Exact translation is not possible

34 prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms are treated thoroughly at each level. Vocabulary enrichment is based on words found in the text and the activities. These exercises appear frequently throughout the texts. The second, the art program, illustrates and discusses interesting words related to a specific thematic idea in each book of the series 17 . To master a language is not necessary to read it, but it is extremely doubtful whether one can really read the language without first mastering it orally. Unless one has mastered the fundamentals of the new language, that is, as a set of habits for oral production and reception the process of reading is a process of seeking word equivalents to his own native language, such a reader never enters into the precise particular way the foreign language grasps experience he is still using as means of grasping meaning or understanding only the processes and vocabulary of his own language with the added difficulty of seeing a different set of symbols on the printed page which must act as clues from which he must guess the correct words of his own language to be substituted in order to make some kind of sense. He never really entails into the tough the full meaning expressed by the foreign language. It means that having a lot of vocabulary stocks will help us not only grasp the meaning or understand the language we learn, but also get the exact meaning of our reading.

c. Distributing the Use According to Grammatical Matters

If we examine vocabulary use, there are so many useful things, especially its distribution to grammar matters. Such the words, although some of them may have also full-word meaning content, primarily or largely operate as means of expressing relation of grammatical structure. This includes the so-called auxiliaries, prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative particles, and miscellaneous group consisting of the words for degree, for generalizing, the articles, etc 18 . All these words are called as function words or the words which have special function and meanings. 17 Millie John and Paulene M. Basis Language, Harper and Row Publishing, Inc, Now York, USA, 1982, P. iii 18 Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language, P. 44.