Difficulty Level of English Homework

19 I am confused if I do not understand the instruction or the material Arin BA, my translation. To conclude, their positive or negative feelings depend on the topic and their understanding of the materials. Hommand and Olivia 2006 shared a similar finding with this. They shared a number of reasons why the students did not complete their English homework. One of the most frequent reasons is the students feel confused and burdened because they do not know how to do the homework. It means that they may do not understand the instruction of English homework that is given by the teacher. Therefore, they may not complete English homework if they have a negative feeling after received English homework.

b. Difficulty Level of English Homework

The difficulties level of English homework showed the students‟ feeling. Some of the participants mentioned that their positive or negative feeling depend on the difficulties of the materials. Here are several different statements of the participants: I am happy if the English homework is easy to but of course, it makes me confused if it‟s complicated Yasti AA, my translation. I like procedure text because it is fun to know how to make something. Therefore, it gives me the motivation to complete English homework Wiwit A, my translation. I am happy when my teacher gives me English homework about descriptive text. Descriptive text is fun because I understand the pattern of simple present tense. I am not really interested when my teacher gives us English homework about narrative text because I have to read a long story and I have to find verb 1 first before knowing the meaning Fanna AA, my translation. According to the findings above, one of the topics that made him happy was descriptive text. Fanna explained that descriptive text was easy because he understood the pattern of simple present tense. Besides, it would improve his vocabulary knowledge 20 although at the same time he faced a difficulty to arrange the sentence. The topic that they liked also motivated them to complete English homework. The findings above presented their personal interest of the topic that motivated them to complete English homework. Markow, Kim, and Liebman 2007 argued that develop critical thinking skill and students‟ interest in materials is helpful to increase the students‟ motivation in language learning because it also presents their feeling toward English materials. Other examples, Nasya mentioned that she completed English homework because she liked the topic although the material was difficult. Therefore, it shows her positive feeling to complete English homework although the materials may difficult for them.

3. Students’ Behavior attitude