English Homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru Opening Phase Expanding Phase Detail

12 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This part explains the findings and result after the researcher conducted the interview with 9 of ninth grades in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The participants were divided into 3 groups based on their grade in the first semester. The following table is 3 groups of participants using pseodonyms: Above Average ≥ 80 AA Average 60-79.9 A Below Average 0-59.9 BA Nasya Avi Lensi Yasti Damma Junu Fanna Wiwit Arin After conducting the interview with 9 students in SMP N 1 Banyubiru, there were several facts related to individual English homework that were found. The discussion is divided into two parts. First is the description of English homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru and second is students‟ attitudes toward individual English homework that are divided into three sections with the following subsections that were arranged based on the answers of the participants.

A. English Homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru

According to the 9 participants from SMP N 1 Banyubiru, the students received English course 3 times per week; Monday 1 hour, Wednesday 1 hour, and Thursday 2 hours. They got English homework 1-2 times every week. The participants explained that in second semester, English teacher often gave multiple choice exercises to prepare them for the national examination and they should complete it individually. They also mentioned that the teacher gave English homework after explain the materials. Below are some statements from the students: 13 “We received English course 3 times in every week; Monday 1 hour, Wednesday 1 hour, and Thursday 2 hours Avi A, my translation. “We get English homework 1-2 times per week” Lensi BA, my translation. “My English teacher explain the material before give us an English homework” Junu BA, my translation. To conclude, they received individual English homework once or twice every week after the teacher explained the material.

B. Students’ Attitude toward English Homework

This secti on discusses students‟ cognition belief and opinion, students‟ affection feeling and emotion, and students‟ behavior attitude.

1. Students’ Cognition belief and opinion

According to the participants, English homework had advantages and disadvantages that indicated whether they completed English homework or not. All participants explained that completing English homework influenced their grade. Therefore, the following sub sections give a deeper analysis of students‟ opinion and belief toward individual English homework in junior high school.

a. Advantages of Doing English Homework

According to the participants, there were several advantages of English homework. First, 4 of the total participants explained that English homework made them familiar with new vocabulary and improve their vocabulary knowledge. Here are some interview excerpts of the participants: English homework helps me to improve my vocabulary knowledge Lensi BA, my translation. Completing English homework makes me familiar with new vocabularies that are used in the text. For example, my English teacher gives us individual English homework about procedure text. Therefore, it helps me to be familiar with vocabularies that are used in procedure text. Junu BA, my translation. 14 The topic for this week is about descriptive text. I really like this topic because I know new vocabularies in descriptive text Yasti AA, my translation. Second, 4 participants also explained that completing English homework helped them to enhance their understanding of the material in order to help them in doing English test. It means that it may help the students to get a perfect score by understanding the materials more. Here are some excerpts of 4 participants: Completing English homework give me the opportunity to measure my understanding toward the material. So, I will study more if I am not really understood about the material Avi A, my translation. I will complete English homework by myself first. After that, I will ask my teacher to check my English homework because I think it is good to measure my comprehension skill toward the materials and it is very help me in doing my English test to get a perfect score Nasya AA, my translation. Doing English homework gives me the opportunity to understand the materials Fanna AA, my translation. Third, 2 of the participants stated that English homework was useful to improve their English basic skill such as speaking or conversational skill. The students explained that English teacher often asked the students in pair to make a conversation that the topic is chosen by English teacher. Then, the students in pair should read their conversation in front of the class. It means that it may give the students opportunity to improve their vocabularies and enhance their speaking skill because they may know how to speak accurately and fluently. Below are the interview excerpts of the students: The advantage of English homework is to enhance my speaking skill or conversation skill Arin BA, my translation. Since English is an international language, so it is very important to enhance my speaking skill. Therefore, I will find some new vocabularies that will help me to improve my speaking skill by completing English homework Nasya AA, my translation. 15 The last is one participant explained that she could understand the exercise concept more by completing English homework such as the pattern of present tense in descriptive text. Here is an excerpt of her: By doing English homework, I become understand the exercise concept more. For example, my English teacher gives us homework to translate descriptive text from Indonesian to English. At first, I confused because I do not really understand the pattern of present tense but after completing English homework, I understand the pattern of descriptive text Wiwit A, my translation. According to the interview above, homework has an important role to improve their vocabulary knowledge, enhance their understanding of the materials, help them to improve their speaking skills in communicating with people around the world, and make them know about the exercise concepts. Similar to Cooper and Valentine 2001, homework has the important role to expand their opportunities through exposure and practice or review the materials that already explained in the classroom. Therefore, it may help them to achieve their expected goals in language learning such as a satisfied grade in their test.

