Irfan, SPd. Puji Astuti

 Menyusun paragraf Recount menggunakan bahasa masing-masing


RECOUNT GENRE Social Function Generic Structure Linguistic Features To tell an event in the past time chronologically Orientation Who involved in the story? Where it happened? When it happened? Series of events it tells the events chronologically. It begins from the first event, followed by the second event to the the last event. Reorientation it draw a conclusion or gives comment about the story. 7. The use of past tenses. 8. Focus on specific participants. 9. Use temporal conjunctions. 10. Use of relational processes and mental processes. 11. Use of some behavioral and verbal processes. 12. Use action verbs material process. XVII. METODE PEMBELAJARAN TEKNIK Three-phase techniques


KEGIATAN Waktu Aspek skill menit Yang di kembangkan

II. Kegiatan awal :

 Greeting memberi salam dan tegur sapa  Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait kondisi siswa  Guru mengabsen siswa  Brainstorming tentang topik yang akan dibahas 15 Menit Menyiapkan diri siswa sebelum masuk materi baru

II. Kegiatan Inti :

 Siswa mendengarkan review penjelasan tentang Recount Text  Siswa diberikan Lembar Kerja Recount Teks yang telah mereka kerjakan sebelumnya untuk dibahas kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi  Secara berkelompok siswa mengidentifikasi kesalahan teman mereka dan membahasnya bersama  Siswa diberikan script Picture Sequences dari teks Recount  Siswa diminta untuk mengamati gambar tersebut  Beberapa siswa pilihan mengemukakan pendapat mereka tentang isi cerita.  Siswa diminta untuk merubah keyword yang tersedia kedalam bentuk Past  Siswa diminta untuk menyusun teks Recount berdasarkan isi gambar di kolom Recount yang tersedia.  Mengumpulkan hasil tulisan siswa

III. Kegiatan akhir :

 Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa yang dialami pada teks recount  Guru menyimpulkan materi.  Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengucap salam. 60 Menit 15 Menit Siswa dapat mengenal teks Recount dan memunculkan ide untuk menyusun paragraf Recount Feed back dan reinforcement


C. Sumber Belajar

f. Buku teks Th. M. Sudarwati, Eudia Grace. ” Look Ahead 1” for Senior High School Year X, Erlangga 2006 Jakarta. g. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris grade X h. Script text recount. i. gambar j. Silabus SMA grade X

D. Media Belajar

 Script Picture Sequences  Students’ Writing Work Sheet of Recount Text Writing


d. Teknik : Tes tulisan e. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tulisan f. Instrument : Terlampir


Komponen Writing Nilai Indikator Isi 4 Sesuai dengan topik dan mudah dimengerti 3 Cukup sesuai dengan topik dan mudah dimengerti 2 Sesuai dengan topik tetapi tidak mudah dimengerti 1 Cukup sesuai dengan topik tetapi tidak mudah dimengerti Susunan 4 Kebanyakan kalimat berhubungan dengan ide pokok 3 Beberapa kalimat berhubungan dengan ide pokok 2 Sedikit kalimat berhubungan dengan ide pokok 1 Kalimat tidak berhubungan dengan ide pokok Kosa kata 4 Sedikit kesalahan pada pilihan kata dan spelling 3 Beberapa kesalahan pada pilihan kata dan spelling 2 Banyak kesalahan pada pilihan kata dan spelling 1 Sering sekali terdapat kesalahan pada pilihan kata dan spelling Mekanik 4 Sedikit kesalahan pada punctuation 3 Beberapa kesalahan pada punctuation 2 Banyak kesalahan pada punctuation 1 Sering sekali terdapat kesalahan pada punctuation Grammar 4 Sedikit kesalahan pada grammar 3 Beberapa kesalahan pada grammar 2 Sering terjadi kesalahan pada grammar 1 Sering sekali terjadi kesalahan pada grammar Mengetahui Guru Pamong Mahasiswa

M. Irfan, SPd. Puji Astuti

NIP. NIM. 106014000420 Lampiran Lembar penilaian KBM Kegiatan Belajar mengajar Menulis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look at the pictures carefully Note: This Picture Below arranged randomly. Use the keyword to rearrange the pictures and then put into the recount column. Adapted from Second Year Pupils - Scientific Streams Title VISITING THE TENNIS COURT Orientation Events : Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event … Re- orientation Appendix 9 : The profile of MA Darul Ma’arif - Cipete THE PROFILE OF MA DARUL MA’ARIF A. Brief History MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete refers to Islamic Senior High School Darul Ma’arif Cipete, which under the administration of the Religion Department of Indonesia, located at Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 45 Cipete - Jakarta Selatan. It was established by Dr. Ir. K. H. Idham Chalid in 1962 and also became one of Islamic education institutes in Cipete which gave many contribution in developing Islamic society in that area. Because of MA Darul Ma’arif is an education institute which is sheltered by the Darul Ma’arif Foundation, so it has to share the study room with the other Darul Ma’arif education institute, Sekolah Dasar Islam Darul Ma’arif, MTs Darul Ma’arif, SMP Darul Ma’arif, and SMA Darul Ma’arif. Therefore, because of limited room, MA Darul Ma’arif only open 1 class contains of 40 students for the 20102011 academic year.

B. Vision and Mission

1. Vision

MA Darul Ma’arif is an Islamic education institute that motivated students to develop modern sciences, technology and skill s; therefore MA Darul Ma’arif is a medium that create the human resources which have quality, knowledge, faith, and good moral values.

2. Mission

It contains some steps should be done in order to render the vision above, by: o Effectively doing the teaching learning and also guidance to the students, in order to optimally develop students’ ability based on their potential. o Preparing the young generation who is mastering in knowledge and technology based on IPTEK and IMTAQ to ease them enter the Islamic state university o Improving the students’ intelligence, awareness and experiences of religion through school culture and society culture. o Forming and directing the students to have a life-skill to be autonomous. o Creating the best graduation of Islamic Senior High School.

C. Students

Like other schools, MA Darul Ma’arif also faced the increasing or decreasing of its student’s number every year, it is affected by many factors. Some of them are school achievements and society environment.

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