Results of Pre-assessment Results of Research and Information Collecting

56 • Each classroom was equipped with two whiteboards, some board markers, a computer desktop with internet connection, a viewer, a speaker, and an air conditioner. • English was taught six hours per week which each hour lasted in 45 minutes. Three hours for listening, speaking, and vocabulary. Three hours for reading, writing, and grammar. • The school had some listening files. • The students could freely access the english readings stored in the school library. • The students were able to access internet in the computer laboratory.

c. Results of Pre-assessment

The pre-assessment data were collected by interviewing two eleventh grade English teachers. The data include students’ proficiency, the applied teaching strategies, students’ strengths and weaknesses, and teaching media. In the interview, the teacher mentioned that students’ vocabulary mastery was quite poor. There were only some students whose vocabulary mastery was quite good. However, they also mentioned that the students’ vocabulary mastery was better than the tenth grade students’. In order to apply School-based Curriculum, each class was taught by two English teachers. The first teacher was responsible to teach speaking and listening while the second teacher has responsibility to teach reading and writing. Since the teachers considered that teaching the four skills was not enough, they added grammar and vocabulary. Grammar was taught by the first teacher while PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 vocabulary was taught by the second teacher. Those English elements were expected to support students’ proficiency for the four skills. Then, the teachers suggested that the students’ strengths were their ability to understand the classroom instructional words and their high motivation to speak in English. However, the teachers found difficulties in mentioning the students’ strengths because there was a huge gap between those who were good in English and those who were not good. Then, what was mentioned above was strengths belong to some students. Afterwards, the teachers found it was easier to mention the students’ weaknesses. First of all, their vocabulary mastery was quite poor that influenced their ability and confidence in writing and speaking. However, they were lazy to bring dictionary to school. There were only one or two students bringing electronic dictionary. Fortunately, there were some dictionaries in the school libraries. Even though they have had dictionary on the table, they prefer to ask the teacher about the meaning of some words. In classroom activities, the teachers combine the use of traditional and modern teaching media. The use of media was suited with the topic and activity. To teach listening, they used classroom computer set or audio visual media in the language laboratory. Then, they also used classroom computer and viewer to watch movies or short videos. However, they also used traditional media and things in the classroom. They used white-board and marker, pictures, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and hand-outs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 According to the questionnaires, 45 of the total respondents mentioned that they usually memorized English vocabularies using direct translation. In addition, 55 of the respondents mentioned that they memorized best when they looked up the direct translation in the dictionary. However, the writer also wanted to fulfill the teachers’ expectations that the students were expected to be able to use the correct vocabulary item in the correct context. Therefore, the materials were also designed in such a way to accustom the students to use words in context. Further more, 62.5 respondents believed that vocabulary mastery could be developed through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. In order to fulfill the students’ expectation, the writer elaborated the vocabulary exercises with English skills. In addition, SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta intergrates vocabulary teaching with reading and writing. Therefore, the materials required students’ reading and writing abilities. Then, the materials did not only mention words themselves but also the word families and core meanings. The activities developed from the materials were varied and interesting to meet the teachers’ and students’ expectation to have fun process of English vocabulary learning. In brief, the results of pre-assessment are mentioned as follows: • Students’ vocabulary mastery was quite poor. • Each class was taught by two teachers; the first teacher taught listening, speaking, and grammar while the second teacher taught reading, writing, and vocabulary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 • Students’ strength were their ability to understand the classroom instructional words and their high motivation to speak in English. • Students weaknesses were poor vocabulary mastery that influenced their ability and confidence in speaking and writing. • The students were lazy to bring dictionary and prefered to ask the teacher about the meaning of some words. • In classroom activities, the teachers combined the use of traditional and modern teaching media. • The students mentioned that they memorized English vocabulary best when they looked up the direct translation in the dictionary. • The students believed that vocabulary mastery could be developed through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. • Both the teachers and students expected to have varied and interesting vocabulary materials.

2. Results of Planning

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