Mental Process Relational Process

2. Mental Process

While material process is concerned with the process of doing and happening, mental process is concerned with the experience of the world of one‟s own consciousness. It is the process which focuses on the inner experience. Eggins 2004: 225 explains that Halliday divides mental process into three classes: cognition verbs of thinking, knowing, understanding, for example I dont know her name, affectionemotions verbs of liking, fearing, e.g. I hate injections, and perception verbs of seeing, hearing, e.g. Simon heard it on the news. In a clause of „mental‟ process, there is always one participant who is human which is called as the Senser. This type of participant is the one that senses, feels, thinks, wants or perceives. As Halliday and Matthiessen 2004 explains that more accurately, we should say human-like; the significant feature of the Senser is that of being „endowed with consciousnesses‟. Beside participant, there exists another main element in a clause of mental process, namely the Phenomenon which is felt, thought, wanted or perceived, the position is in a sense reversed. Phenomenon is used in referring to the object thing which is being sensed or thought. Table 2.7 Example of mental c lause “emotionaffection” She loves flowers Senser Process: mental Phenomenon Table 2.8 Example of mental clause “cognition” They have known the secret Senser Process : mental Phenomenon Table 2.9 Example of mental clause “perception” David Heard about general election on the news Senser Process: mental Phenomenon Circumstance

3. Relational Process

According to Butt 2007:47, the main character of relational processes is that they relate a participant to its identity or description. It is a process which serves to characterize and also to identify. Relational process is also often described as the process of being. The central meaning of clauses of this type is that something is. Butt 2000 explains that within relational processes there are two main types: relational attributive, which relate a participant to its general characteristics or description; and relational identifying, which relate a participant to its identity, role or meaning. In relational attributive clauses the participant carrying the characteristics or attributes is known as the Carrier and the characteristic is known as Attribute. The Attribute is typically an indefinite nominal group or a nominal group with an adjective as Head. Beside the different forms of the verb “be”, other verbs which relate a Carrier to an Attribute may include seem, look, appear, remain and feel. In contrast to attributive processes, relational identifying processes set up an identity, role or meaning. They perform two separate functions and have two sets of labels. The first function is the one which provides a new identity. In identifying something, relational process uses the term identified as the participant roles and the term identifier as the object which classifies the identified. The second function of relational identifying processes allows us to take any form and identify its function and also to take any function and identify its form. In other words, we take some token and give it a new value or some value and give its token. The term of Token is said as the participants roles as the form while value is what we call as the function. Butt also states that although the most common relational process is be, which has no passive voice, other verbs that can relate a Token and its Value may include mean, spell, express, play, act, show and represent, which do have passive forms. Table 2.10 Example of relational attributive clause Her house is Luxurious Carrier Process: relational Attribute Table 2.11 Example of relational identifying clause That star Is what you are staring in the night Identified Process : relational Identifier Table 2.12 Example of relational identifying clause with Token My favorite song Is Claire de Lune Value Process: relational identifying Token Table 2.13 Example of relational identifying clause with Value Claire de Lune Is my favorite song Token Process: relational identifying Value

4. Behavioral Process