus semester 4 ya, kenapa, Yu?

NS 2 : Kurang lengkap aja, Bu, soalnya kalau di silabus semester 4 itu kan isinya tentang prosedur-prosedur tindakan keperawatan kepada pasien.

R : Yang perlu ditambahkan pada AFORN apa saja menurutmu?

NS 2 : Kayaknya sudah bagus, tetapi sebaiknya lebih disesuaikan dengan silabus semester 4.

R : Kenapa kamu ragu pada poin 22 bahwa mahasiswa mampu memonitor progress mereka sendiri?

NS 2 : Menurut saya, saya tuh masih butuh fasilitator atau orang lain untuk membetulkan pronounce saya. Kalau sendiri itu kaya belum yakin.

R : Kan sudah ada contoh pronunciation yang benar NS 2 : Sudah membantu sih bu, tapi tetap butuh fasilitator R : Untuk self-study kamu setuju gak?

NS 2 ; Untuk vocabulary saja mungkin, Bu kalau untuk percakapan tetap butuh partner

R : Untuk jumbled words bisa membantu grammar skill gak?

NS 2 : Bisa bu, tapi kenapa harus persis dengan kuncinya kalau enggak jadi salah, Bu



R : Oh iya, harus donk sama dengan kuncinya NS 2 : Kalau tinggal klik kan lebih mudah, Bu

R : Ada lagi yang harus ditingkatkan dalam AFORN? NS 2 : Seharusnya gak usah pakai koneksi internet, Bu

R : AFORN efektif gak meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris terutama speaking?

NS 2 : Ya sangat efektif juga fleksibel dan sangat membantu, Bu. Terutama untuk vocabulary, kalau kita lupa kan kita bisa lihat di AFORN

R : Vocabnya perlu ditambah ya? Misalnya yang bidang apa saja? NS 2 : Anatomy badan, nursing tool juga bisa, Bu

3) Nursing Student 3 NS 3 : Anna

R : Researcher R : Hallo Annisa NS 3 : Ya, hallo Miss

R ; Okay, untuk poin nomer 6, penguasaan kosakata menjadi semakin bertambah atau tidak setelah belajar dengan AFORN?

NS 3 : Kosakata di AFORN sudah kami dapat di kelas, jadi ya sama saja. Bisa ditambah dengan kosakata lain yang lebih banyak dan lebih baru.

R : Menurut kamu materi di AFORN sudah sesuai dengan silabus semester 4? NS 3 : Sudah, Bu tapi perlu ditambah materi-materi tentang health promotion dan

tindakan-tindakan keperawatan. Misal memberikan edukasi tentang penyakit kepada masyarakat.

R : Belajar bahasa Inggris cocok tidak dengan karakter mahasiswa keperawatan yang padat jadwal kuliahnya?

NS 3 : Ya karena jadwal kuliah kami padat malah kami tidak sempat membuka AFORN

R : Jadi perlu ada dosen/fasilitator semacam pembelajaran di kelas? NS 3 : Ya perlu, Bu. Soalnya kami Cuma dapat di semester 3 dan 4 R : Sudah coba chat di forum zone?

NS 2 ; Sudah, Bu

R : Kamu ragukan bahwa AFORN murah penggunaannya, kenapa? NS 2 : Karena masih butuh koneksi internet

R : Yang perlu diperbaiki apa di AFORN?

NS 2 : Mungkin latihan percakapan dengan pasien perlu ditambah, kosakata juga perlu ditambah

R : Ouh satu lagi ya Anna. AFORN bisa gak membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam berbicara?



mana. Jadi kita gak kerepotan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.

R : Sebelum belajar menggunaka AFORN dan sesudah menggunakan AFORN ada perbedaan gak?

NS 2 : Ada bu, kita bisa latihan percakapan, ada feedback juga tentang benar atau salahnya.

R : Ungkapan-ungkapan yang ada di Useful Expression membantu kamu untuk bisa berdialog dengan ungkapan yang benar sesuai konteks atau tidak?

NS 2 : Bisa sekali, Bu Cuma butuh ketenangan untuk mendengarkannya perlu earphone untuk mendengar dengan jelas.


203 Appendix 22

Photo Documentation

Research Plan Presentation in Nursing Program