the participants in order to check the accuracy and validity. In this study, all the participants were asked to review the transcript and a brief analysis of the interview to verify the data. In general, the participants were all agree with the content of the transcriptions. They gave comments on the transcriptions such as, spelling errors and incorrect names of places. Hilss 2012 supports that member checking can be used to verify and clarify the content of the participants responses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49


This chapter presents the discovery of the empirical truth, both the process and the results. It discusses how data were thoroughly collected, coded, reduced, presented and analyzed. This part is divided into two sections namely: the description of the participants’ lived experience, and its interpretation of the participants’ lived experience.

A. Description of the Participants’ Lived Experiences

In this study, there were three participants who were being interviewed; Asti, Cahyo, and Jaya. They are pseudonyms. They were ELS students of 2014 coming from different majors, i.e. Linguistics, Literature, and Education. The texts were thoroughly collected from interview which divided into two parts: initial interview and in-depth interview. While initial interviews were more flexible in terms of the development of discussed topics, structured interviews tended to be focused on the topic. In other words, initial interviews were conducted more freely by keeping the discussion on track and creating a comfortable atmosphere so the participants could talk freely; structured interviews were composed and derived from research construct.

1. Asti’s Story

Asti pseudonym, is a Graduate student of the English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University. She was born in Semarang, September 14 th, 1989. Her former educational background was in Semarang. She moved to Purwokerto right after graduated from her bachelor’s program to teach at STIKES Harapan Bangsa. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI