RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Research The research was held at SMA Triguna Utama, which was located on Jl. Rempoa Raya No. 1 Bintaro Pasanggrahan Jakarta Selatan. It was started by observation to the school from 19 April 2012 to 21 August 2014.

B. Method of Study

This pre-experiments for the eff ect of direct method on students’ mastering vocabulary. These activities involved two classes. The writer takes 20 students from each class.

C. Population and Sample

1 Population The population of this research consists of two classes, namely X.A, X.B. The total number of the students were 50. 2 Sample The sample of this research was 40 students, which was divided into two classes, namely X.A and X.B. The writer took two classes for the samples of the research, they are class XA as the experiment class and XB as the controlled class. The experiment class class XA consists of 24 students, but 4 students were absent because of some reasons. And the control class XB consists of 26 students, but just 20 students who follow the pre-test, but 4 students were absent because of some reasons. The writer was taken by using XA randomly as a sample which consist of 20 students. 40 41

D. Instrument of the study

The instrument of this research was vocabulary test which consisting of 40 fourty questions. The test was diveded into two test form; they were multiple choices and matching test. They are divided into three categories; easy 30, middle 60, and difficult 10. Multiple choices consist of 20 items from number 1 to number 20. It’s score per item is 4. It means if the students can choose the answer of 1 item correctly, they will get 80 scores. Matching test consist of 20 items from number 20 to number 4 0. It’s score per item is 2. It means if the students can choose the answer of 1 item correctly. They will get 2 score and if they can choose the answer of 10 items correctly, they will gate 20 scores. Before the test was used for gathering the data was be tested.

E. Method of Data Collecting

Collecting data was an important thing in this research that can be determined. There were two times, namely used pre-test and post-test to collect the data: 1.Pre-test The pre-test is given in the beginning of attending class pre-test is given the writer doing the experiment to know the students knowledge of the material that will be thought. The instrument consists of 40 items test consisting of two types: a. Multiple choice, there are 20 items and each item is scored 3, so the total score of this type is 60. b. Completing, there are 20 questions and each item is scored 2, so the total score of this type is 40. 2.Post-test The writer gives the post- test after the lesson finished to know the students’ ability in mastering just thought. The instrument consists of 30 items test consisting of two types: a. Multiple choice, there are 20 items and each item is scored 3, so the total score of this type is 60.