The Reasons Why the Students Complete and Not Completing English Homework

20 although at the same time he faced a difficulty to arrange the sentence. The topic that they liked also motivated them to complete English homework. The findings above presented their personal interest of the topic that motivated them to complete English homework. Markow, Kim, and Liebman 2007 argued that develop critical thinking skill and students‟ interest in materials is helpful to increase the students‟ motivation in language learning because it also presents their feeling toward English materials. Other examples, Nasya mentioned that she completed English homework because she liked the topic although the material was difficult. Therefore, it shows her positive feeling to complete English homework although the materials may difficult for them.

3. Students’ Behavior attitude

This section is divided into several subsections including; the reasons why the students complete and not complete English homework, place of Doing English homework, time spent of doing English homework.

a. The Reasons Why the Students Complete and Not Completing English Homework

The students in above average and average group explained the reason in completing English homework. They had a good grade in English course because they completed English homework frequently. 2 of 9 participants explained that completing English homework was a responsibility as students. English teacher also gave the students punishment if they did not complete English homework. Besides, they stated that English homework helped them to improve their language proficiency. Here are some different statements of them: I always do my English homework because my English teacher will angry if I do not complete my homework Lensi, my translation. I always do my English homework because it is my responsibility as a student, so I always submit my English assignment on time. Besides, I have a dream to be a diplomat or work in export-import Company internal motivation. I would prefer to do my English homework rather than other homework such as math, science, etc Nasya, my translation. 21 I always do my English homework because it makes me more understand toward the materials, so I will get a good grade and improve my language proficiency. Besides it will help me to a higher education Yasti, my translation. According to the interview above, Nasya is motivated to advance her English proficiency because she deserves to be a diplomat or an employee in the international company. It means she motivated herself by completing English homework as the way to improve her English competence and enhance her English basic skill such as speaking skill. Meanwhile, Yasti had a different motivation for doing English homework. She explained that completing English homework helped her to improve their understanding of the materials. Meanwhile, the students who completed English homework rarely tend to get a bad grade in English course. They also shared the reasons why they did not complete English homework frequently. These are the explanation of them: Actually, I like English course but sometimes, I do not complete my English homework because there are so many assignments such as math and science at the same time Junu BA, my translation. Doing English homework depends on my mood. I will not do my English homework if the material is too difficult Arin BA, my translation. Junu and Arin tend to complete English homework rarely. They did not complete English homework frequently because of some reasons above. In a result, they had a bad grade in English course. The students‟ grade presents their achievement in completing English homework. 2 of 9 participants seemed less interest to complete English homework. In a result they did not complete homework frequently. Meanwhile, the rest of them showed their positive attitude to complete English homework frequently. Cooper, Robinson, and Patall 2006 stated that 6th grade and beyond, it should play an important role in improving standardized test scores and 22 grades. It cannot be deny that the result of standardized test scores show their personal success achievement in language learning. In fact, the students in above average who complete English homework frequently have a good result in their test, comparing with the students in below average. One of the reasons is they already mastered the materials by assigning English homework.

c. Place of Doing English Homework