b. Disadvantages of Doing English Homework

From to the interview, there were different standpoints that come up in the students mind. 3 of 9 participants explained that there were some disadvantages of doing individual English homework. First, English homework created confusion how to completed English homework since the students did not understand the materials or the instruction. Here are some excerpts of participants: English homework makes me confused if I do not understand the instruction. Lensi BA, my translation. English homework is confusing if I do not understand the materials. I do not like past tense because I have to memorize verb 1 and verb 2. Fanna A, my translation. 16 Second, English homework made the students tired since they had several activities after class hour end such as joining extracurricular activities and meeting OSIS organization and they should do another homework at the same time. Here are some of the excerpts: English homework makes me tired because I have to do another homework at the same time Wiwit A, my translation. The disadvantage of English homework is tiring since I join extracurricular activities after class hour ends. It will not has a disadvantage if I do not have other activities on that day because I will not tired, so I will do my English homework Avi A, my translation. Third, English homework decreased the student‟s time to play with their friends. Here is the excerpt of the participant: It will decrease my time to play because I need a lot of time to complete it Lensi BA, my translation. According to the interview above, the students explained several disadvantages of English homework. The students thought that English homework was tiring and created confusion when they did not understand the material. Besides, they were tired after doing other activities after class hours end. It seemed that doing English homework decreased their rest and leisure time. Similar to this finding, Kohn 2007 found that homework may reduce social relationship and their self-time to relax because they did not have a lot of time to play or do with their friends. Besides, Kohn 2007 explained that the teacher may need to help students to see and know that their homework assignments are meaningful and that it is not just busy work. It means the students may need to realize that homework can help them succeed academically and intellectually. 17

c. Students’ Grade of Completing English Homework

All participants believed that completing English homework would influence their grade. It means that they would get a good grade if they completed English homework because they understood the materials more. Meanwhile, they would get a bad grade since they did not understand the English materials. Here are the excerpts of them: I always complete English homework because it makes me understand the materials more. So, I will get a good grade by completing English homework Arin BA,my translation. It will influence my grade if I do not complete English homework because I will not understand the materials and as a result I will not be able to do my English test well Nasya AA, my translation. I will get a bad grade if I do not complete English homework because I do not understand the materials. Arin BA, my translation. Based on the statements above, it seems that completing English homework might help them to enhance their understanding of the materials. In the other words, it helped the students to do English test more easily. Therefore, it is true that homework is important to enhance academic and non-academic success Cooper Valentine, 2001. It also similar to Cooper, Robinson, and Patall 2006, they claimed that the role of the teacher is important to give them a feedback after they complete English homework. The teacher feedback may help them to know their strength and weakness in order to motivate them in getting a good grade. It cannot be denied that a good grade is one of the factors to achieve academic success as a student.

2. Students’ Affection feeling and emotion

There were positive and negative feelings after the students received English homework. Below is the further explanation. 18

