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the context of the subject. Then, the writer discusses issues related to the subject in the main body. Therefore, the body is the longest part of the essay. Lastly, the conclusion is like the concluding sentence in a paragraph. In other words, conclusion is a summary of the major points discussed in the main body. However, Gocsik 2005 argues that the structure and organization in academic writing will be determined by the content itself. Thus, the content of academic writing must have a declared and arguable thesis. Moreover, an academic paper is considered failed to meet the expectation of the reader if it fails to argue or inform. It is necessary to rely on several strategies in creating arguments in academic writing Goscik, 2004. An appropriate style and conventions play an importan role in composing academic writing. In other words, the style and convention of academic writing is obviously different, compare to other kinds of writing. In university context, academic writing tends to be structured, formal, objective, impersonal, complex and contain technical language. In addition, that avoiding certain types of conventional language would be very beneficial in achieving the formal and impersonal nature of academic papers. According to the book APA Manual 6 th Edition 2010, a clear communication is needed. This can be achieved by presenting ideas in orderly manner, smoothly and precisely. In other words, the continuity of ideas presentation is important. Transtitional words, such as pronoun, time-links then, next, etc, cause-effect-links therefore, as a result, would be beneficial in maintaining the flow of thought. It is also suggested that the writer should provide interesting and compelling tone which reflects their involvement related to the subject. Furthermore, the book APA 6 th Edition 2010 provides several points in maintaining precision and clarity in academic writing. Those are word choice, colloquial expression, jargon, pronouns, comparisons, and attribution third person. After all, those issues discussed above lead into a greater accuracy and clearer communication. 3 Accuracy in Writing In academic writing the writer should follow certain rules especially in punctuation and grammar. Punctuation as well as grammar is universally known systems within English speaking cultures. It maintains clarity and avoids ambiguity in expression. Thus, Bailey 2011 provides several important points in maintaining accuracy in writing. The first is abbreviation which widely used for convinence and space savings. The writer should be familiar with both, general and academic abbreviations. In order to write academic paper effectively, it is necessary to understand rather formal vocabulary used in the academic context, to be specific related to adjectives, noun and verb. Bailey 2011 argues that students often find difficulties in using articles a, an, and the. Thus, article is another important point in maintaining accuracy in writing. The next importan point is caution. The use of caution is necessary in many areas of academic writing Bailey, 2011 in order to avoid contradictory or absolute statements. It can be used in discussing the result of study which might be not conclusive, outlining hypothesis, and making predictions. Modal verb, adverb, and verb or phrase are the tools in avoiding contradictory statement. Another important point is conjunctions. According to Bailey 2011, conjuntions are words or phrase which link one sentence to another in similar with cohesion.