Things prepared T1 112007142 Full text

14 T2: “Yang terlibat disini antara lain adalah staff kurikulum, staff kurikulum itu yang nanti mengatur jadwal, kemudian yang apa namanya, eee, palaksanaanya nanti dari bulan apa sampai bulan apa, itu nanti yang mengatur staff kurikulum, kemudian guru yang apa namanya, yang mengampu bidang ujian nasional itu sendiri dan juga siswa ke las 12.” Lots of people involved, such as the curriculum staff who deal with the schedule, etc., the teachers who teach grade 12 and the students themselves. T4 : “ Guru yang terlibat dalam mapel ujian nasional, kemudian dari pihak kurikulum, dari waka kurikulum, staff-staff kurikulum, semua terlibat di situ dan dari yang lain termasuk dari t ata usaha dan lain sebagainya” Teacher, curriculum staff, everyone involved and from the other including administration staff. Based on ministry of education and culture constitition, the National Examination demanded teachers and school to involve in the implementation process of National Examination http: 2012.pdf.

C. Things prepared

From the interview question; “ Apa sa ja hal yang dipersiapkan?” What are the things being prepared?, teachers agreed that the first thing to do was to prepare more materials based on the competency standards of graduate SKL; 15 Table 3. Things prepared Participant Responses T1 - materials for extra lessons - test materials from last year - extra lesson T2 - find more materials - extra lesson - try outs T3 - extra lessons. - clinical service T4 - find a materials . - some enrichments. - Counseling. Besides finding more materials, teacher one and teacher two planned some extra classes which usually reviewed last year materials. The extra classes were conducted at noon after school from 2 pm to 4pm. They also organized more practice tests and reviewed the materials. They added, at the last holiday, the third year students also kept coming to schools to have extra lessons as it is shown from the first and second teacher’s responses below; T1: “ Ya otomatis materi-materi yang dipersiapkan di jam-jam tambahan. Terus soal-soal ujian tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Jam tambahan, sekarang di adakan siang, mulai jam 2 sampai jam setengah 4” 16 Some materials which are prepared for extra lessons. Then some examination tests which are taken from last year. Extra lessons which are performed after the school hours. T2 : “Memp ersiapkan soal-soal yang sudah ditentukan dengan SKL yang keluar. Mengadakan jam pelajara n tambahan dan juga try outs.” Of course we should find more materials based on the competency standards of graduate also we plan extra lesson and try outs They also did the pre-test called try-out for 3 to 4 times to check s tudents’ understanding. Teacher three said the she planned a clinical service, which means that when students faced some difficulties, they could ask the teacher whenever they wanted. They could send some SMS or call the teacher and then they planned to meet to discuss the difficulties. T3 : “Kemudian ada layanan klinis. Layanan kilnis itu misalnya anak punya kesulitan, dia boleh bertanya kepada guru kapanpun.” There something named clinical service which when the students have difficulties, they could ask the teachers anytime. Teacher four informed that they also analyzed the students ’ competencies and when the results of try-outs were not satisfying, they would have more things to discuss. Below is the response from teacher four; T4 : “ Kita cari satu materi, materi yang merangkum keseluruhan. Kita mencari soal-soal ujian tahun lalu. Nanti setelah try out kita analisis 17 lagi, untuk materi yang belum tuntas berarti nanti perlu kita ulang lagi. Kita adakan pengayaan lagi khusus untuk materi-materi yang belum tuntas.” We find a material which covers the overall materials. We find last year examination tests. After tryout, we analyze again, when there are some uncompleted materials we review them again. We plan some enrichment for the uncompleted materials. Teacher four also added that his school prepared a kind of counseling. Every teacher had 7 to 10 third grade students and when they were having difficulties, the students could consult to their counselor and then the counselor would consult to the teacher to solve the difficulties. Below is the response from teacher four; T4 : “ Satu guru membimbing tujuh sampai sepuluh anak. tidak di fokuskan mapel tertentu, nanti kalau siswa ada kesulitan apapun bisa konsultasi ke saya , jadi nanti saya yang menyampaikan.” A teacher guides seven to 10 students, not in a certain course, when students find difficulties they can consult and me as their counselor would convey it to certain teachers. The National Examination demanded the teachers and scholls to prepare all those things in order to fulfill the competency English examination standards of graduate SKL http:www.googledocsviewer.com201112kisi-kisi-un-2012-un-sma.html. 18

D. Reasons why things were prepared