The Tenth Circle Definition of the Terms

11 Furthermore, a character and its identity are two things that cannot be separated. In other words, a character is identically related to its identity since the identity is possessed by the character. Gill 1995 defines a character as a person in a literary work that has sort of identities which are made up by the appearance, the conversation, the action, the name, and their thoughts p.127. The same as Gill, Abrams 2009 also argues characters as follows Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue—and from what they do—the action. The grounds in the characters’ temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation p. 42. Moreover, it is not only a character that necessarily needs to be comprehended but also the way an author creates the characters. The ways or methods an author create the characters is called characterization Gill, 1995, p. 127. Therefore, the kinds of characters and the ways an author present the characters are belonged to the characterization. Moreover, as literary creation, they are a lot of types of the characters. Forster 1974, in his book Aspects of the Novel, categorizes characters into two types based on how the characters are described. These characters are the flat and round characters. Forster defines flat character also called as types and sometimes caricatures as the character that is built round “a single idea or quality”. In other words, a flat character has few characteristics that can be presented only by a phrase or sentence. The advantages of flat character are it is 12 easy to recognize and remember afterwards and a flat character does not change by circumstances pp. 46-51. The second type of the characters is a round character or is also called as portraiture. Forster 1974 elaborates round characters as characters that have several characteristics which are “complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle particularity; such a character therefore is as difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life, and like real persons, is capable of surprising us” pp. 52-56. In characterization, an author should know the ways of presenting the characters to the readers. Gill 1995 divides two methods an author usually used to present the characters; those are telling and showing. In telling, an author directly presents the characters to the readers whereas in showing, an author demands the readers to find out what the character are like from what they see p.134. Moreover, Murphy 1972 categorizes the various ways an author attempts to make the characters understandable by the readers into nine ways or methods. The first way according to Murphy 1972 is a personal description. “The author can describe the detail of a person’s appearance and clothes as the build, skin-color, hair, clothes, etc” pp.161-162. In addition, Gill 1995 states that presenting the appearance helps an author to exercise “the degree of control over the responses of the reader” p.138. Gill also adds that clothes have several functions in novels as “an expression of personality, it uses to indicate social