Context Procedures Research Design

allow the researcher to record the interviews and publish the data in a dissertation and other publications. In addition, the participants were selected based on the illuminating aspects. All the participants in this study were selected because they could give rich descriptions of their lived-experience and were willing to share their lived experience in writing academic papers. Furthermore, it was expected the lived-experience of writing academic papers can be deeply investigated by selecting those three illuminating participants. As a hermeneutic phenomenology research, the data was in the form of texts. The nature of data was text or anecdote as a primary source from the participants which gained from in-depth interview audio-taped. As suggested by Van Mannen 1990 that in collecting data, conversational interviewing is needed. Meriam 2002 adds that it provides a rich and abundant data. In other word, in- depth interview could provide a better understanding and interpretation of the graduate students’ lived experience in writing academic paper. Creswell 2003 states that the interview process can be done face-to-face, telephone or even in a group interview. This research implemented face-to-face interview. The texts serve as the primary source in this study in order to figure out the meaning of writing academic papers. As stated by Alvesson and Skoldberg 2011, in hermeneutic phenomenological research, the people’s experiences and reflections of experiences refer to texts or anecdote.

C. Instrument

In line with the research method stated in the previous section, I used in depth interview as the main instrument. Through the interview, the participants’ lived- experiences can be explored. It also provides detailed information. According to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Van Mannen 1990 in depth interview can be used to collect data of lived experience. This study focuses on exploring the participants’ lived experiences, to be specific in writing academic papers. Meaning that, they had a chance in telling their experiences and memories about writing academic papers. Thus, in depth interviews were used to uncover the participants’ experience, to be specific, writing academic papers. In addition, a snow balling technique was used in exploring the participants’ experiences in writing academic papers. Therefore, the follow up questions were based on the participants’ responses. The participants could share their experiences freely without any hesitation. In other words, they had a chance in exploring their memories related with writing academic papers. In order to assign the essential meaning of the phenomenon, the interview itself had to cover five elements of lived experience: understanding, belief, feeling, action and intention.

D. Text Gathering

As stated in the previous section, this research applied in-depth interviews in order to gather the texts. In addition, the in-depth interviews were conducted within 1 st of March 2016 until 22 nd of March 2016. A good relationship between the researcher and the participants play an important role in the interview process. Therefore, an initial interview was conducted for each participant so they could talk freely in a comfortable atmosphere. This initial interview was conducted on a separate day prior to the in-depth interview. Thus, the in-depth interviews were conducted twice for each participant. In gathering a text or anecdote, Creswell 2003 states that making preparation of interview protocols, audiotape and field notes are important. The constructs were lived experience and academic writing. However, possible changing might be happened during the interview process. Creswell 2003 suggests what so called as “bracketing”. It means that the researcher should put aside the topic and let the participants talk freely. As the researcher I used bracketing in order to collect the data from participants and took the significant statements. After the interview data were recorded, soon they were transcribed. Confirming the data to the participants was following after. In other word, member checking applied after interpreting the participants’ stories in order to ensure the trustworthiness.

E. Text Processing

In this study, I described the participants’ lived experience in a form of narratives. By doing so, the essential meanings of a lived experience were found. Moustakas 1994 proposes several steps in processing the text; listing and preliminary grouping, reduction and elimination, thematizing the invariant constituent, final identification of the invariant constituent, constructs an individual textural description, construct an individual structural description, and incorporating textual and structural description. Interpretation was the following process after. According to Patton 2002, the researcher tries to interpret the meaning of the participants by using his or her perspective. Cresswell 2007 proposes steps in interpreting qualitative data, applied in this study, as shown in figure 3.3 below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 3.3 Text Processing Adopted from Creswell, 2012 As the first step in collecting and organizing the data, the interviews were transcribed; notes or comments on the interviews were also included. The data were sorted and sub listed based on the source of information. The further process of analyzing text in qualitative research is coding the data. Coding is a process of segmenting and labeling text to form descriptions and broad themes in the text Cresswell, 2007. In addition, there are no set guidelines in coding the text. Coding system in this study has parts for each coding. The Collecting and organizing the data Coding the data Description and theme Reporting the findings Intepretating the findings Validating the findings