Review on Historical-Biographical Background

27 Breedlove ’s life more easily. This approach is applied in order to find out the answer of the second problem formulations.

C. Method of the Study

In this study, the method used in gathering the data was library research. The first step on the process of gaining information of the novel was by reading the novel several times. By reading the novel several times, the researcher would find the messages that existed in the novel as many as possible. Then, the researcher searched for the issue on the novel and also some cases related to the racism between black and white people. The researcher tried to focus on the character of Pecola Breedlove as the main character of the novel. The researcher gathered some information related to the racism and the impact of the racism on Pecola’s personality. After that the researcher started to make an outline so that the researcher poured out the idea more easily. The last step was analyzing the data that had been gathered to answer the formulated problems. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28


This chapter presents the analysis of the novel. There are two main sections organized according to the problems formulation. The first part is about how racism is portrayed in the Tony Morr ison’s The Bluest Eye. The second one is the impact of racism on Pecola Breedlove’s personality and the ways of seeing herself in Toni Morison’s The Bluest Eye.

A. Racism as Portrayed in the Toni Morison’s The Bluest Eye

In The Bluest Eye, there are some parts of the story that describe the racism experienced by black people in the U.S. Racism itself according to Todorov 2000 in its usual sense actually designates two different things. They are the matter of behaviour and the matter of ideology p. 64. This section is divided into three parts. The first part is about the racism illustrating the physical differences between black and white people. Then, the next part discusses more about the economic and social status. The last part talks about how white people treat the black in the novel.

1. Physical differences between black and white people

The difference of races is easily identified based on the physical appearance from one person to another. Todorov 2000 states that the existence of race obviously consists of human groupings whose members have common PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI