Other teaching and learning activities

25 Teacher four added that the other two skills, speaking and writing, were also taught but in less portion. These two skills were used for practice examination such as interview and story-telling, delivering speech and some dialogues. Below is the response from teacher three; T3 : “Untuk ujian nasional materinya adalah listening dan reading. Tetapi dalam pengajaran pun, kita mengajarkan ke empat skill, writing dan speaking juga. Karena kalau untuk bahasa inggris kan ada ujian praktek juga. ” We focus on listening and reading. But in the field, we also teach the other skills, because there is practical test for English. Teachers focussed more on listening and reading because the English National Examination standards of graduate SKL was focussed on listening and reading http:www.googledocsviewer.com201112kisi-kisi-un-2012-un-sma.html.

G. Other teaching and learning activities

All teachers agreed that National Examination would cause the students to be very nervous. So, teachers managed some fresh and fun activities to reduce the level of stress. It can be found on the following responses to the question; “Apakah ada kegiatan belajar mengajar lain seperti menonton film atau mendengarkan music?” Is there any other teaching learning activities such as watching movies or listening music? and “Menurut Anda, seberapa pentingkah kegiatan tersebut?” How important do these activities? 26 Table 7. Other teaching and learning activities Participant Responses T1 - To reduce the stress level T2 - As a relaxation medium to reduce the boredom T3 - To make their own ending of a certain movie - By listening to music, students could learn grammar and vocab T4 - We reduce its portion. - to reduce the boredom, sometimes we send them to the LAB In order to reduce the boredom, teachers used other teaching learning activities such as watching movies or listening to music. They realized that students needed something fun and fresh so that they could not easily feed up with the materials and hopefully could reduce the stress level. They believed that some fun activities such as watching movies and listening to some songs are effective relaxation medium. However, when the students had been given an activity such as watching movies, it was not only just watching movies in general whereas the movies should be motivating movies. Also, there must be a follow up regarding the movies. Teachers gave assignment related to the movies, such as by making new ending. Below are the responses from all teachers; T1: “Yak karena itu untuk mengurangi kebosanan. Karenakan kalau menjelang UAN ini kan tingkat strees itu meningkat” 27 To reduce boredom because the stress level is rising as the National Examination come T2: “Pasti kejenuhan itu ada. Kalau dikasih materi materi materi terus, takutnya nantu malah nggak nyampek. Makanya kadang saya makai relaksasi sebentar” There must be boredom. I’m afraid the students would not get the materials well. So I would do some relaxation. T3 : “ Menonton film pun ya tidak hanya membuang waktu, tapi ada yang dipelajari disana. Mungkin nanti mereka harus mengembangkan endingnya dengan imajinasi mereka. Atau kalau lagu bisa juga belajar grammar atau vocab dari lagu kan juga bisa. ” Not only watching movie, but there should be something to be learnt. Maybe students shal l make their own movie’s ending. Or, by listening to music, students also could learn grammar and vocab. T4 : “Untuk menghadapi ujian menghadapi nasional, porsinya agak kita kurangi. Tapi untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan kita kadang megajak mereka ke LAB” In facing the National Examination, we reduce its portion. In order to reduce the boredom, sometimes we send them to the LAB. 28

H. Overall difficulties