The Influence of Students Mastery

11 e Unsuitable method 1 Non social environment The factors which include the non social environment are location of students’ house, the school’s building, learning instrument, curriculum, and school timing. 11 Other expert, Abin S. Makmun in his book Psikologi Kependidikan:Perangkat Sistem Pengajaran Modul, state that causes for learning difficulty are: 12 a. Feeling insecurity b. Phobia c. Immaturity d. Habits and wrong attitude e. Nervous f. Lazy, not cooperative and buck passing responsibility g. Excessively absent h. Anxiety and feeling down to concentration i. Large population in the classroom making uncomfortable j. Much activity out side classroom “extrakulikuler” k. Often changing school or program l. Course of study out of date m. School site that is very noisy and strange

4. Vocabulary Mastering

Vocabulary mastering is how the teachers teach a list of a word with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language to the students. Vocabulary teaching includes some of the most complex problems in the field of education. Vocabulary teaching is influenced by ideas on the nature of language in general, by ideas on the particular language being taught, and by ideas on how the language is learned. 11 M. Dalyono, psikologi pendidikan, Jakarta; PT. Rineka Cipta, 1997, p. 230. 12 Abin Syamsuddin Makmun, Psikologi Kependidikan: Perangkat Sistem Pengajaran Modul, Cetakan ke-5Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2002, pp. 326 —327. 12 According to Allen, three techniques can be used for teaching vocabulary: 1 Alphabetical order: Even for a list of new words, alphabetizing way is appropriate in helping students to find a word. 2 Showing the meaning of words through pictures, explanations in mother tongue, and definitions in simple English. 3 Drawing attention to meanings before drilling words. 27 The characteristic of students is complex. So it makes the teacher difficult to engage with them. Before the teacher teach the students new word, they is hoped to understand the characteristic of their students. Teaching vocabulary through objects and actions, the teacher has to do a great deal of talking and acting in order to establish some link in learners’ mind between what is said and what is done.

5. Definition Vocabulary Mastery

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get and receive a lot of words, by having and mastering it, we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context it can also help to avoid making the mistakes in identifying a language with dictionary and guide us in making the equivalence of the second language to native language, so that mean: a. Helping us master kinds or levels of meaning. In mastering the kinds or levels of meaning such as the words with their lexical meaning are, they are by no means the only essential meaning in the symbols and devices of a language and also the lexical content the various words as listed and defined in a dictionary. 13 b. Vocabularies find in a language, this is because the languages we use consist of vocabularies. Whatever else people may do when, they come together whether they play, flight, make love, they talk; we live in a world 27 Virginia French Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983, pp. 10 —13 13 Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, an introduction to language, Victoria: Holt Rineheart and Winston, Inc, 1974, p. 1. 13 of words. 14 Television furthers more of words. As a hardly moment of our waking lives is free from word, we talk to our pets sometime we talk to ourselves. c. words can express our ability. When a person demonstrated his speech in front of the public, his word can bring ourselves to the other world, his ability in speech is well known all over the world, and that all start from word. d. vocabulary is involved in all aspects in student learning and that can improve their skill in English, whether in Listening, in Speaking, Reading or Writing. Student cannot speak well if they do not know vocabulary, they also do not listen carefully if they do not know vocabulary, they may stuck in Reading if they do not know vocabulary. So it’s mean that vocabulary helps students to learn the Language and improve it. In writing vocabulary function as a tool to express a successful learning, it shows a good feedback to the learning. According to William D. Baker, he said that “Writing as a language skill which needs a lot of words in it because no words no writing”. In reading the reading section of each book contains materials on techniques of reading studying, as well as on such skills as test taking test and reasoning. From those can be conclude that vocabulary is involved in each aspects of our live, and that mean it is crucial to be acquire, especially when we talk.

6. Types of Vocabulary

In language learning, vocabulary is an essential component that links the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing all together. There are many clarifications made by the experts in language area about the kinds of vocabulary. According to Aebersold and Lee vocabulary is divided into two: a. Receptive Vocabulary is the vocabulary that readers have a general sense of a word’s meaning but are not sure of its many meanings or nuances of meaning. 14 Ibid… p. 23 14 b. Productive vocabulary is the vocabulary that people actually use to speak or write. 15 Furthermore, Schmitt mention vocabulary into two parts. “Being able to understand a word is known as receptive knowledge and is normally connected with listening and reading. If we are able to produce a word of our own accord when speaking or writing, then that are considered productive knowledge passive and active are alternative term. ” 16 Dealing with the characteristics of the words, Nation divided vocabulary into two kinds: 1. Receptive knowledge Receptive knowledge is involves knowing how to recognize the word when it is heard or when it is seen, being able to distinguish it from word with a similar form, being able to judge if the word form sounds right or looks right, being able to recall its meaning when it is met, being able to see which shade of meaning which most suitable for the context that it occurs in, and being able to make a various associations with other related words. 2. Productive knowledge Productive knowledge involves knowing how to pronounce the word, how to write and spell it, how to use it in correct grammatical patterns, and using word to stand for the meaning it represents and being able to think of suitable substitutes for the word if there are any. 17 Cameron stated that “The words of a language split into two groups according to how they are used to construct sentences, namely: 1. Content words are those that carry a lexical meaning, even out of the context. 15 Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 139 16 Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching , ……..p. 4 17 I.S.P. Nation, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Massachusetts: HeinleHeinle Publishers, 1990, pp. 31 —32.