58 would be helped by another English lecture of STIKES Surya Global to distribute the questionnaire and to watch the students in answering the questionnaire. The following table shows the detail about the project given to Experimental Group. Table. 3.8 Project Description to Experimental Group Elements Themes Topics 1. First Aid and Emergencies 2. Nursing Instruction 3. Taking History Sub topics Each group makes four videos of six sub topics below: 1. Asthma 2. Dehydration 3. Injury 4. Faint 5. Fever 6. Sprain Number of group Ten groups Number of video Four videos Duration per video Five to seven minutes per video Scoring Elements 1. Speaking performance 2. Group coordination 3. Subtitling 4. Editing 5. Voice clearance Progress Report 1. The third week of March 2. The second week of April 3. The first week of May Project Submission 7 th to 14 th May 2015 by uploading on Sharing and giving comments 15 th to 27 th May 2015


This study used SPSS software program. To answer the first research questions about how effective the use of video project to promote students‟ English speaking skill, the researcher used t-test because the distribution of the data research is normal with two variables of research data. The dependent 59 variable is speaking skill and the independent variable is video project. Miller, et al 2002: 119 state that t-test is used to examine whether the means of two groups of data are significantly different from one another. This research then used independent-Samples t-test to answer the first research question based on the data from pretest and posttest from the same respondents. To test the hypothesis, the researcher used one tailed t-test. Further, to answer the second research question about how video project promote students‟ learner autonomy, the researcher analyzed the answers of the students which were recorded and noted by the researcher in interview and obtained from the questionnaire. From the students‟ answers in questionnaire and interview, the researcher then did coding. In the process of coding, the researcher organized the raw data into conceptual categories and created themes and concepts Neuman, 2006:460. There were three stages of coding which must be conducted by the researcher based on the data from questionnaire and interview namely open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Those stages were intended to find out the conclusion of the second research question.


Trustworthiness is crucially required to obtain the quality and credibility of the data for description and interpretation in the study. This encouraged the researcher to try hard to read various kinds of literature and some other resources needed related to the topic of the study. Theories on learner autonomy in language learning, learners strategies, research methodology, experimental research and other topics supporting the accomplishment of the study became the main parts of what the researcher searched from various books and other references. Being an 60 English teacher as well as a student of English Language Studies enable the researcher to be competent to accomplish the research. These all support the trustworthiness of the study. At the time the researcher got the data from a certain source she made cross- checking with the data obtained from other sources to examine the consistency of the data revealed by the participants. Some irrelevant data were reduced. The description above reveals triangulation strategy used in this research. It is used as the research used two different methods in an attempt to confirm, cross- validate, or corroborate findings within a single study Creswell, 2003:217. 61