a. Students’ Feeling or Emotion after Received an Positive Feelings

From the interview of 9 participants, there were positive feelings and negative feelings. First, positive feeling appear when the students are motivated to complete English homework because they loved English course. Nasya stated that: I think English is challenging and fun, so I complete English course first rather than other courses Nasya AA, my translation. Second, three participants explained that they were happy to complete English homework because they already understood the materials. One participant explained that she would not take a long time to complete English homework if they understood the materials. Besides, they also liked the topic. Here are some statements from them: English homework makes me happy if I understand the materials because I do not have to take a long time to complete it Avi, A my translation. I am happy to complete my English homework if I understood the materials Damma AB, my translation. I am happy when my teacher gives me homework about procedure text because through that homework I know how to make something in English context and I already familiar with the vocabularies that are used in procedure text Wiwit A, my translation. However, negative feeling appeared when the students were confused with the instructions and the materials. It means that they did not know how to complete English homework which related to the materials. Besides, completing English homework depends on student‟s mood. Here are some statements of the participants: The feeling after receive English homework depends on my mood. If it is easy of course I will be happy but it makes me angry if it is difficult Arin BA, my translation. I will complete English homework if I understand the materials and I like the topic. If the material is difficult I will not do my English homework Junu BA, my translation. 19 I am confused if I do not understand the instruction or the material Arin BA, my translation. To conclude, their positive or negative feelings depend on the topic and their understanding of the materials. Hommand and Olivia 2006 shared a similar finding with this. They shared a number of reasons why the students did not complete their English homework. One of the most frequent reasons is the students feel confused and burdened because they do not know how to do the homework. It means that they may do not understand the instruction of English homework that is given by the teacher. Therefore, they may not complete English homework if they have a negative feeling after received English homework.

b. Difficulty Level of English Homework

The difficulties level of English homework showed the students‟ feeling. Some of the participants mentioned that their positive or negative feeling depend on the difficulties of the materials. Here are several different statements of the participants: I am happy if the English homework is easy to but of course, it makes me confused if it‟s complicated Yasti AA, my translation. I like procedure text because it is fun to know how to make something. Therefore, it gives me the motivation to complete English homework Wiwit A, my translation. I am happy when my teacher gives me English homework about descriptive text. Descriptive text is fun because I understand the pattern of simple present tense. I am not really interested when my teacher gives us English homework about narrative text because I have to read a long story and I have to find verb 1 first before knowing the meaning Fanna AA, my translation. According to the findings above, one of the topics that made him happy was descriptive text. Fanna explained that descriptive text was easy because he understood the pattern of simple present tense. Besides, it would improve his vocabulary knowledge 20 although at the same time he faced a difficulty to arrange the sentence. The topic that they liked also motivated them to complete English homework. The findings above presented their personal interest of the topic that motivated them to complete English homework. Markow, Kim, and Liebman 2007 argued that develop critical thinking skill and students‟ interest in materials is helpful to increase the students‟ motivation in language learning because it also presents their feeling toward English materials. Other examples, Nasya mentioned that she completed English homework because she liked the topic although the material was difficult. Therefore, it shows her positive feeling to complete English homework although the materials may difficult for them.

3. Students’ Behavior attitude

This section is divided into several subsections including; the reasons why the students complete and not complete English homework, place of Doing English homework, time spent of doing English homework.

a. The Reasons Why the Students Complete and Not Completing English Homework

The students in above average and average group explained the reason in completing English homework. They had a good grade in English course because they completed English homework frequently. 2 of 9 participants explained that completing English homework was a responsibility as students. English teacher also gave the students punishment if they did not complete English homework. Besides, they stated that English homework helped them to improve their language proficiency. Here are some different statements of them: I always do my English homework because my English teacher will angry if I do not complete my homework Lensi, my translation. I always do my English homework because it is my responsibility as a student, so I always submit my English assignment on time. Besides, I have a dream to be a diplomat or work in export-import Company internal motivation. I would prefer to do my English homework rather than other homework such as math, science, etc Nasya, my translation. 21 I always do my English homework because it makes me more understand toward the materials, so I will get a good grade and improve my language proficiency. Besides it will help me to a higher education Yasti, my translation. According to the interview above, Nasya is motivated to advance her English proficiency because she deserves to be a diplomat or an employee in the international company. It means she motivated herself by completing English homework as the way to improve her English competence and enhance her English basic skill such as speaking skill. Meanwhile, Yasti had a different motivation for doing English homework. She explained that completing English homework helped her to improve their understanding of the materials. Meanwhile, the students who completed English homework rarely tend to get a bad grade in English course. They also shared the reasons why they did not complete English homework frequently. These are the explanation of them: Actually, I like English course but sometimes, I do not complete my English homework because there are so many assignments such as math and science at the same time Junu BA, my translation. Doing English homework depends on my mood. I will not do my English homework if the material is too difficult Arin BA, my translation. Junu and Arin tend to complete English homework rarely. They did not complete English homework frequently because of some reasons above. In a result, they had a bad grade in English course. The students‟ grade presents their achievement in completing English homework. 2 of 9 participants seemed less interest to complete English homework. In a result they did not complete homework frequently. Meanwhile, the rest of them showed their positive attitude to complete English homework frequently. Cooper, Robinson, and Patall 2006 stated that 6th grade and beyond, it should play an important role in improving standardized test scores and 22 grades. It cannot be deny that the result of standardized test scores show their personal success achievement in language learning. In fact, the students in above average who complete English homework frequently have a good result in their test, comparing with the students in below average. One of the reasons is they already mastered the materials by assigning English homework.

