Compensation Strategies.

3) Compensation Strategies.

  Compensation strategies help students to use the language even they have large gaps in knowledge. This strategy was intended to make up for a lack of knowledge in the areas of grammar and vocabulary.

  a) Using Dictionaries or Thesaurus.

  Dictionary appears to be an important tool for almost all the subjects not only to find the meaning of newly encountered words but also to confirm and check their understanding of meaning existing in their repertoire of vocabulary. During the task, all the subjects were provided with dictionary either electronic (through hand phone) or Bilingual (English-English) dictionary. The following excerpt from Subject 1 shows the utilization of dictionary:

  158 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5

  The word that I still do not understand here is Dates back, latter part, and the latter is acquisition. But after I searched the dictionary for word acquisition here in my understanding related to language abilities or language skills and of course dealing with children or the children. And on the back dates, which I found here is something that has done or something to do ... " (Subject 1)

  b. Indirect Strategies

  1) Metacognitive Strategies.

  These strategies go beyond purely cognitive devices and provide the students with a way to coordinate their learning process. Metacognitive strategies have positive effects to support cognitive strategies. Meaning the use of metacognitive strategies assists students in applying cognitive strategies in task completion.

  a) Over Viewing and Linking with Already Known Material.

  This strategy dealt with over viewing comprehensively a key concept, principle, or set of materials in an upcoming language activity and associating it with what student has already known. This strategy can be accomplished in many different ways, learning why the activity is being done, building the needed vocabulary, and making the associations. Below is the example script taken from Subject 6’s verbalized report in case of linking with already known materials. “…if not mistaken, I ever known the word insight. It means wawasan (perception). For the word “derived” it comes from what come to be known as the series method” (Subject 6).

  b) Identifying the Purpose of a Language Task.

  This strategy dealt with the subject consciousness in identifying the purpose of language task. All subjects of the study actually aware their purpose of doing the task. That was why before starting their paraphrasing task they clarified what would they do concerning the task. This strategy helped the students maintained their purpose of doing task in order to fully aware of what they doing. Quotation bellow represented the fact of her awareness of the task:

  “Here, I will try to quote from many sources about Language Acquisition for Children” (Subject 1). Here I’d like to paraphrase for number one (Subject 2, Subject 4)

  I have opinion that the key words of this paragraph “Modern” research on child language acquisition so I don’t need to change that sentence but I have to change another sentence as usual I do in paraphrasing (Subject 6)

  c) Self-Monitoring for the Mistakes or Problems in Paraphrasing.

  When the subjects got difficulties in paraphrasing the original sentence, they performed many different strategies. Many subjects performed self-monitoring as a metacognitive strategy, in order to take control over their mistakes or their difficulties when they paraphrased. Self- monitoring actually is an internal mental process in which individual record data of what they were doing in order to adjust or encounter their difficulties. It involved checking, verifying and correcting of their performance during a paraphrasing task. Subject 3, Subject 5, Subject 6, Subject 7 and Subject 8 were the subjects who often practiced this strategy.

  d) Self-Evaluating for Checking Paraphrasing Work.

  Evaluating the full sentence of paraphrase was commonly the last step taken by all the subjects in both groups to check the accuracy of grammar and equality of meaning. This was especially visible as this strategy occurred close to the reading of the full original text before the subjects decided to stop doing the task. Subjects 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 applied this self-evaluating

  P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 159 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l H a s i l P e n e l i t i a n P e n d i d i k a n d a n P e m b e l a j a r a n V o l . 1 N o . 1 T a h u n 2 0 1 5 159

  The paraphrase will be: Furthermore the German philosopher Dietrich Tiedemann made

  a note of his monitoring from his young son which is about expansion of the psychological and linguistics to the last part of the century after seventeenth (Subject 4)