Writing Recount texts Using Metacognitive Learning Strategies

23 be used to control composition, sentence-combining, or sequence sentence to the writing of recount texts. By using metacognitive learning strategies, students and teacher could also learn together and they would get new experience in learning how to write and compose a good writing. Practice writing is one of important ways to improve students‟ writing skill. Finally, the students prefer to remember their experiences in order to help them in the writing process. The use of metacognitive learning strategies in writing recount texts for junior high school provides the stimuli to build the students‟ knowledge. Therefore, metacognitive learning strategies could be a sufficient strategy to make the students create their imagination and creativity in writing certain genres of writing.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this thesis, the researcher would answer two research questions based on several related theories described in the theoretical description. The first research question is related to the students‟ responses to writing recount texts when they use metacognitive learning strategies in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. The second research question is whether there is a correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ responses to writing skills for writing recount texts in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. Furthermore, in answering this research question, the researcher synthetizes the theory of the students‟ responses to writing skills, the metacognitive learning strategies and writing recount texts using metacognitive learning strategies. 24 First, the researcher analyzed the students‟ responses to writing skills from Knoblauch and Brannon 2015 who state that students‟ response is any verbal or non-verbal act which is designed for students to fulfil the expectations implicit in the questions, commands or request of others. Thereafter, Richard 2014 states that writing is among the most important skills that second language students need to develop because it involves composing skills and knowledge about texts, contexts and readers. Graham 2010 also declares that in the teaching and learning process, an effective writing practice is expected because they have been shown to be successful in enhancing students‟ writing on multiple occasions. In addition, one of the strategies that help students in writing is metacognitive learning strategies. Zhang 2013 states that metacognitive strategy is a strategy that helps the students to improve and develop their language skills. Meichenbaum 1985 also states that m etacognitive refers to awareness of one‟s own knowledge to understand, control and manipulate one‟s cognitive. Flavell 1987 also notes that metacognitive activities include planning how to approach a learning task, using appropriate skills and strategies to solve a problem, monitoring one‟s own comprehension of text, self-assessing and self-correcting in response to the self-assessment, evaluating progress toward the completion of a task, and becoming aware of distracting stimuli. As for the second research problem, the researcher analysed the students‟ responses to writing recount texts when using metacognitive learning strategies for the students in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. The researcher synthetised several specific theories about writing recount texts for junior high PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 school using metacognitive learning strategies. Nunan 2002 notes that the appropriate learning strategy could be the basis of many aspects in learning because it can be used to control composition, sentence-combining, or sequence sentence to the writing of recount texts. By using metacognitive learning strategies, students and teacher could also learn together and they would get new experience in learning how to write and compose a good writing. In connection with this, according to Harmer 2007, a teacher as the facilitator, should help learners to foster their autonomy in order to be able to respond and with the teacher‟s help in reviewing and editing their writing in various ways, the students will be more focused on the learning activity. Besides, it is suggested that teacher must encourage the students to respond to texts and situations with their own thoughts and experiences Harmer, 2007. Therefore, according to Harmer 2007, students responses in the learning activity will be depend on how the teacher act and vary their behavior in giving the materials in the learning activity.

C. Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical framework above, the hypothesis was made whether there is a significant correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ responses to writing skills for writing recount texts in the class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26


In this chapter, the researcher explains the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the instruments and data gathering, the data analysis techniques and also the research procedure from the research conducted in this thesis. The first part of this chapter discusses the correlational research as the research method. The second part of this chapter discusses the specific setting of the research. The third part of this chapter explains all of the research participants. The fourth part of this chapter discusses several instruments and data gathering. Furthermore, the next part of this chapter discusses the analysis techniques and the research procedure which summarize the overall process of the research as the last part.

A. Research Method

The type of this research is quantitative research because this research uses numbers to conclude the research result. According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh 2010, p. 22, “Quantitative research uses objective measurement and statistical analysis of numeric data to understand and explain the phenomena. ” This research is the correlational research because the aim of this research is to find out the relationship between two variables. They are metacognitive learning strategies and the students‟ writing skills. According to Fraenkel Wallen 2008, “Correlational studies investigate the possibility of relationships between two 27 variables, although investigation of more than two variables is common.” p. 328. Along with this perspective, this research aims to find out whether there is a significant relationship between metacognitive learning strategies and students‟ writing skills in class 8A of SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta. This research consists of one independent variable and one dependent variable. The independent variable is metacognitive learning strategies and the dependent variable is students‟ writing skills. The independent variable which is symbolised as “X” is estimated to give contribution to the dependent variable which is symbolised as “Y”, which is the outcome. Figure 3.1 Research Design Notes: X : Metacognitive Learning Strategies Y : Students‟ Writing Skills : Correlation of X and Y

B. Research Setting

This research is conducted in SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta and it is located in Jl. Mas Soeharto No. 48, Yogyakarta. The observation of this research was conducted during the researcher‟s teaching practice. This research was conducted from November 18 th – December 3 rd , 2015 and continued on April 7 th , 2016. There are 12 classes in SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta and each grade consists of four classes. Every class learn English, from the seventh grade up to the ninth grade. There are 326 students in this school and the number of all eighth grade students is 126 students. X Y PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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