c. Place of Doing English Homework

Doing English homework in school or home shows their attitude in completing English homework. A positive attitude is shown when the students completed English homework at home because they tend to give their effort to complete English homework by themselves rather than the students who completed English homework at school before English class began. The majority of the students confessed that they completed English homework at home. Here are the statements of the students: I always do my English homework at home because I will more concentrate Fanna AA, my translation. It is fun to complete English homework at home because if I do not understand the material, I will ask my sister Nasya AA, my translation. I prefer to do my English homework at home because I have plenty of time to complete my English homework rather than at school or my friends‟ house Yasti AA, my translation. The statements above show that above average group showed their positive attitude in completing English homework because they prefer to complete English homework at home rather than at school before class began. The main reasons were they had a lot of time to complete English homework at home rather than in the school and they were more concentrate if they completed English homework at home. The students also stated that they asked their friends, sibling, or the internet if they found difficulties such as the meaning of the 23 word. The surprising statement came from Fanna. He explained that he never asked his friend or sibling if he faced the difficulties. He used the internet and did his best. Meanwhile, negative attitude is shown by the students when they completed English homework at school bef ore English class began to plagiarize their friends‟ homework because they forget to do their homework or the English homework was too difficult to do at home. There are two different reasons from Junu and Damma: I ever forgot to complete English homework, so I completed it in the school before class begins Junu BA, my translation. Sometimes, I do not complete my English homework because the assignment is too difficult for me. So, I do it in the school before English course begin Damma A, my translation. Many students who start studying with enthusiasm become disheartened when they discover that little has been accomplished. As a result, negative attitude is shown when some of them did not have a desire to complete English homework. Therefore, this condition makes them complete English homework in school.

