their strengths and weaknesses in writing academic paper which help them in improving their academic writing quality.

C. Recommendation

There are several recommendations which are suggested in order to improve better academic writing of the English Language Studies students. First of all, writing academic papers are not as simple as it looks. A more detail explanation and examples as a guideline in writing academic papers are needed, considering that each student has different language competence level. Therefore, it would be very beneficial to the students for having guidelines in order to make a proper academic writing as expected by the lecturers. Secondly in terms of feedback, lecturers are expected to pay more attention to the students. Lack of feedback hindered the students to see the result or the quality of their academic writing. By having adequate feedback, all the students could measure their academic writing quality and also their strengths and weaknesses in writing academic papers. Finally, the conclusion of this research is subject to limitations and weaknesses. 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