Review of Related Studies

10 exclusion from certain jobs, housing, education, or social organization would occur. The fourth level of discrimination is physical abuse, the beatings and attacks upon members of the disliked group, as was frequently done against Blacks and Chinese in the late nineteenth century. The last level is extermination, when massacres, genocide, or programs are conducted against people p. 78. Another dimension of discrimination according to Parrillo is social discrimination or the creation of a social distance between groups. In their main relationships, people tend to associate with those of a similar ethnic background and socioeconomic level. In the other words, the dominant group members thus usually exclude or limit the interaction of minority-group members from close relation with them p. 80. As Hubert Blalock believes that the dominant group will not hesitate to employ unfair actions if it thinks that this will be an effective means of undercutting the minority group as a social rival. The dominant group will also aggressively discriminate if it interprets minority variation from cultural norms as a form of social deviance threateni ng society’s sacred traditions Parrillo, 1985, pp. 80-81. Here the researcher also provides two theories that are related to discrimination. The first is theory of acceptance, and the second is theory of a negative self-image. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11

a. Acceptance

Parrilo 1985 says that many minority people accept the situation in which they find themselves. Some do it with their awareness, but others do not really agree to accept the situation for some personal reasons for example for personal security of economic necessity. Although this method maintains the superior position in society of the dominant group and the lower position of minority groups, it does simply open tensions and conflicts between the two groups p. 90. Parillo 1985 explains that Blacks had experienced in secondary position from generation to generation in the United States until the 1960s. A combination of structural discrimination, racial stratification, and a sense of powerlessness and the failure of trying to change things caused many to accommodate to the situation forced. Yet acceptance as a minority response is not as common in the United States as it once was. It is caused by being more aware of the alternative ways of living that are presented on television and in the movies. Perhaps televised news features and behavioral science courses have helped to heighten the public’s social awareness p. 90.

b. Negative self-image

According to Parrillo 1985, a negative self-image is the result of carelessness and discrimination. A continual treatment as an inferior encourages a loss of self-confidence. If everything about a per son’s position and experiences work to destroy pride and hope, that person may become unconcerned p. 90. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI