Object of the Study

29 physical characteristics or rather it consists in affirming the relevance and the significance of that notion. In his opinion, human being indeed differs from one another in their physical characteristics, blood composition, skeletal system, and the epidermis. He adds that the differences of race are visible to see in the skin color, body, hair, facial configuration pp. 64-65. In the beginning of the story in the novel, the author of the novel brings up the racism that shows the contrast images of white people and black people. In this novel white people are symbolized with something that are always good and perfect. For example, the first symbol of white people in the novel is in the Shirley Temple mug. It is described in the novel that the picture of Shirley Temple is full of sweetness and beauty that make people want to taste the sweet and beauty of it. “Frieda bought her four graham crackers on a saucer and some milk in blue-and-white Shirley Temple cup. She was a long time with the milk, and gazed fondly at the silhouette of Shirley Temple’s dimpled face. Frieda and she had a loving conversation about how cute Shirley Temple was.” p. 20 The colors of the cup, white and blue, actually become a symbol of white skin and blue eyes of white people. Shirley Temple’s face with her dimples makes the face look so beautiful and cute. The silhouette of Shirley Temple is designed to make people adore that girl. It is the image of an ideal white girl that makes every girl wants to be like that. According to Szwed 1970, racist spirit of the U.S is immature and negative, and it is only directed toward Negroes p. 58. Another symbol of white people besides the picture of the girl on the mug is a baby doll whose eyes are blue. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 “It had begun with Christmas and the gift dolls. The big, the special, the loving gift was always a big, blue-eyed Baby Doll. From the clucking sounds of adults I knew that the doll represented what they thought was my fondest wish. ” p. 21 Again based on the quotation, somebody that is beautiful is identified by blue eyes. Adults consider that the cuteness of the doll with blue eyes is what all children want as a Christmas gift. Since the blue eyes are symbols of white people and only white people who have blue eyes, the doll that every child dreams of becomes a symbol of what white people always want in the society. “Adults, older girls, shop, magazines, newspapers, window signs—all the world had agreed that a blue-eyed, yellow-haired, pink-skinned doll was what every girl child treasured. “Here,” they said, “this is beautiful, and if you are on this day ‘worthy’ you may have it.”” p. 22 According to adults, that doll is so lovable. It is cute and perfect as a gift on Christmas. With its blue eyes and yellow hair, the doll is a perfect characteristic of white people. The doll is a treasure for every girl and it means the white people define themselves as something precious as a treasure. Another evidence that represents the symbol of white people in the novel is in the wrapper of a candy. A white girl is also the picture on a candy named Mary Jane. The picture on the candy is a picture of a beautiful girl with perfect appearance with blue eyes. “Each pale yellow wrapper has a picture on it. A picture of little Mary Jane, for whom the candy is named. Smiling white face. Blond hair in gentle disarray, blue eyes looking at her out of a world of clean comfort. The eyes are petulant, mischievous.” p. 49 The author of this novel consistently describes white people with physical characteristics as having bright skin, blue eyes, and yellow and blonde hair. Considering the quotations above, the beauty symbolized by her petulant and