The Testing of Statistical Assumptions

68 Based on the result, the correlation coefficient r shows the value of 0.627 with 0.000 for the probability. In the r table , the sample size N for 30 was 0.449 with α= 0.01. The result shows that the correlation coefficient r value was larger than r table 0.627 0.449. Since the p 0.005 and r r table , the null hypothesis H is rejected and the alternative hypothesis H 1 is accepted. Therefore, it shows that there was a moderate of positive and significant relationship between metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ writing skills for writing recount texts in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. The second question in the problem formulation was answered since there is a positive correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ writing skills for writing recount texts in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. Metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ writing skills have a relation. Therefore, the students have an opportunity to develop their writing skills by using metacognitive learning strategies.

D. Discussion

In this section, the researcher discusses the result of the two research questions which are presented above. The discussions are based on the theories in theoretical framework presented in Chapter II and also, it is supported by some other related theories. Furthermore, there are two parts in this section. The first part discusses the findings of the first and the second research question in this research. Hereafter, the second part discusses lesson learned of a correlational 69 study on metacognitive learning strategies to develop students‟ writing skills in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta

1. The Findings of the Research

Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that the mean value of the metacognitive learning strategies variable was 59.00 and it was taken at range of 40.00 – 78.00. On the other hand, the mean value of the writing skills was 14.50 and it was taken at range of 10.00 – 19.00. Based on the mean value result of both metacognitive learning strategies and writing skills in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta, it can be said that the mean value was categorized to be fair. According to the data analysis, it was found that the correlation coefficient was 0.627 with 0.000 of probability at the significant level of 5. The result showed that there is a significant correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and writing skills in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. It shows that the metacognitive learning strategies gave significant effect through the writing skills. Therefore, since there was positive and significant correlation, it also shows that the progress of metacognitive learning strategies was followed by the progress of writing skills. According to Hyland 2003, writing is considered as one of the important skills because it helps to explore the students‟ skill by expressing their ideas through the writing activity. Since writing is known as a thinking process, there is a close connection between writing and thinking that makes writing become a valuable part of any language courses Hyland, 2003. Through writing activity, the students can explore their writing skills in producing new texts. According to 70 Sobal 2001, writing activity is the process that contributes to the final written product by including research, reading and thinking practices. Teaching students to write may require the teacher to practice these processes and it will help the students to improve their writing skills. Based on the interview result, Mr. Krisna stated that the students in class 8A are very enthusiastic and active in writing activity and he said: For writing classes in class 8A, they are very enthusiastic and active. They often ask, for example about how about this and that. On the other hand, since this is writing classes, they have difficulties in deciding the vocabulary because sometimes, they have to ask about the vocabulary. In connection with the writing activity, teaching students how to write in any disciplines may help the students to learn about how writing works; especially the students can concentrate not only on what they have written, but also how they write it Raimes, 1983. On the other hand, the teacher‟s role is important for the students‟ response on writing, especially in providing the students to review and revise their writing and it will also help the teacher to monitor the students‟ progress. Besides, a ccording to Harmer 2007, with the teacher‟s help in reviewing and editing their writing in various ways, the students will be more focused in generating more ideas, re-drafting, re-editing and so on. In the interview, Mr. Krisna confirmed that the students in class 8A are active and he said: Yes, they do. If it is in the context of active, for class 8A, they are very active in giving ideas, asking or answering questions, but, as teacher, we have to encourage them. Sometimes, when the students find difficulties, there are some students who do not want to ask. Therefore, I have to ask them in order to motivate them to start doing their work. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 Based on the result, metacognitive learning strategies help the students to develop their writing skills. By having high metacognitive learning strategies, the students can have a critical awareness of thinking and learning. According to Halpern 1996, learners need to apply metacognitive strategies to monitor their learning process because successful learners apply strategy to the transfer their knowledge through the learning process. The students can apply metacognitive learning strategies in the writing activity because it shows how the human brain processes and produces various ideas and information. In SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta, the teacher has applied metacognitive learning strategies in the writing classes. As Devine 1993 puts it, a successful language lea rner is “one who has ample metacognitive knowledge about the self as learner, about the nature of the cognitive task at hand and about appropriate strategies for achieving cognitive goals” p. 109, as cited in Reading for understanding: Toward an RD program in reading comprehension, 2002. For that reason, it shows that metacognitive learning strategies help the students to improve their writing skills. Furthermore, Mr. Krisna explained: In my opinion, it is very helpful in learning writing because they become more creative in writing and developing the text that they have learned before. In here, metacognitive learning strategies are very helpful. Based on teacher‟s statements above, it shows that metacognitive learning strategies helps to develop the students‟ style of writing and especially, it helps the students to produce a good text. Besides, since there was a positive significant

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