Reasons why things were prepared


D. Reasons why things were prepared

Each teacher had its own opinion about the reason why they worked so hard to prepare the students to face the examination. It was reflected as they replied to the following question; “Menurut Anda, kenapa hal - hal tersebut perlu dipersiapkan?” Why do you think it is important to prepare them all? Table 4. Reasons why things prepared Participant Responses T1 - The graduation standard always change - Maintain the rank of schools in the province T2 - So that there is a limitation which materials students must focus on T3 - Because the National Examination is not a simple thing T4 - Because nowadays school is required to get the best quality Teacher one said the preparation was important because the graduation criterion was always changing every year, especially the standard point of graduation. Also, she added that she needed to maintain the school to be at least the best ten of schools in the province area to keep the good reputation as it is shown in her response below; T1 : “Setiap tahun itu kriteria k elulusan kan berubah-ubah. Dan paling tidak kita tetap jaga ranking di kota dan di tingkat provinsi pun berusaha menembus 10 besar. ” Every year, the graduation standard is always change and this school should maintain the rank of schools in province 19 Teacher two said that the aim of the preparation was to have a focus in the material, so that the students could pay more attention on which thing that they should learn in the National Examination, also to prepare the students to face SMPTN. Below is the response from teacher two; T2 : “Ya tentu saja biar nanti anak -anak itu lebih apa namanya, ada pembatasan mana yang lebih mereka fokuskan untuk menghadapi ujian nasional besok.” So that there is a limitation which materials students must focus on. Teacher three agreed that the National Examination was not a simple matter, so that it must be prepared as best as it should and because it was also related to students ’ future. Below is the response from teacher three; T3 : “Karena ujian nasional itu bukan hal yang sepele atau untuk disepelekan. Karena ini hal yang penting juga untuk masa depan anak-anak. ” Because the National Examination is not a simple thing, it related to every future of every student Meanwhile, teacher four added that nowadays, teachers were required to achieve the best quality. In other words, the result of National Examination should reflect to the students’ real condition. There were controversies which stated that the National Examination did not really describe the real condition of the students. Students who got good marks did not simply considered as smart students and vice versa. Below is the response from teacher four; 20 T4 : “Kita itu di tuntut untuk bisa untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang memang bener-bener menggambarkan keadaan siswa yang sebenernya. ” Because nowadays school is required to get the best quality which reflect to the reality of the students. Teachers and schools agreed that the reasons why they needed to prepare a lot of things referred to the 68th paragraph about National Examination which stated that National Examination could be used as; quality mapping programs and or educational unit, basis of selection into the next level of education, determining the graduation of students from the program and or education units, guidance and assistance to the education unit in an effort to improve the quality of education.

E. The medium of instruction