The medium of instruction

20 T4 : “Kita itu di tuntut untuk bisa untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang memang bener-bener menggambarkan keadaan siswa yang sebenernya. ” Because nowadays school is required to get the best quality which reflect to the reality of the students. Teachers and schools agreed that the reasons why they needed to prepare a lot of things referred to the 68th paragraph about National Examination which stated that National Examination could be used as; quality mapping programs and or educational unit, basis of selection into the next level of education, determining the graduation of students from the program and or education units, guidance and assistance to the education unit in an effort to improve the quality of education.

E. The medium of instruction

Based on the responses given by the teachers related to the question; “ Bagaimana dengan penggunaan bahasa dalam proses persiapan?” How about the medium of instruction used in the preparation process? , it was found that there were differences in method between schools in delivering the lessons. Table 5. The medium of instruction Participant Responses T1 - 70 English, 30 Indonesian T2 - around 60 English and 40 Indonesia. T3 - 60 English, 40 Indonesia - Even sometimes 50-50 21 T4 - Indonesia 60, English 40 Teacher one said the in the preparation process she used more English than Indonesian; it was around 70 of English and 30 of Indonesian. Meanwhile, teacher two said that they used 60 English and 40 Indonesian. They were more focused on the vocabulary and spoken language. When the students faced difficulties in getting the meaning of certain materials, teachers would explain them using Indonesian. Below are the responses from teacher one and teacher two; T1: “ Kalau disini lebih di utamakan Englishnya. Jadi paling tidak ya sekitar 70, 30. ” Here, we focus in English, so it is about 70 and 30. T2 : “Untuk bahasanya ya seperti p ada umumnya, sekitar 60 40. Kita lebih fokus pada vocab dan bahasa lisan. ” Just in general, 60 and 40, we focus on vocabulary and spoken language. Teacher admitted that she often used different way of teaching. Instead of 60 English and 40 Indonesian, she tended to use 50 English and 50 Indonesian. This method is used when her students find difficulties to understand the lesson in English. Below is the response from teacher 3; T3: “ Biasanya saya mengajar dengan 60 40 atau bahkan 50 ya. 50 inggris dan 50 indonesia. Ketika hal-hal yang cukup sulit untuk 22 mereka mengerti dalam bahasa inggris, saya menggunakan bahasa indonesia.” I usually teach with 60 and 40 or even 50 each. 50 English and 50 Indonesian. When things seem too hard to be understood in English, I use Indonesian Surprisingly, rega rding the students’ ability, teacher four realized that his students were not as good as the other students from other school, so he used 40 English and 60 Indonesian. It was used to reduce the time consuming. When the students faced difficulties in getting the meaning of certain vocabulary, the teacher explained using Indonesian. He also added that a lot of examination tests were about the vocabulary and he agreed that translation was the most effective learning strategies. Below is the response by teacher four; T4 : “Bahasa indonesia 60 bahasa inggris sekitar 40. Kenapa, karena kita mengejar kemampuan siswa dalam kemampuan menjawab soal yang kebanyakan kosakata, vocab.” Indonesia 60, English 40. Because we try to enable the students ability to answer questions which mostly about vocabulary. Teachers used various medium of instruction becaused National Examination demanded teachers to fulfill the competency English examination standards of graduate SKL http:www.googledocsviewer.com201112kisi-kisi-un-2012-un-sma.html. 23

F. Skills and Area being focused