Disadvantages of Doing English Homework

15 The last is one participant explained that she could understand the exercise concept more by completing English homework such as the pattern of present tense in descriptive text. Here is an excerpt of her: By doing English homework, I become understand the exercise concept more. For example, my English teacher gives us homework to translate descriptive text from Indonesian to English. At first, I confused because I do not really understand the pattern of present tense but after completing English homework, I understand the pattern of descriptive text Wiwit A, my translation. According to the interview above, homework has an important role to improve their vocabulary knowledge, enhance their understanding of the materials, help them to improve their speaking skills in communicating with people around the world, and make them know about the exercise concepts. Similar to Cooper and Valentine 2001, homework has the important role to expand their opportunities through exposure and practice or review the materials that already explained in the classroom. Therefore, it may help them to achieve their expected goals in language learning such as a satisfied grade in their test.

b. Disadvantages of Doing English Homework

From to the interview, there were different standpoints that come up in the students mind. 3 of 9 participants explained that there were some disadvantages of doing individual English homework. First, English homework created confusion how to completed English homework since the students did not understand the materials or the instruction. Here are some excerpts of participants: English homework makes me confused if I do not understand the instruction. Lensi BA, my translation. English homework is confusing if I do not understand the materials. I do not like past tense because I have to memorize verb 1 and verb 2. Fanna A, my translation. 16 Second, English homework made the students tired since they had several activities after class hour end such as joining extracurricular activities and meeting OSIS organization and they should do another homework at the same time. Here are some of the excerpts: English homework makes me tired because I have to do another homework at the same time Wiwit A, my translation. The disadvantage of English homework is tiring since I join extracurricular activities after class hour ends. It will not has a disadvantage if I do not have other activities on that day because I will not tired, so I will do my English homework Avi A, my translation. Third, English homework decreased the student‟s time to play with their friends. Here is the excerpt of the participant: It will decrease my time to play because I need a lot of time to complete it Lensi BA, my translation. According to the interview above, the students explained several disadvantages of English homework. The students thought that English homework was tiring and created confusion when they did not understand the material. Besides, they were tired after doing other activities after class hours end. It seemed that doing English homework decreased their rest and leisure time. Similar to this finding, Kohn 2007 found that homework may reduce social relationship and their self-time to relax because they did not have a lot of time to play or do with their friends. Besides, Kohn 2007 explained that the teacher may need to help students to see and know that their homework assignments are meaningful and that it is not just busy work. It means the students may need to realize that homework can help them succeed academically and intellectually. 17

c. Students’ Grade of Completing English Homework