Social Indicators of Blacks

24 American slaves helped building the economic foundations of the new nation http:www.history.comtopicsblack-historyslavery.

E. Theoretical Framework

This study needs some theories to answer the problems which are proposed by the researcher in the previous chapter. There are four theories that are used in this research to answer the formulated problems. The first one is theory of perception. This theory helps the researcher to see deeper about the Pecola’s perceptions on herself. By applying theory of perception from Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts, Pecola’s perceptions can be concluded. Theory of discrimination by Parrillo is used to reveal the discrimination that portrayed in the novel as a part of racism. The researcher also uses theory of race and racism to analyze the racism portrayed in the novel. There, the researcher provides the definition of theory race and racism that will make the researcher and the reader understand about the differences between race and racism. The social indicator of black people here is to analyze the social life of black people in the novel. Those all theories also help the researcher to analyze Pecola’s perceptions on seeing herself which are affected and related to race and racism. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25


This chapter consists of three parts: the object of the study, approach, and method. The first is the object of the study, which explains about the novel used as the object of the study. The second is the approach of the study that states the approach used in the study. The last part is the method of the study which deals with the steps taken in concluding the analysis.

A. Object of the Study

The novel used in the research is The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. It was published by Rosetta Books, in 1970. It consists of 194 pages and it is divided into six parts. Each part of the novel also consists of some sections. The setting of place in the novel is in the United States. The novel is about a life story of Pecola Breedlove. She is a black girl who lives in America and is underestimated by other people because of her ugliness. She wants to be beautiful like white girls having white skin, blonde hair and she always prays to turn her eyes into blue. She is very obsessed with those things, and these make her do everything to make her beautiful even though it is irrational. Yet, all of her efforts to make herself more beautiful are actually useless because her ugliness cannot be changed.