Advantages of Doing English Homework

13 “We received English course 3 times in every week; Monday 1 hour, Wednesday 1 hour, and Thursday 2 hours Avi A, my translation. “We get English homework 1-2 times per week” Lensi BA, my translation. “My English teacher explain the material before give us an English homework” Junu BA, my translation. To conclude, they received individual English homework once or twice every week after the teacher explained the material.

B. Students’ Attitude toward English Homework

This secti on discusses students‟ cognition belief and opinion, students‟ affection feeling and emotion, and students‟ behavior attitude.

1. Students’ Cognition belief and opinion

According to the participants, English homework had advantages and disadvantages that indicated whether they completed English homework or not. All participants explained that completing English homework influenced their grade. Therefore, the following sub sections give a deeper analysis of students‟ opinion and belief toward individual English homework in junior high school.

a. Advantages of Doing English Homework

According to the participants, there were several advantages of English homework. First, 4 of the total participants explained that English homework made them familiar with new vocabulary and improve their vocabulary knowledge. Here are some interview excerpts of the participants: English homework helps me to improve my vocabulary knowledge Lensi BA, my translation. Completing English homework makes me familiar with new vocabularies that are used in the text. For example, my English teacher gives us individual English homework about procedure text. Therefore, it helps me to be familiar with vocabularies that are used in procedure text. Junu BA, my translation. 14 The topic for this week is about descriptive text. I really like this topic because I know new vocabularies in descriptive text Yasti AA, my translation. Second, 4 participants also explained that completing English homework helped them to enhance their understanding of the material in order to help them in doing English test. It means that it may help the students to get a perfect score by understanding the materials more. Here are some excerpts of 4 participants: Completing English homework give me the opportunity to measure my understanding toward the material. So, I will study more if I am not really understood about the material Avi A, my translation. I will complete English homework by myself first. After that, I will ask my teacher to check my English homework because I think it is good to measure my comprehension skill toward the materials and it is very help me in doing my English test to get a perfect score Nasya AA, my translation. Doing English homework gives me the opportunity to understand the materials Fanna AA, my translation. Third, 2 of the participants stated that English homework was useful to improve their English basic skill such as speaking or conversational skill. The students explained that English teacher often asked the students in pair to make a conversation that the topic is chosen by English teacher. Then, the students in pair should read their conversation in front of the class. It means that it may give the students opportunity to improve their vocabularies and enhance their speaking skill because they may know how to speak accurately and fluently. Below are the interview excerpts of the students: The advantage of English homework is to enhance my speaking skill or conversation skill Arin BA, my translation. Since English is an international language, so it is very important to enhance my speaking skill. Therefore, I will find some new vocabularies that will help me to improve my speaking skill by completing English homework Nasya AA, my translation. 15 The last is one participant explained that she could understand the exercise concept more by completing English homework such as the pattern of present tense in descriptive text. Here is an excerpt of her: By doing English homework, I become understand the exercise concept more. For example, my English teacher gives us homework to translate descriptive text from Indonesian to English. At first, I confused because I do not really understand the pattern of present tense but after completing English homework, I understand the pattern of descriptive text Wiwit A, my translation. According to the interview above, homework has an important role to improve their vocabulary knowledge, enhance their understanding of the materials, help them to improve their speaking skills in communicating with people around the world, and make them know about the exercise concepts. Similar to Cooper and Valentine 2001, homework has the important role to expand their opportunities through exposure and practice or review the materials that already explained in the classroom. Therefore, it may help them to achieve their expected goals in language learning such as a satisfied grade in their test.

b. Disadvantages of Doing English Homework