Father Complex Analysis of the Research

when she could not find it in life, she rather gave her life and committed suicide because it has been said in previous chapter that father based on several elements, and one of them is heaven. So she thought that she could meet with her father in heaven. She was willing to give her life in order to get her happiness like in sacrificial myth where the hero gives his life to meet his lover in heaven. Molleen could not get it while she was alive so she chose to end her life by getting back to her collective unconscious that was the sea and it also the place where her three beloved persons died. Jung also has mentioned in his book that Self archetype can only be achieved when we die.

2. Father Complex

The writer has mentioned in chapter II that complex was caused by some archetypes. In this story, Molleen was obsessed to find her father figure since she was left by her father. So Molleen was suffering father complex because she was affected by Father Archetype. The memory of her father and her father substitution, a boy named Macdarragh, had affected her whole aspects of life, even her marriage. Her husband, Liam, was always jealous toward Molleen’s father and a boy named Macdarragh, two people who always Molleen talked about. My mother Molleen used to taunt my father by talking about a boy named Macdarragh who she’d once been in love with. A boy who died. McBride 2005, 140 It always made them fought each other how the memory she had kept inside her heart and mind. Her husband even felt like living unhappy marriage. You’re leading me the life of the damned. McBride 2005, 141 Molleen’s behavior made her husband felt that he had to compete with the memory of them in Molleen’s heart. How can I ever compete with the two of them, Macdarragh and your own father fused together in your heart? McBride 2005, 229- 230 From the sentence we know that Molleen was obsessed with her father and Macdarragh memory. She could not forget about them and that became a barrier in her relationship with her husband. Her husband hated everything that connect Molleen with them, such as the little centaur figurine. He hated the little brass centaur. How many times as a child had I heard him ask her to throw it in the sea? McBride 2005, 230 Molleen always kept that figurine even to her marriage and she could not let it go. She never threw the figurine even her husband had already asked her to do it. She preferred to keep it than to obey her husband request. She could not let the memory of her father and her lover Macdarragh leave her mind. Molleen’s husband hatred toward her father and Macdarragh memory was getting bigger when Molleen started to give her affection and attention to a horse named Macdarragh. And the hatred toward the horse had leaded him to kill that horse. Twas I, Deirdre, who drove the horse off the cliff. McBride 2005, 244 The horse was the analogy of Molleen’s father and her lover Macdarragh. From the description above, we can conclude that Molleen was suffering father complex. She was always affected by her father memory and searched for her father substitution. The horse that also had the same name with her lover, Macdarragh, supposed to be her last hope to achieve her happiness, however it must die in the sea. She thought she could not get her happiness, so she preferred to end her life.

3. Centaur Figurine as One of Molleen’s Collective Unconscious