People involved in the preparation

12 The duration of the preparation referred to the National Examination ’s official schedule which was in April 2012 http: UN-2012.pdf. Moreover, the focus of examination was usually released between the begining of second semester, so each scholl would only have aproximately five months to prepare everything intensively.

B. People involved in the preparation

Every school had different ways in the preparation regarding the people who were involved in the preparation as they gave responses to the question; “Siapa sajakah yang terlibat dalam proses persiapan?” Who were involved in the preparation process? and “Apakah ada pembentukan panitia khusus?” Is there any executive committee? . The teachers’ responses are shown in the table 2 below; Table 2. People involved in the preparation Participant Responses T1 - Every teacher - No such executive committee. T2 - Curriculum staff - The teachers who teach grade 12 - The students themselves. T3 - Every teacher T4 - Teachers - Curriculum staff - Administration staff 13 Both teacher one and teacher three said that automatically, all third grade teachers were involved in the preparation because they must be responsible in the National Examination ’ process. They added that there was executive committee who was in charge of arranging the schedule and other things related to the Examination. Below are the response from teacher one and teacher three; T1 : “Kalau yang terlibat otomatis semua guru. terutama guru yang mengampu kelas tiga. Kalau panitia khusus, kayaknya nggak ada. ” Every teacher was involved in the preparation process, automatically. Especially for teacher who teach the third year students. I think there is no such executive committee. T3: “Ya tentunya semua guru, itu masuk dalam tugas persiapan ujian nasional.” All of the teachers of course, it is one of teachers’ task to prepare the National Examination. Teacher two said that every teacher involved in the preparation because it was teachers’ duty. There was a committee who in charge of preparing the room, the schedule, assignment, etc. However, when it came to the National Examination preparation, every teacher worked together to make the National Examination become successful. Teacher four said that there was certain committee which came from the teachers themselves. Not only the teachers who teach the National Examination courses, but also people from the curriculum staffs and administration staffs were also involved in the preparation process. Below are the responses from teacher two and teacher four; 14 T2: “Yang terlibat disini antara lain adalah staff kurikulum, staff kurikulum itu yang nanti mengatur jadwal, kemudian yang apa namanya, eee, palaksanaanya nanti dari bulan apa sampai bulan apa, itu nanti yang mengatur staff kurikulum, kemudian guru yang apa namanya, yang mengampu bidang ujian nasional itu sendiri dan juga siswa ke las 12.” Lots of people involved, such as the curriculum staff who deal with the schedule, etc., the teachers who teach grade 12 and the students themselves. T4 : “ Guru yang terlibat dalam mapel ujian nasional, kemudian dari pihak kurikulum, dari waka kurikulum, staff-staff kurikulum, semua terlibat di situ dan dari yang lain termasuk dari t ata usaha dan lain sebagainya” Teacher, curriculum staff, everyone involved and from the other including administration staff. Based on ministry of education and culture constitition, the National Examination demanded teachers and school to involve in the implementation process of National Examination http: 2012.pdf.

C. Things prepared