d. Time Spent of Doing English Homework

Each student has a different amount of time to complete English homework. They explained that time spent of doing homework depend on level difficulties of English homework. Here are the samples of interview excerpts: I just need 15 minutes to complete multiple choice of English homework Damma A, my translation. The teacher often gives us multiple choice exercise as a homework for national examination preparation and I need 1 hour to complete this English homework because I have to open the dictionary to know the meaning of difficult words Yasti AA, my translation. If I get another homework, I need 2 hours to complete English homework but I just need 1 hour if I do not have another homework Wiwit A, my translation. 24 One of the more contentious issues in homework debate is a number of time students should spend on homework. Cooper 1989 reported that for junior high school students, they spend 1 to 2 hours to complete homework. A significant proportion of the research on homework indicates that the positive effects of homework relate to the amount of time to complete English homework. This finding also similar with Cooper 1989 that the students mention that they need 15 minutes until 2 hours to complete English homework. CONCLUSION The purpose of the study was to find out the students‟ attitude toward individual English homework in SMP N 1 Banyubi ru. The research question is “What are the students‟ attitudes toward individual English homework?‟ The participants were 9 of ninth grader in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. English homework plays important roles in junior high school. The students explained that English homework was important to improve their language proficiency, especially in understanding English materials. They also believed that completing English homework helped them in doing English test. Moreover, one participant stated that completing English homework measure their ability in understanding the materials. It means she completed English homework to know her language proficiency level. The most important thing by conducting this research was the researcher found the surprising fact that their grade showed their negative and positive attitudes in completing English homework since the participants were divided into three strata based on their English grade in the first semester. The students in above average group ≥ 80-100 and average group ≥ 60-79.9 showed their positive attitude because they completed English homework frequently and gave their effort to complete English homework at home by themselves. Meanwhile, the students in below average ≥ 0-59.9 showed a negative attitude toward English homework because sometimes they completed English homework at school to 25 plagiarize their friends‟ homework. Besides, one participant explained that she completed English depend on her mood. It means she completed English homework if she was in good feeling. The present study may help the students to develop good habits and self-discipline by fostering initiative and independence to complete English homework. Besides, it also may encourage and support the students to complete English homework. However, this study has some limitations. The first one is limited to time in doing the interview. English teacher in Banyubiru gave the researcher opportunity to conduct the interview with 9 participants in two meetings. It is because the students had to focus on national examination preparation since the participants were ninth grader of junior high school. The second one is the researcher had to follow English teacher‟s schedule in doing the interview. 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Special words for my family due to support and motivate throughout the whole thesis process. I am indebted to the participants for the patience and dedication to my thesis. The last but not least, I am also thankful for my best friends; Intan Ariani, Hapsari C. Hanandya, and Rahmawati Rifka Y. who always beside me. 29 APPENDIX These are the original interview question from the previous study and the translate form: Attitudes towards homework  What advantages andor disadvantages do you see about homework for English?  How do the students perceive the reasons for getting homework for English? To what extent are they involved in the process of setting and planning homework?  To what extent is homework discussed in class?  To what extent is homework stressful? To what extent does homework intrude on their social activities outside of school? To what extent do the students find that they have enough time for doing their homework for English?  Which alternatives to homework are there? What would it be like without homework for English? To what extent are they given extra time in school for homework, and what do they think about that?  The curriculum and the syllabus say that the students need to learn how to take responsibility. To what extent is homework an effective instrument for this? Engagement in homework  How much time is spent on homework in general? Time spent on English homework?  What do they think about being helped by someone at home when doing their homework for English? Do they have any siblings? If yes, what do their siblings think about homework? Who else can they turn to for help?  Where and how do they prefer to do their homework? Alone? With others? In school? At home? 30 The nature of homework tasks  To what extent do they see that there are different kinds of homework tasks for English? Which are the different tasks?  To what extent do they see that different tasks are better than others, regarding how they learn new things? To what extent have they found a way to do their homework that suits them the best?  To what extent do they think that homework tasks are adapted to the individual learner‟s level and ways of learning English? 31 Developed-Instrument A. Warm-up Phase a. Introduce self b. Tell the purpose of the interview c. Ask participants‟ demographic info, name, and students‟ grades on English course, and contact information.

B. Opening Phase

a. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

seminggu? Berapa jam dalam sehari? b. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu? c. Guru memberiakan PR bahasa Inggris dengan tipe soal seperti apa? open- ended questions, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank. d. Guru Anda memberikan PR bahasa Inggris sebelum atau setelah menjelaskan materi?

C. Expanding Phase Detail

1 Students‟ cognition beliefs or opinion a. Menurut Anda apakah PR bahasa Inggris itu penting? b. Menurut Anda apa manfaat dari PR bahasa Inggris? c. Apakah ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan. d. Menurut Anda apakah mengerjakantidak mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris akan memperngaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris Anda? 2 Students‟ affection feeling and emotion a. Apa yang Anda rasakan setelah mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan. b. Materi bahasa Inggris tentang apa yang paling Anda sukai? 32 c. Contoh materi yang sulitmudah dikerjakan tentang apa? 3 Students‟ behavior attitude a. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru selalu dikerjakan? Alasan. b. Apa yang Anda lakukan di kelas jika tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? c. Apakah guru akan memberikan hukuman untuk siswasiswi yang tidak mengerjakan bahasa Inggris? Contoh hukuman? d. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru selalu dibahas atau didiskusikan dikelas? e. Lalu apa yang kamu lakukan saat guru mendiskusikan PR bahasa Inggris dikelas? Aktif bertanya? f. Jika Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris, dimana Anda biasa mengerjakan PR tersebut? Alasan? g. Apakah Anda mendapatkan bantuan ketika mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? h. Berapa lama Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Mengapa? i. Pernahkah Anda lupa untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Jika iya, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

D. Closing Phase