Social Strategies

3) Social Strategies

  a) Developing Cultural Understanding to the Nature of Paraphrasing.

  This affective strategy provided learners a background knowledge of the culture of the speakers of the language for a better understanding of new vocabulary words and exploring cultural and social norms. This strategy included questioning for clarification, asking for explanation, or verification to become aware of social norms.

  Over here I find two new vocabularies the first one is tempo and the second is multiword. Ok I will look up at dictionary first. I find that the tempo word is speed ee ... maybe I can change it into speed but this related with the ability of speaking so I will change it into speed of speaking. (Subject 1)

  Subject 1 noticed that there were two words that he didn’t know the meaning. For the first word, tempo, he looked up the meaning at dictionary, however he thought that the dictionary meaning of the word didn’t match to the sentence meaning. He, then, considered background of the text and he came to an understanding of the word tempo into speed of speaking. The process of considering background of the text might include into the condition of understanding vocabulary by exploring cultural or social norm. He took the way of verifying the word from dictionary.

  How do the students’ verified paraphrasing strategies relate to the quality of their paraphrase?

  This question links three domain areas. The first domain was connected to student’s perceptions on paraphrasing, the second was related to student’s paraphrasing strategies, and the last domain was students’ paraphrasing quality. This discussion revealed how the relationship between them in determining the quality of students paraphrases. The researcher has classified the subject into three categories or paraphrasing quality by finding the mean of their

  160 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 160 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5

  a) Somewhat Appropriate Group.

  The subjects perceived that the purpose of paraphrasing is to simplify the content, to avoid plagiarism, to improve clarity of the content, and to reformulate the same ideas using different words. To them, such a concept and definition of paraphrasing seemed already set as in their in long-term memory and easily applied when the subjects were writing the paraphrases during the task.

  The words I don’t’ understand here are: dates back, latter part, and acquisition. After I checked dictionary, the word acquisition relates to language ability, while dates back means something that was done or something to do (Subject 1 finding the appropriate definition or synonyms of difficult vocabularies) Children who are at school age will learn both something which can be talked and which can’t be talked as they learn about the social functions of their language (the use of appropriate alternative grammar structure using coordination performed by Subject 4) The social function of children language is should be learned in their school in order they understand the word that should be avoided or the word is should be used (Subject 3). (the use of sufficient syntactical shift, word order, active to passive performed by Subject 4)

  b) Somewhat Inappropriate Paraphrasing Group.

  This group actually also have applied what somewhat appropriate group did. On the understanding on paraphrasing, actually Subject 6 had better capacity of knowledge as revealed from the interview. She had a better understanding on what paraphrasing is and she even gave appropriate way to paraphrase. She stated that paraphrasing was to rephrase rewrite the information from outside sources using their own words without changing the original meaning.

  In the matter of how to paraphrase, Subject 6 explained that “when we paraphrase, the paraphrased sentence should be in about the same length. We also should choose appropriate synonyms for word and phrases (use keywords, vocabularies substitution) and use alternative grammar structures”. She also revealed the important to cite or referring attribution to original author by mentioning the source. However, since her lack proficiency in English, she often made some mistakes in elaborating and defining the core of the sentence. “The contraction tempo now days starts to raise many words are uttered in daily life and many combinations uttered as multiword sentences” (Subject 6). Subject 6 made mistakes in finding the synonym or the equivalent word of production tempo and the use of wrong order word to replace “many combinations uttered as multiword sentences” became “combinations of multi-word sentences are uttered”.

  c) In appropriate Paraphrasing Group.

  Inappropriate or unacceptable paraphrasing is usually caused by making only superficial changes to the original text such as replacing some of the words with synonyms or changing the sentence order. Unacceptable paraphrasing usually showed ones did not have a significant understanding of the subject and opens the possibility of misrepresenting the original author's ideas.

  P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 161

  The last group was classified as inappropriate paraphrasing group since the subjects perform inappropriate paraphrasing. When we referred back to their knowledge or understanding on paraphrasing, this group acknowledge that paraphrasing was simply changing

  a sentence or paragraph using their own words by “retaining the original meaning” (Subject 7 and Subject 8).