Skills and Area being focused


F. Skills and Area being focused

Teachers said that the area being focused was determined by the standard point of graduation SKL and this year, the National Examination was focused on reading and listening. So the preparation process was more focused on reading and listening. Table 6 below presents their responses to the following question; “Bagaimana dengan skill dan area yang lebih ditekankan selama proses persiapan?” How about the language skills and areas emphasized in the preparation process? and “Apakah ditekankan ke semua skill? reading, listening, speaking, writing, grammar, and vocab atau hanya satu atau dua saja? ” Do teacher emphasized on every skill? reading, listening, speaking, writing, grammar, and vocab or just emphasized on one or two skills? Table 6. Skills and area being focused Participant Responses T1 - Mostly reading T2 - The readings that we are learning could be one of the questions in the National Examination, so the focus is on vocabulary. T3 - listening and reading. - teach the other skills, because there is practical test for English. T4 - we focused on reading and kinds of expression. Teacher one said that it depends on the things that would be faced in the examination. The National Examination is focused on reading and listening. However, as 24 there would be more materials tested in the reading section, the preparation is more focused on the reading. The response from teacher one can be found below; T1: “Yang diutamakan kan listening sama reading. Tapi, karena bobot reading lebih banyak, jadi persiapannya juga lebih banyak di readingnya” The focus is on listening and reading. However, as the amounts in reading section are much, so the preparation is more on reading. Teacher two said that she focused on vocabulary, because to be able to answer the questions in National Examination, the students needed a good vocabulary understanding. Below is the response from teacher two; T2: “Bacaan yang kita pelajari sekarang, mungkin juga keluar di ujian nasional, jadi fokusnya ke vocabulary.” The readings that we are learning could be one of the questions in the National Examination, so the focus is on vocabulary. Teacher three said that in this preparation process, he also focused on kinds of expression as it is shown from his response below; T4: “Unt uk ujian nasinal, kita fokuskan ke reading dan expression, kind of expression. ” For the National Examination, we focused on reading and kinds of expression. 25 Teacher four added that the other two skills, speaking and writing, were also taught but in less portion. These two skills were used for practice examination such as interview and story-telling, delivering speech and some dialogues. Below is the response from teacher three; T3 : “Untuk ujian nasional materinya adalah listening dan reading. Tetapi dalam pengajaran pun, kita mengajarkan ke empat skill, writing dan speaking juga. Karena kalau untuk bahasa inggris kan ada ujian praktek juga. ” We focus on listening and reading. But in the field, we also teach the other skills, because there is practical test for English. Teachers focussed more on listening and reading because the English National Examination standards of graduate SKL was focussed on listening and reading http:www.googledocsviewer.com201112kisi-kisi-un-2012-un-sma.html.

G. Other teaching and learning activities