Answer – ænsƏr

b. Answer – ænsƏr

  c. That – ðæt

  d. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [α] vowel.

  A mispronunciation of this vowel was because the student’s mouth was not too opened. So, the sound that produced was like [Ə] vowel.

  e.g a. Month – mƏnθ

  b. Sun – sƏn

  c. Colour – colƏ(r) The right pronunciation is as follows :

  a. Month – mαnθ

  b. Sun – sαn

  c. Colour – cαlƏ(r)

  e. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [Ɛ] vowel

  Mispronunciation of this vowel was because the students were not habitual to pronounce [Ɛ] sound because in Indonesian they didn’t find this vowel and they need a process. So, the sounds that produced were like [Ə] or æ sound.

  e.g. a. Men – mƏn

  b. Yellow – yælloƱ

  c. Said -- sæit The right pronunciation is as follows :

  a. Men – mƐn

  b. Yellow – yƐlloƱ

  c. Said -- sƐit

  202 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5

  Tabulating Mispronunciation.

  The result from the students mispronunciation was showed that there were five kinds of vowels; [I] vowel, [i:] vowel, [æ] vowel, [α] vowel and [Ɛ] vowel known as mispronunciation. The mispronouncing vowels include of mispronouncing on [I] vowel 68 times or 46 , [i:] vowel 9 times or 6 , [æ] vowel 24 times or 16 , [α] vowel 19 times or 13 and [Ɛ] vowel 29 times or 19 . And the dominant mispronouncing on vowel is mispronouncing on [I] vowel 68 times or 46 .

  The data were taken from the students’ pronunciation given by the lecturer, so the researcher collected and calculated them. The result was showed that the mispronunciation on words ‘after’, ‘month’, and ‘men’ were 6 times or 0,04 ; ‘please’, ‘yellow’, ‘brother’, ‘see’ and ‘friend’ were 1 time or 0,006 ; ‘young’ was 9 times or 0,06 ; ‘hit’ was 17 times or 0,11 ; ‘milk’ and ‘swim’ were14 times or 0.09 ; ‘big’ was 21 times or 0,14 ; ‘leave’ and ‘that’ were 5 times or 0,03 ; ‘answer’ was 3 times or 0,02 ; ‘people’, ‘minute’ and ‘cat’ were 2 times or 0,01 ; ‘said’ was 20 times or 0,13 ; ‘thanks’ was 8 times or 0,05 and ‘color’ was

  4 times or 0,03 . The dominant mispronouncing on the type of mispronunciation in words was ‘big’ 21 times or 0,14 . There were three words that the students well in their pronunciation; they were ‘sun’, ‘be’ and ‘yesterday’. The data were taken from the students’ pronunciation given by the researcher, so the researcher collected and calculated them.


  This part of chapter IV discusses the finding that has been described in the previous part.

  The discussion attempts to the problem, and explain the findings. Mispronouncing on Pronunciation.

  a. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [I] vowel.

  These mispronunciations were happened because they couldn’t differentiate betweens [I] vowel and [i:] vowel. The right pronunciation [I] vowel could produce if the students’ lips were relax and lower their tongue a little.

  e.g. a. Big – bIg

  b. Swim – swIm

  c. Minute – mInIt

  b. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [i:] vowel.

  Mispronunciation on [i:] vowel were happened because when they pronounced [i:] vowel not too long, sometimes like [I] vowel or [Ɛ]. If they wants to produce the right [i:] vowel they should spread their lips.

  e.g. a. Be – bi:

  b. See – si:

  c. Please – pli:z

  c. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [æ] vowel

  Mispronunciation in this vowel was happened because they’re pronouncing like [Ɛ] vowel. The right pronouncing [æ] vowel can be produced if they open their mouth, spread their lips, push their tongue to the front.

  e.g. a. That – ðæt

  b. Thanks – θæŋk

  c. Cat -- kæt

  P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 203 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 203

  This mispronounciation was happened because the students were not too opened their mouth. If they want to produce the right pronouncing of [α] vowel, their mouth should be opened.

  e.g. a. Young -- yαŋ

  b. Sun -- sαŋ

  c. Brother -- brαð Ə(r)

  e. Mispronunciation in pronouncing [Ɛ] vowel.

  Mispronunciation on [Ɛ] vowel happened because sometimes their pronunciation like [Ə] vowel. The right pronunciation [Ɛ] vowel can be produced if the students’ mouths are almost closed, and the students spread their lips.

  e.g. a. Said -- sƐd

  b. Yesterday – yƐstƏda Based on the findings that have been described on the previous part, it can be seen that the highest percentage of mispronunciation made by the second semester students of English Department at STKIP PGRI Pasuruan was in the [I] vowel.

  It showed on table 4.1, that mostly students have made mispronunciation especially in the [I] vowel which reached 68 times or 46 than the other vowels, which involved mispronouncing on [i:] vowel; [æ] vowel; [α] vowel and [Ɛ] vowel. And the lowest percentage of the type of mispronouncing is [i:] vowel, which reached 9 times or 6 .

  One of the factors caused of the highest percentage of mispronouncing English vowels were the students’ pronunciation were not correct. It means that the students’ lips didn’t relax, and they didn’t make their tongue a little bit lower. There are many factors that make the students’ pronouncing is not correct, for examples : (1) the area in which they grew up; (2) the area in which they now live; (3) if they have speech or voice disorder; (4) their ethnic group; (5) their social class; (6) their education; (7) the English pronunciation is different with Indonesian pronunciation; and (8) in Indonesian pronunciation of vowels they didn’t faced the vowels like in EnglishNo two people pronounce exactly alike. The differences arise from a variety of causes such as locality, early influences, and social surroundings. Besides, there are also individual peculiarities for which it is difficult or impossible to account (Jones, 1967 : 11). Someone ability in pronunciation influenced with kinds of factors.

  Pronunciation problems happened when speaking a second language because most people are used to hearing and making sounds, which only exist in their mother tongue. Here are a few suggestion on how to train the students’ pronunciation : (1) the students’ learn to recognize that English sounds and Indonesian sounds are different; (2) they learn to hear clearly and think about how sounds are made when they are listening; (3) discover how this sounds are made and (4) practice moving your jaw, tongue, lips etc. as correctly as possible so that they are able to make the problematic English sounds clearly (

  Considering those factors the students have made errors very frequently in pronouncing [I]. Most of the students felt that learning pronunciation was difficult enough for them.

  It is a good idea to try to imitate English words whenever we are listening to anything in English such as watching TV, watching a movie, listening to the radio or music, etc. We should also try to pronounce English words whenever we are somewhere alone with a little time to spare, e.g. while waiting for the bus, taking a shower, or surfing the web. Once your mouth and tongue get used to the new sounds, you will not find them difficult at all.

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  The researcher also gives some tips for the reader who wants to learn the English pronunciation: (1) do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling; (2) imagine a sound in our mind before we say it. Try to visualize the positioning of your mouth and face. Think about how we are going to make the sound; (3) listen to and try to imitate each word when listening the radio or watching TV; (4) the English language has many different dialects, and words can be pronounced differently. It is important, however, that we are pronouncing words clearly to ensure effective communication and finally (5) we must practice what we are learning. Remember that we are teaching our mouth a new way to move. We are building muscles that we do not use in our own language. It is like going to the gym and exercising our body. Use the program to exercise our mouth a little bit each day