Students’ Feeling or Emotion after Received an Positive Feelings


a. Students’ Feeling or Emotion after Received an Positive Feelings

From the interview of 9 participants, there were positive feelings and negative feelings. First, positive feeling appear when the students are motivated to complete English homework because they loved English course. Nasya stated that: I think English is challenging and fun, so I complete English course first rather than other courses Nasya AA, my translation. Second, three participants explained that they were happy to complete English homework because they already understood the materials. One participant explained that she would not take a long time to complete English homework if they understood the materials. Besides, they also liked the topic. Here are some statements from them: English homework makes me happy if I understand the materials because I do not have to take a long time to complete it Avi, A my translation. I am happy to complete my English homework if I understood the materials Damma AB, my translation. I am happy when my teacher gives me homework about procedure text because through that homework I know how to make something in English context and I already familiar with the vocabularies that are used in procedure text Wiwit A, my translation. However, negative feeling appeared when the students were confused with the instructions and the materials. It means that they did not know how to complete English homework which related to the materials. Besides, completing English homework depends on student‟s mood. Here are some statements of the participants: The feeling after receive English homework depends on my mood. If it is easy of course I will be happy but it makes me angry if it is difficult Arin BA, my translation. I will complete English homework if I understand the materials and I like the topic. If the material is difficult I will not do my English homework Junu BA, my translation. 19 I am confused if I do not understand the instruction or the material Arin BA, my translation. To conclude, their positive or negative feelings depend on the topic and their understanding of the materials. Hommand and Olivia 2006 shared a similar finding with this. They shared a number of reasons why the students did not complete their English homework. One of the most frequent reasons is the students feel confused and burdened because they do not know how to do the homework. It means that they may do not understand the instruction of English homework that is given by the teacher. Therefore, they may not complete English homework if they have a negative feeling after received English homework.

b. Difficulty Level of English Homework