Definition of Mastery Vocabulary Mastery

10 d Motivation Motivation is as inner factor that functions for making, basing and pointing to the learning. Motivation separates into two main categories: extrinsic motivation, which is concerned with factor outside the classroom, and intrinsic motivation, which is concerned with what takes place inside the classroom. 10 Students’ motivation can determine the good or bad in their learning achievement. The higher motivation they have, the higher learning success they will get. e Mental health In learning process, there is not only about intelligence but also about their mental health that will make the good result in learning process. In addition, if the students get successful in their learning, they will have self-esteem. b. External factor External factor is the factor that comes from out of the individual. This factor involves social environment and non social environment. 1. Social environment The social environment here is the human environment outside students who have contact directly with them such as family, school, neighbors and mass media. Family is the first center of education. But it can be the cause of learning difficulties if the families give less attention to their children. Social environment in school such as teachers, staff administration and classmates can influence the students. The teacher can be a cause for learning difficulties when: a Unqualified teachers b Bad relationship between the teacher and the student c High learning standard from the teacher d No skill in diagnosing the students learning difficulties 10 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, … p. 3. 11 e Unsuitable method 1 Non social environment The factors which include the non social environment are location of students’ house, the school’s building, learning instrument, curriculum, and school timing. 11 Other expert, Abin S. Makmun in his book Psikologi Kependidikan:Perangkat Sistem Pengajaran Modul, state that causes for learning difficulty are: 12 a. Feeling insecurity b. Phobia c. Immaturity d. Habits and wrong attitude e. Nervous f. Lazy, not cooperative and buck passing responsibility g. Excessively absent h. Anxiety and feeling down to concentration i. Large population in the classroom making uncomfortable j. Much activity out side classroom “extrakulikuler” k. Often changing school or program l. Course of study out of date m. School site that is very noisy and strange

4. Vocabulary Mastering

Vocabulary mastering is how the teachers teach a list of a word with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language to the students. Vocabulary teaching includes some of the most complex problems in the field of education. Vocabulary teaching is influenced by ideas on the nature of language in general, by ideas on the particular language being taught, and by ideas on how the language is learned. 11 M. Dalyono, psikologi pendidikan, Jakarta; PT. Rineka Cipta, 1997, p. 230. 12 Abin Syamsuddin Makmun, Psikologi Kependidikan: Perangkat Sistem Pengajaran Modul, Cetakan ke-5Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2002, pp. 326 —327.