Theory of Perception Review of Related Theories

12 Kurt Lewin as cited in Parrillo 1985 has observed that among minority- group members, development of a negative self-image was a fairy general tendency. According to this view, the popularity of dominant-group values and attitudes which include negative stereotypes of the minority group may cause the minority- group member to accept them. A person’s self image includes race, religion, and minority-group members begin to perceive themselves as negatively as the dominant group originally perceived them. p.91 Parillo 1985 explains that this negative self-image, or self-hatred, manifests itself in many ways. People may try to “pass” as members of the dominant group and deny membership in a subordinated group. They may fully agree with the dominant group’s judgments and accept their state. They may also engage in ego defense by blaming others within the group for their low status p. 91. Parrilo adds that a negative self-image can cause people to accept their fate passively and also a sense of personal shame of possessing undesired qualities. It also can create hatred toward other members of the group for possessing them. Minority-group members frequently attempt to sweep away their negative self- image by changing their name or religion, having cosmetic surgery, or moving into a locale where the stereotype is not as common. However, the insulation of living in an ethnic community, strong in group loyalty, or the determination to maintain their cultural heritage may prevent minority-group members from developing a negative self-image p. 91. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13

3. Theory of racism

The researcher provides some theories related to the race and racism. It is divided into several parts. Those theories help the researcher to answer the second problem formulation. The theories support the analysis of racism portrayed in the novel.

a. Theory of Racism

Racism is an earliest form of behavior that is found worldwide. It is a movement of ideas born in the mid-eighteenth century to the mid-twentieth. Hooks 2000 explains that specifically in the case of black and white people, the term racism is usually seen as the discrimination or prejudice against black people by white people. She adds that racism as a social evil affected by discrimination white people that could be overcome through bonding between blacks and liberal whites, through militant protest, changing of laws or racial integration. Racism as a political ideology teaches us to accept racism in the form of white supremacy pp. 373-374. According to Todorov 2000 racism can be explained into two different things. The first is a matter of behavior that is usually an expression of hatred or dislike for individuals who have well-defined physical characteristics different from our own. Then, the second is a matter of ideology or a doctrine concerning human race. Todorov also presents five propositions of racialist doctrine pp. 65- 66, they are: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI